Warming the foundation with your own hands

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Thermal insulation of the foundation is an important stage of house insulation. There are several ways to make the foundation warming yourself. The chosen technology will depend on the complexity of work and the cost of materials, as well as the quality of thermal insulation.

Warming the foundation with your own hands

Insulation of the foundation with your own hands

Ways of foundation warming

Technologies that make it possible to insulate the foundation and isolate the building from lower temperatures from the ground can be divided into two groups:

  • Warming of the foundation from the outside;
  • Warming foundation from the inside.

The most effective is the insulation from the outside, and begin its implementation better at the stage of erection of the foundation. If it is a question of warming the foundation or the basement of an already standing building, then external insulation can only be carried out after preparatory work for cleaning and drying the foundation.

Warming of the foundation from the inside is also used in a number of cases, for example, when access to the foundation from the outside is limited. Insulation from the inside allows you to raise the temperature in the basement, but it does not protect the foundation from the harmful effects of moisture and sudden changes in temperature.

Methods of foundation insulation from outside

There are a lot of technologies for external insulation of the foundation, but they all come down to four main stages:

  • Preparation and cleaning of the foundation;
  • Waterproofing;
  • Warming;
  • Finishing.

Warming of the foundation in a backfilling way

It is carried out with the help of expanded clay, gravel, sand, buried in a trench, excavated along the basement. Due to good removal of moisture from the foundation of the foundation does not allow its destruction.

A sample of basement warming in a filling manner

A sample of foundation insulation with a backfilling method

Technological design:

  1. Along the basement, dig a trench with a width of at least 80 cm to its full depth, after which the foundation walls are cleaned of dirt, sand, dust. Dry the foundation.
  2. Waterproofing with a coating or coating method. Bituminous mastic is used for the coating. Oaklechny method involves the use of ruberoid or other film coatings, glued to a suitable composition.
  3. The trench is filled with filler: to the bottom - a layer of sand about 20 cm, rammed, then poured construction clay or gravel. Level the soil level or slightly higher.
  4. Perform a blind, observing the slope of the walls, as well as finishing the walls of the foundation, located above the soil level.

Insulation of the foundation with foam plates

It is carried out with the help of plates of expanded polystyrene( foam plastic) fixed on the foundation with the help of glue or mastic. Thermal insulation properties of such insulation, due to the ability of the foam plastic to retain heat, are high. The foam has a serious drawback - it is often damaged by rodents. Therefore, on top of the insulation layer, it is necessary to fix the mesh-netting.

Warming foundation with foam plates

Foundation insulation with foam plates

Technology of execution:

  1. Prepare the foundation: dug out, clean and dry.
  2. The foundation is treated with a primer for concrete with antibacterial components, after drying it is waterproofed with a lubricating method.
  3. The foundation is fastened to the crate of a pine bar, treated with biosecurity for foundations and structures in contact with the soil. Between them, sheets of foam are installed.
  4. Foam is fixed with special dowels in the form of a fungus, all gaps are filled or shpaklyuyut, and on top of the whole structure is protected with a mesh. The net is attached to the crate.
  5. The foam layer under the mesh is plastered with a cement-sand mortar.
  6. After drying the solution, the trench is covered with river sand. The protruding part of the foundation is faced and executed.

Penoplex, a modern and more durable material, is resistant to deformation and damage to rodents. It can be glued directly to the foundation, to a layer of bitumen mastic or glue.

Foundation warming with polyurethane foam

A modern and very effective method, however, it requires the use of special equipment and is not cheap. But the quality of insulation is incomparable to any other method - polyurethane foam has excellent adhesion and serves not only as a heater, but also as a waterproofing.

Foundation insulation with polyurethane foam

Foundation insulation with polyurethane foam

Technology of execution:

  1. The surface is prepared for insulation: clean, dry, remove dust. Work should be carried out in the warm season, since at temperatures below plus 10 degrees, the adhesion of the polyurethane foam to the foundation surface deteriorates.
  2. Polyurethane foam is sprayed onto the surface with a thin layer, after which it increases several times in volume. Forming a strong, hermetic, environmentally friendly insulating layer without cold bridges.
  3. After stabilization of the foam, reinforcement, plastering, trenching and other cladding work are carried out.

Insulation of the inside of the foundation

The internal thermal insulation of the foundation can be carried out by spraying the polyurethane foam layer, as well as with foam, mineral wool and any other insulation.

Process of foundation insulation from within

Process of foundation insulation from within

Technology of execution:

  1. The walls of the foundation are dried, if in the basement it is very wet - you can use for this purpose a heat gun.
  2. The surface is cleaned of dirt, dust, debris and thermal insulation. Prime with antibacterial composition for brick and concrete.
  3. Perform a coating of waterproofing with the help of compositions based on bitumen.
  4. If mineral wool or polystyrene plates are used as insulation, a frame of bars is prepared. It is also waterproofed.
  5. Lay the insulation in the wire mesh or spray polyurethane foam.
  6. When applying a moisture-permeable insulation on top of it, put a layer of membrane vapor barrier to remove water vapor.
  7. Attach reinforcing mesh, plaster, then finish.

The implementation of thermal insulation by any of the above methods will improve the microclimate in the house and extend the life of the foundation. Warming the foundation is necessary throughout the perimeter of the building: the insulation of individual areas can lead to its premature destruction due to various operating conditions.

In addition, we advise you to read about: Finishing the base with your own hands, as well as about the insulation of walls with foam plastic with your hands.

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