Polypropylene sewer pipes - reliable construction of your sewage system

Material features

Polypropylene pipes for sewerage are produced by hot extrusion of stabilized polypropylene having a light gray color. The main advantages of such sewers, in comparison with this kind of systems of other materials, are:

  • increased resistance to chemicals;
  • excellent hydraulic properties;
  • no corrosion;
  • no overgrowth in the system;
  • smooth surface;
  • light weight.

Thanks to the use of polypropylene for the manufacture of sewer pipes, it was possible to significantly improve the temperature regime of operation in internal systems. This material has high strength properties, thanks to which polypropylene pipes for internal sewage can withstand impacts even at low temperatures. They can also withstand the prolonged flow of hot water, which is why they are so popular for the creation of household sewer systems.

Polypropylene is absolutely not dangerous for humans and the environment, it does not release toxic substances and does not have a harmful effect on the human body. Polypropylene sewer pipes, GOST 26996, can be used in domestic sewage systems, without fear for their health. This is an added advantage of these products.

Important! When purchasing products from polypropylene, it is necessary to pay attention to the manufacturer of this product and quality certificates. They must meet the requirements of GOST.

Installation of the sewage system

Connections of polypropylene pipes take place with the socket structure. To ensure the tightness of the connections in the internal system, rubber rings are used, which are installed in the mouths. The use of sealing rings makes it possible to significantly accelerate the installation of this type of system and ensure the reliability of the connections in it. Due to the quick installation, there is a saving of money and time.

With the help of polypropylene pipes, it is possible to install almost any supplies, drains, etc., and also to install risers for domestic sewerage. In addition, such pipes can be concreted, for example, in wall slabs.

Important! Before concreting the wall slabs, the gaps between the sockets and the couplings must be sealed with adhesive tape so that the concrete does not get into the pipes.

Polypropylene pipes for outdoor sewerage have increased frost resistance characteristics and, as a rule, are installed either underground or together with a heating main. In this case, they have a large diameter and are used for outdoor sewage systems( citywide or rural).

Transport and storage

Important! Transport of pipes must be carried out at a temperature of at least -10 ° C.

For transportation, loading and unloading of polypropylene products below -10 ° C, special devices must be used to securely fix such a product, and special precautions must be taken.

Lay the pipes only on a flat surface. Keep these products in unheated rooms, isolate them from sunlight and precipitation. Remember, adhering to the basic rules of storage and operation of the presented building material, you not only keep it intact and safe, but also save money for the purchase of the material. This is especially important in our time, when every penny counts!

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