Ultrasonic bath: for injectors, liquid, how to make your own, cleaning and care

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Ultrasonic bath
  • Application
  • Cleaning injectors
  • Device
  • Types
  • About ultrasound
  • Features
  • Additional functions
  • Advice for choosing
  • How to make your own hands?
  • Operation and Maintenance
  • What liquids to use?
  • Tips

The last time opticians and jewelers willingly offer a service of ultrasonic cleaning. A special unit called ultrasonic bath( ultrasonic bath) is used for the procedure, where there is a special reservoir for placing the processed items. Useful properties of ultrasound appear in a special liquid. The master needs to put the object, turn on the device, then wash it. Minimal action!

Theoretically, such a bath can be made of any capacity, using special equipment to create and distribute ultrasound.

Ultrasonic bath

Application of

Purification of objects is the simplest and most common way of using ultrasonic baths in most industries. The device is in great demand in medicine, research - using ultrasound to accelerate reactions, conduct tests with substances, sterilize instruments. It is necessary to clean hard-to-reach places, fine and small work, supplemented with special reagents. Wide application was received by the device in workshops of office equipment, mobile phones, from jewelers, in the auto industry filters and engines are washed.

Therefore, it is very useful for some individual entrepreneurs to have an assistant who will conduct part of the operations, freeing the time and hands of the master for more important and complex work.

Ultrasonic bath from the inside
Ultrasonic bath from the inside
Ultrasonic bath from the inside
Ultrasonic bath from the inside
Ultrasonic bath from the inside

Cleaning injectors

In car care centers, an ultrasonic bath is used for different cleanings, helping to get deep inside and speed up the repair process. For example, cleaning the nozzles is a fairly common operation. This option is not suitable for ceramic products.

Preliminary need to disassemble the parts in order to reach the nozzles and check them on the test device, and then immerse the ultrasonic bath filled with a special solution into the container. At the end of the process, a second check is made.

The method is considered more effective than just flushing, but at the same time, wear of parts becomes more due to cavitation. Because of this and technical nuances, cleaning the nozzles with ultrasound is used for a large run and contamination.

Open ultrasonic bath
Cleaning the nozzles in an ultrasonic bath

For cleaning injectors of ultrasonic injectors, see the following video.


The design of the ultrasonic bath reduces to three elements( except capacity):

  • Generator, creating ultrasonic vibrations;
  • Emitter, which converts vibrations into mechanical vibration;
  • The heating element( an additional part that improves efficiency) creates the temperature conditions for the best process, can heat liquid media up to 70 °.

On how the purchased ultrasonic bath is arranged, see the following video.

Types of

Bathtubs are in demand in many industries, the difference lies in the size of the parts that require cleaning, frequency of application and the amount of work:

  • Portable - neat devices with a capacity of up to 1 liter, are used for private or commercial cleaning of small parts. Simplified models are distinguished by simple design, minimal number of functions. For masters make semi-professional devices with additional options, electronic control, stainless steel tank of excellent quality.
  • Industrial ultrasonic baths differ in dimensions: their working volume can be more than 10 liters, the minimum - from 4 liters. Virtually all of them have a heating function, timers and additional cleaning options.
Portable ultrasonic bath
Industrial ultrasonic bath

About ultrasound

Ultrasound is a physical term that characterizes the level of sound or noise, outside of human hearing, its range is defined as 16 kHz - 1000 kHz.

When studying ultrasonic waves, it was found that they cause a kind of "boiling" of liquid substances, because of which the bubbles do not float, but explode, causing additional waves. Conditionally this process was given the name of "cavitation", which formed the basis of the ultrasonic bath.

The size of bubbles depends on the frequency of ultrasound: the higher the sound, the smaller the bubbles. Therefore, this method allows you to push dirt and debris from the surface of harder objects. Cavitation has a feedback with the height of ultrasound: from small bubbles, the pressure of the emerging waves is smaller, so at a relatively low frequency, cavitation is stronger. In this case, the "marks" on the surface can remain, changing it at the level of the smallest particles. It turns out that the higher the frequency, the smaller the bubbles and the less their traces.

Ultrasonic bath


Where precision jewelry and fine cleaning are required, ultrasonic baths are indispensable, they have a number of advantages compared to any other mechanical method of cleaning:

  • There is no need to personally participate in the work, after loading the object into the bath it remains only to turn on the device;
  • No direct skin contact with chemistry, no negative health effects;
  • The whole surface is cleaned - the smallest meshes, grooves, gaps, which can not get napkins, brushes, etc.;
  • Ultrasound does not leave marks, chips and other gross damage on the surface.

Ultrasound is able to clean up sediment, paste residues, any corrosion, films, including protective ones. Some stones and minerals are of organic origin or belong to sedimentary rocks, which makes them somewhat sensitive to such processing. For this reason it is necessary to pay attention to corals, pearls, opals, malachites, emeralds, turquoise, tanzanites, lapis, and exclude them from the list of works: after the ultrasonic bath, the "beauty" of the stone, its faceting and polishing is disrupted.

Ultrasonic cleaning of the gold chain

Additional functions of

Using accessories and special features simplifies and facilitates the work of the device, in some cases - increases efficiency.

The most common functions:

  • Multi-mode. The simplest household ultrasound baths work with 1-2 modes. Semi-professional allows you to configure up to 5 modes. Diversity is associated with the nature of the work and the purpose of cleaning.
  • The timer measures the running time and automatically turns off the device, is provided on almost all models except the simplest and budget-friendly home options.
  • Heating have almost all models, it increases efficiency and speeds up the process. The liquid is heated to a maximum of 70 ° C, this is even more than the required values. The optimal heating temperature is 50 ° -60 ° C.
  • Protection - disconnect the device without liquid and save it from overheating.
  • Antistatic - a property useful in the repair of cellular and office equipment, it is also achieved using specific purifiers.
  • Electronic control panels, light indicators. Of course, this is cheating, which increases the price of an ultrasound bath, but it is difficult without them.
  • Accessories help make work simple and easy. These are nets and baskets for placing and washing parts, they will protect the steel container from contact with objects, damage and scratches. This will significantly extend the life of the device. To accessories it is possible to carry and transparent covers. This is very convenient, especially with the simultaneous cleaning of several small items.
Ultrasonic bath
Ultrasonic bath

How to clean coins in an ultrasonic bath, see the following video.

Advice for choosing

Select Ultrasound bath is an important and important step that depends entirely on the purpose of cleaning, the scope of application. It is with an eye on them that the operating parameters are selected:

  • The volume of the ultrasonic bath is related to the size and the number of parts, the items that you will clean. It is forbidden to put these objects on the surface of the bath( there is a possibility of resonance and subsequent breakage of the device), so it is better to buy a basket in the kit, so that at least 3 cm remains to the bottom.
  • The frequency of waves is a concept from applied physics. Depending on the nature of cleaning and the sensitivity of the material, the operating frequency is selected or an ultrasonic bath with a tuned range is selected.

20-50 kHz - a relatively rough cleaning, used for industrial facilities and parts in the automotive industry. A frequency of 20 kHz can destroy cellular structures, but 35-40 kHz is the operating range for household cleaning of resistant surfaces.

50-100 kHz - intensive and softer cleaning, used in medicine and jewelry. Suitable for partial sterilization.

Ultrasonic bath

How to make your own hands?

Creative and capable technicians can create "an ultrasonic dream bath" themselves. This will require a small experience of electromechanics, savvy and simple devices: resistant to the impact of a strong deep bowl of stainless steel, a bath of dielectric( such as porcelain or glass), smaller in size than the bowl. A magnetic coil, a flat magnet for radio engineering, a non-conducting rod, a pulse converter and a pump are useful.

The transformer will act as a generator, the capacitances form the working volume of the bath, and the radiator is made from the remaining spare parts: you have to rewind the wire from the bobbin to the prepared dielectric stick, the magnet is passed to the ferrite tail.

After making the workpiece of the radiator, connect the bowls, leaving the porcelain inside the metal. It is necessary to make a hole from below for contact with the radiator, and in the ceramic crockery there are two opposite "passages" for the liquid. If you connect them to the pump, the process of updating the liquid can be automated. Here the radiator is located at the bottom, there may be several, and possibly placed on the sides of the bath. By connecting the emitter and the generator, it is necessary to fill the containers with a cleaning liquid and only then to plug it into the network. The inverter must be strong and compensate for possible voltage surges. To do this, a device for sensitive technology used in telepathy and computer repair is suitable.

Application of an ultrasonic bath for cleaning objects you can see in the next video.

Operation and care for

When working with a UZBAN, remember:

  • Operation of the device can only take place if there is liquid. Running an empty bath will break. For the same reason, you need to monitor the fluid level. But to leave the device working or connected to the network can not: except for the voltage jump there is a danger in the form of evaporation of the liquid. To prolong the service life, connect the ultrasonic bath directly for cleaning operations.
  • If the liquid is used during the bath operation, the heating function must be switched off. Many of them contain chlorine compounds, dangerous for inhalation and safe in liquid form.
  • Since liquid reagents are used in the ultrasonic bath, cleaning is necessary after cleaning. It can be carried out in a container of the device, in a separate tank( crockery or sink) with purified or running water, with a special composition. To clean treated include treated with chemistry and active ions or distilled water.

In the next video you can see the process of ultrasound bath care.

What kind of fluids to use?

Liquids supplement the action of ultrasound, which means they are divided into spheres of application:

  • Washing liquids( Vega, Lira, Zestron-FA) on an alcohol basis are suitable for workshops, cleaning boards and plates.
  • Universal and universal purifiers differ in their composition( alkaline, aqueous), in their composition have surfactants. For example, "OM / UZ Metal Cleaner" is suitable for car repair shops, Cleaner TM Flea No. 2 - in jewelry salons, but Cleaner TM-RemSkal 30 Special for silverware is used by specialists, possibly home use, TM-RemRad cleaner on water basis- for repair of office equipment
  • Shampoo concentrates are sensitive to surfaces, remove static electricity. Creolan is used for cleaning and disinfection in dentistry, medicine, optics and jewelry. The economy is a universal tool.

The concentrations of substances differ, and their packing is 0.15 - 5 liters.

Liquid for ultrasonic bath
Liquid for ultrasonic bath


For commerce( cosmetology, dentistry, repair and jewelry workshops) an ultrasonic bath is necessary. Carefully read the instructions of the device and the auxiliary fluids. Important working concentration, the presence of odor and exposure to materials. In addition, different fluids can have different exposure times, so the steps of the cleansing process sometimes have to be selected independently.

The cleaning procedure does not completely replace sterilization, but is the processing step, therefore, SanPiN recommendations can not be ignored.

The ultrasonic bath is a good example of taming scientific achievements for domestic needs, but like any electrical appliance it requires attention and careful attitude. This is the secret of successful application.

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