Garden path - how to decorate the garden with your hands in a practical and elegant way?

A list of the necessary materials and tools for creating a wooden track

A wooden path in the garden is an unusual element in the garden. To lay it, you can use different types of wood. It all depends on whether there is already a sawn wood or a dry tree, preparing for logging. An excellent material is considered to be massive branches, logs, boards.

To create a track you will need wooden penechki

The following materials will be required:

  • Wood bars, hemp from different breeds;
  • Electric chain saw for cutting wood;
  • Clay;
  • Mote of polyethylene material;
  • Brush for painting;
  • Capacity( preferably metal);
  • Cement;
  • Sand;
  • Drying oil as base for paint.

All tools should be carefully selected to not miss a single moment in the process of arranging the garden path.

Introductory processes, or how to prepare the ground for a track

When starting a track laying, it is necessary to perform a list of preparatory actions:

  1. Pick up material - wooden penechki, rings. Knowing their diameter, you need to determine the number. Cutting a tree is worth making a chainsaw, it makes cutting quickly and does not leave rough surfaces on the surface. The thickness of the penis should be five centimeters. A smaller size will make the track fragile and unusable.

    The thickness of the wood rings should correspond to a measurement of 5 cm

  2. Fill the metal container with linseed oil. Heat it on fire.
  3. Use a brush to apply linseed oil to cut rings made of wood.
  4. Dry the material.

The process of creating a track yourself: photo

It is necessary to adhere to a certain sequence of actions:

  1. It is necessary to choose a tree in advance and determine the diameter of the circle. When laying it is important to observe some elevation of the penechkov above the ground( this will allow the melt water not to accumulate on the path).

    Penis should have some elevation above the ground

  2. It is worthwhile to prepare the soil for the path. It is necessary to remove the top layer of the earth with a shovel. This will create a favorable basis for the wooden material.
  3. Place the film on the bottom of the ground groove to lay the film. You can use clay. This is done to avoid excessive humidity.
  4. Sand the clay or film.
  5. Start laying the tree. Place the rings as close to each other as possible. Pour grout between the material with cement mortar.

    Slots can be filled with stones

  6. After drying, drench the path with water.

Note: The length, the width of the track is selected individually. If desired, you can build curbs and plant around the edges of ornamental plants.

Finished walkway made of wooden hemp

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