Wash-basin for a summer residence: with a curbstone and without it, with heating and without how to make the hands

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Washbasin for cottages
  • Types
    • Heated( electric with water heater)
    • Without heating
    • Street stand
    • With cabinet
    • Without pedestal
    • Moydodyr
    • Of plastic bottles
    • For garden and cottage
  • Stainless steel or plastic?
  • Where and at what height should I set?
  • How to make your own hands: the most simple ways of

Water supply of a dacha is one of the most important tasks for a comfortable pastime in the suburban area. Therefore, the choice of a washstand for dacha can be called a topical issue for any summer resident. What kind of dacha laundromat can be? From what material is better to look after the washbasin, which will stand at the cottage? Is it possible not to buy a ready-made version, but to make by yourself? Let's consider these issues in more detail.

Outdoor washbasin for summer residence


Heated( electric with water heater)

This washbasin is a modern and very user-friendly option. Thanks to the presence of a heating element you get warm water at the dacha at any time. It is often chosen for installation inside the country house, especially if the washbasin is to be used in autumn and winter. The average volume of the tank in such washbasins is 15-20 liters. It is most often plastic or metal.

Washbasin for heated water

Without heating

Washbasins of this type are installed outdoors and used in summer hot weather, when under the sunlight the water in the tank heats up by itself.

Wash basin for water without heating water

Street stand

This washbasin is a water tank fixed to a metal stand. It is very easy to install this variant of a country washbasin - by pressing a steel crossbar at the bottom of the rack, then its horns enter the soil. As a result, you can choose for such a model a place in any part of the country plot, even among the beds of potatoes and raspberry bushes. In the reservoir of such a washbasin, usually 8-15 liters of water are placed.

Street washbasin on the counter for giving

With cabinet

This is an option of a very solid dacha washbasin, which besides a washbasin and a water tank has a special cabinet. The complete set of cottage sinks with a bedside table can be very diverse. Some models have a mirror, others have hooks for towels. In such a washbasin there can be both the simplest tap for cold water only and a mixer( if you plan to connect the product to water supply).

You can install this wash basin anywhere in the country, but preferably a place under a canopy so that furniture is less affected by changes in temperature and humidity, as well as sunlight. This kind of washbasin is often chosen for installation on the veranda or inside the cottage. If the model is oversized, in the summer season, it can stand on the street, and when warm days end, be transferred to the premises.

Washbasin with a curbstone

Without pedestal

This is the simplest model of the washbasin, as it is only a plastic barrel-shaped water tank that has a clamping spout. The device is suspended on a board clogged in the ground, or on a wall, and under it is installed a bucket, where the dirty water will flow.

Pour water into the reservoir by hand, and when its stock is exhausted, it will be necessary to refill the tank with water. Such a reservoir can be circular and rectangular, and instead of a clamping spout there can be a valve valve. Capacity can hold an average of 10-15 liters of water.

Blue plastic washbasin for summer residence


This is the name of the dacha washbasin, in the design of which there is a sink, a tank and a curbstone. It is a functional model, convenient for use in the country house and on the street. Despite the existence of a curbstone, it is easy to transfer my mashodyr. Inside the curbstone put a bucket into which the used water is collected. Since the model provides a sink, it is convenient to wash hands, dishes and fruits in such a washbasin.

Washbasin-moydodyr for summer residence

From plastic bottles

This type of dacha wash basin can be made independently, cutting the bottom of a large bottle and connecting it to an arch or a tree. Pouring water into this bottle, you can open the lid a little or make a hole in it to get a jet of water under which you can wash your hands.

Washbasin from plastic bottle for summer residence

For the garden and villas

Such washbasins are street devices that are not connected to either the water main or to the sewage system. All such structures have a reservoir in which water is accumulated. Establish such a washstand in any corner of the garden or suburban area. The choice of garden and dacha washbasins is very diverse - from the most simple hanging models made by own hands, to the chic design of designers.

Homemade wash basin with a simple water dispenser
Homemade washbasin for dacha
Plastic wash-hand basin( wash-basin) for cottages

Stainless or plastic?

These two materials are most often used for the manufacture of a country washbasin. The choice can be based on your personal wishes, but keep in mind that the product made of stainless steel is more durable and reliable. In addition, in the case where the wash basin of plastic accidentally falls, the probability of its damage is much higher than when the device is dropped from a stainless steel.

Stainless steel washbasin for summer residence
Plastic washbasin for summer residence

Where and at what height should I set?

First of all, you should decide whether you want to install a wash basin in a holiday home or put it on the street. Outside the house it is easier to mount such a plumbing, since it is not necessary to connect a wash basin to the water pipe and take care of the drain into the sewerage system.

However, if you plan to stay in the country and in cold weather, it's worthwhile to think about installing a washbasin inside the house. A compromise can be the purchase of a moydodyra, which can be kept in the summer on the street, and as soon as it gets colder, transfer the device to the house.

If your washbasin is equipped with a sink, the most convenient location is the height between 83-90 cm from the ground level.

Wash-hand basin( wash-hand basin) for dacha, its location

How to make your own hands: the simplest ways of

If you do not have any options for a ready washstand or you want to do something for yourself, you can do it on your own. The simplest kind of dachshund can be a suspended plastic bottle, which we mentioned above.

By the same principle, you can use other improvised containers, which are often found in the country - plastic or metal cans, barrels, cans, buckets. After choosing a place for a homemade washbasin, make a hole in the selected container. On both sides of the hole, attach rubber gaskets, install the valve, and then tighten it with nuts.

Do not forget about the diversion of water. If there is no desire to put a container under the washbasin in which the water will be collected or drain into a cesspool, just fill in the place of installation of the washbasin with enough gravel, through which the water will go into the soil.

Washbasin for dacha with own hands from a wooden barrel

You can also get a modern and practical model of a country wash basin if you act according to the plan:

  1. Buy a special water tank, as well as sanitary fittings.
  2. Choose the sink with the right size and design.
  3. Buy the materials from which you make the frame to connect the tank and the sink. Most often, the frame is made of metal or wood. Having planned to make a washstand with a curbstone, you can adapt an old table or chest of drawers for it.
  4. Buy the materials needed to bring water to the washbasin, as well as to connect the sewage system.
  5. Gather all together and get a homemade but high-quality dacha laver.
Frame for a future washstand in the country
Homemade washbasin for dacha
Washbasin for dacha own hands

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