Effective methods for the destruction of cockroaches at home

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It may seem that these insects lie in wait for us everywhere. They fill kitchens, bathrooms and toilets. It is unlikely that there will be at least one person ready to tolerate such a neighborhood. Which method is most effective in order to completely solve the problem of invasion of cockroaches? The process of destruction is complicated by the incredible survivability of insects, which are able to recover after the most terrible physical damage, barely getting to the water. Fortunately, human experience, in combination with the achievements of the modern chemical industry, allowed us to devise very effective methods of combating cockroaches.

Effective and simple method of

Practice shows that the most effective drug is an inexpensive boric acid powder. To fully process an apartment of 100 square meters, only 150 grams of powder is enough. In favor of boric acid, they also say that it poses no danger to pets and humans, and also has a complete absence of an unpleasant odor. So, the destruction of cockroaches with boric acid can be conducted by the following methods:

  • All the way to the water wakes up with powder. One touch will be enough for the death of an insect, which simply can not do without water. The effectiveness of the drug is also increased due to the fact that contact of other cockroaches with the affected individual is also capable of leading to death. The minus of this approach is the cunning of cockroaches, who quickly realize the danger;
  • The egg yolk of the raw egg is mixed with boric acid and dried. The resulting balls are laid out in places where the most noticed cockroaches. Cockroaches are incredibly curious, but because such a bait demonstrates a huge level of efficiency. Of course, do not wait that the combination of yolk and boric acid for a couple of days completely rid you of insects. We'll have to wait about a month before the result is noticeable.

no cockroaches

Popular methods

In terms of store tools, the greatest popularity was gained by gels encased in large syringes for ease of application. The drug is fully ready for use, followed by a small drop of gel on the skirting boards. These drugs provide effective destruction of cockroaches at home in just two to three weeks.

Many owners, faced with the problem of the appearance of cockroaches, use special traps. The box-trap has a round shape, it has several insect entries. The center of the trap contains a poisoned substance that kills not only the cockroach directly in contact with it, but all its relatives. The attachment of the trap is very convenient, since it keeps on the adhesive composition or special adhesive tape.

 The most safe for the owners method can be considered the use of sticky traps. Cardboard houses of small size, inside of which a layer of special strong glue is applied. In the center of the trap is a bait in the form of spices, attracting cockroaches with a pleasant smell. When the insect crawls inside the trap, it sits firmly on the glue, remaining there to perish.

The minus of fighting cockroaches in an apartment building is that often insects come from neighbors using slots between pipes or ceilings, as well as inter-panel seams. Thus, the maximum effectiveness of the struggle can be achieved in the event that together with you the persecution will be engaged and neighbors. Otherwise, it will be necessary to tightly seal all cracks, so as not to allow neighboring insects to get into your home.

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