Basic principles of installing a wooden crate
The function of a wooden crate is a solid foundation under the roofing metal roofing. The quality of its installation affects the long-term operation of the roof, the absence of leaks and regular maintenance work. Its installation includes many component factors, ranging from careful calculations and calculations to the selection of professional materials, fastening details. Important value is the timely consultation with a specialist.
A common material for the crate is called a blackboard with a thickness of 300 millimeters. Allowed and 0.25 centimeters. The first principle of installation is to measure the required thickness of the board. The second - a level surface is necessary for the roofing of metal roofing. The smoothness of the surface plane is easily measured by the level. The presence of irregularities should be instantly eliminated. It is they that affect the deflections in the roof from stale snow and further lead to leaks. Particular attention is paid to the joints of the shingles, they are highly capable of passing moisture to the insulation.
Note: A plate with a thickness of less than 0.3 cm is not capable of withstanding the load of the roof. When repair work often on the roof is a person. And a solid roof must withstand its weight.
The beginning of the installation of the wooden flooring is preceded by the tasks:
- Determine the type of roof and metal tile.
- The type of metal tile makes it clear the distance required between the boards of the crate( the thickness, pitch and height of the rib indicate the required frequency of fasteners).
- The cornices are placed more tightly to each other than the top central
- . Determine the angle of the roof andsize of the cornice installation. Provide a draft rainfall
- Measure the distance between the boards of the battens - from the lowest extreme board to the top
- Install the cornice board with thickness parameters greater than the others, it is the main supporting part of the metal tile
- The boards of the battens are applied to the trusses( on the rafter "legs".Metal tiles should not sag between the rafters
It is important to note: Attaching the valley to the roof influences the order of installation of the crate - its fastening does not start from the bottom, but the top.
Sequential installation scheme for the roofing under the metal tile
When starting the installation of the lathing and the direct laying of the metal tile, it is worth reading the small recommendations.
The first recommendation for the installation of a billet suggests that you should start with calculations and measurements of the roof parameters and the required amount of construction material. The lath ideally has the parameters:
- Rafting beam with a cross-section of 5/15 centimeters
- Smallest board - 3/10 centimeters
- Control board - 3/5 centimeters
- Trussing unit distance - 60-90 centimeters
The second recommendation relates to the beginning of installation. Initially, the wooden board is fixed horizontally, evenly along the cornice. Cornice board with parameters larger than the others by one and a half centimeters.
Then the second board is attached. The gap between it and the cornice should be small( about 30 cm), centimeters by five less than the others. After that, all other boards of the crate are installed.
An important condition is a uniform flow of water from the eaves. It depends on the accuracy of laying the first two boards, cornice and next to it. A proven, "folk" method will help prevent mistakes: lay two wooden planks in parallel, fix them at the appropriate distance from each other and apply a sheet of metal. Set the resulting structure under a slope and watered. Too fast flow will cause overflow of the roof gutter. Too small - damage to the frontal board and walls.
Measurement is carried out by a construction measuring tape.
After the installation of the battens, the end plates, ridge and wind installations are designed( their height is 30-50 mm from the level of the surface of the metal tile).
Construction of drainage system
After the installation of the roofing, installation of drainage systems begins. To the eaves are mounted bracket boards - special bases under the drainpipes. Initially, two end brackets are mounted, the slope of which is 5 mm per 1 meter of the length of the gutter. Between the two brackets is a thread that helps to install the remaining brackets on the same level.
After the completion of their construction, you can proceed with the installation of the cornice and the laying of metal.
Additional rules that help in the installation of a wooden crate
The correct installation of the battens contributes to the proper roofing of the metal tile. This will guarantee accurate and accurate fixing in the screws in the boards of the crate. Systematic roof will help to hide the visible heads of the fastening elements. The pledge of proper fastening is the exact definition of the tile wave, its dimensions. In most construction cases, a continuous crate is used, which has a higher price and has an impressive weight.
It is recommended to do calculations on the width of a wave, length of a metal tile, parameters of a valley.
Details can be found on the video in the next tab.