Dome houses - construction of domed houses

Dome houses - architecture of the future, already become a reality in the most different corners of the World.

Not for nothing they say that the new is a well-forgotten old. So at the beginning of the 21st century, more and more architects from different countries come to the conclusion that the best for a comfortable and harmonious human existence are not the usual structures in four corners, but the so-called " domed houses ", which are almost exact copies of thoseThe first dwellings in which our most distant ancestors lived.

Photo - Dome Houses in Africa

Photo - Needle

Moreover, these projects have long passed from the stage of applied mental experiments to a purely practical development, and similar houses are already being built up entire streets and villages. We can not tell about all of them, but still we will introduce you to the most interesting of them. Moreover, if you want, you can build the exact same house in your garden or in your dacha. How? Watch the video.

We will begin our story with a house made of straw and clay, and bearing the name
"Eco-Dome ".

Eco Dome

Photo - Dome clay house.

The house called "Eco Dome" was built by architect Nader Khalili, who used clay and bales of straw as basic building materials, which allowed him to build not only environmentally friendly but also incredibly cheap housing.

The house itself is built of bags of clay, which were stacked in a circle, like bricks, strengthened with straw, and then coated with a liquid clay solution, which allowed not only to protect future inhabitants of the house from heat and cold, but the house itself from spillage and cracking.

Japanese dome houses of their foam

They decided to offer their solution to the problem and the Japanese, who mastered the construction of the dome houses from polystyrene, and to the credit of the Japanese architects it turned out for them all 100. Moreover, the domes of the house made of polystyrene are not subject to anynatural effects, are not afraid of mold and fungi, and also do not attract insects. That is why the village built by the Japanese company "Japan Dome House" attracted so much lively interest from buyers.

It is interesting that such houses are being sold in the form of sets-designers, giving all buyers the opportunity to build a dome house with their own hands: to assemble its future housing from light and durable blocks. The area of ​​such a house is equal to 44 meters square, and if this does not seem enough, you can buy 2 or 3 such houses, combining them into one. And so indefinitely, until you get the house of your dreams.

Rescue module

And this dome house has already been taken to equip with emergency teams, as well as various rescue and reconnaissance expeditions, as several years in the United States is a serial production of such houses. It is assembled in just eight minutes, and consists of strong plastic modules, which in assembled form somewhat resemble the structure of a diamond. You can use such a house as a dwelling, and as a mobile operating room, and even as a store during mass festivities and gatherings.

Photos - Dome white house from segments.

House of concrete and steel

Photo - Dome house against the blue sky.

Unlike domed houses , which we described a little earlier, this one is constructed of concrete and steel. But not because its creators did not want to abandon the materials they had become accustomed to, they simply wanted to give their maximum development to the development, as they expect to use such domed houses as residential buildings, hospitals, shops, warehouses and even railway stations.

School built in the best traditions of the dome houses

Photo - Dome houses at sunset

Photo - Corridor in the dome house

Photo - Hall with colored armchairs in bags in the dome house

And I want to finish my story with the largest of the domed buildings , built to date. They are the buildings of the Sarasota school complex named after Bishop Nevins, built in Florida. At the same time, up to 500 students can study here, feeling more than comfortable, since under the monolithic domes there are not only classes, but a gym, a dining room and games rooms. This school was created by the architect Rafael Morey, president of Moreu &Associates. "Occupying an area of ​​17 acres, this two-story school consists of a long corridor and four buildings, one of which is administrative.

Well, all those who were interested in the idea of ​​building a domed house so much that he decided to acquire such a dwelling, we propose to read the post, which is called "The Dome House with Your Own Hands".

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