Basics of floor pouring
Before proceeding to the most interesting and delicious - the floors of 3d, it is necessary to learn about the general features of flooded floors.
In general, the method of filling is used for a long time, but here in residential premises it has been used only since recent times. Why are flooded floors now used more often? What is their advantage?
The biggest reason for popularity is a long service life, up to half a century. That is, such floors will be strong enough and wear-resistant
Secondly, the jellied parquet does not contain harmful impurities. Unlike the same concrete( chalk dust).
When using this technology, do not be afraid of water entering the room. Excellent waterproofing is provided by the absence of seams and cracks.
Last but not least, a great role in popularity is played by the evenness of such coatings.
Filling floor with own hands
Fill technology includes many small nuances that should not be neglected, especially if you decide to work on your own. What you should do and know.
First you need to prepare the base. The best option - screed. The concrete base can withstand heavy loads of compression and is practically not subjected to deformation( a couple of pianos will withstand exactly).
If you are filling in an underground room( cellar, cellar), then do not forget to carefully monitor the humidity. In any situation, it should be minimal.
Before starting work, check the concrete screed for cracks.
If your foundation is ceramic tile, then it is worth checking it for voids. If suddenly a tile is found under the tile, then it must be plastered.
Remember, the substrate must be extremely clean. No debris, dust, paint. It is best to degrease the surface.
Filling technology
After fulfilling all the preconditions, a primer is applied to the clean substrate. This allows you to clog pores, and sometimes crack. In addition, it provides the grip necessary to make the floors 3e.
The substrate is primed, usually with a roller. It gives the best result. Do not forget to monitor the humidity. As a result, you should get a perfectly flat surface.
After this you can rest-the primer should dry. This process takes from 4 to 24 hours.
The next step is to prepare the solution. As a rule, the technology of solution preparation is indicated on the package of the mixture. The most important thing is that you need to know this:
- It is important to observe the proportions of the mixture and water, otherwise the floor may not be strong enough, irregularities and rips may appear.
- The solution must be thoroughly mixed.
The setting time of the solution is very fast - 40-60 minutes. Therefore, during this time it must be laid on the ground.
All the work must be done at a time, so that there are no seams and rushes. Avoid exposure to sunlight. Do not forget to follow the bubbles of water. They should not be.
Filling floors 3d
Recently flooded floors of 3d are gaining popularity. They are perfect for any room, whether it is a living room, kitchen or bathroom.
According to the production technology, they are not much different from ordinary flood decks
The essence of the method itself is that it occurs in 3 layers. The last is the 3D image, which is fixed with a transparent film( layer).In other respects, the stacking technology is the same as for conventional filling.
This parquet looks very beautiful, besides you can realize any of your fantasies. If you want, the ocean will be under your feet;or Kilimanjaro, and you will always feel like a conqueror of the mountain peaks.
Perhaps the only drawback of the 3d package is its high cost. In addition, the drawing can in time fit.
The shelf life of this parquet is up to 40 years. During this time, the drawing will not lose its attractiveness or color. Of course, this parquet should be protected from mechanical influences, such as hammering.
In the process of pouring, it should be remembered that polymers used in 3D parquet have a sufficiently long setting time. And the mechanical effects, which were already mentioned above, at this time must be completely eliminated.
It should be understood that the floor in the bathroom 3d, will look much better than in the living room.
In general, to make flooded parquet floors - 3d floors with their own hands is not such a difficult thing. The main thing is to approach the work and carry out the preparatory work. If you are still not sure that you will be able to do everything yourself, it is better to turn to specialists and pay money, rather than sweat afterwards.