Household appliances for a summer residence: we are equipped with comfort

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Someone loves a dacha for the opportunity to unite with nature, someone likes to grow a crop, and for some, the dacha is the best holiday destination. However, absolutely everyone dreams of spending time on it comfortably and productively, which is impossible without having at least a minimal set of home appliances.

Household appliances for cottages are very often collected from the remains of unnecessary appliances in the apartment. However, this option is not always possible and useful, especially since today it will not be difficult to buy suitable equipment at an affordable price. But before you make a purchase, you need to decide on the most essential devices and their functionality, because the dacha is not a place for accumulating rubbish. In this publication, "House of Dreams" will give advice on choosing the necessary set of equipment that can be needed at the cottage.

household appliances for cottages

Household appliances for cottages

What large household appliances are needed at the dacha

Of course, the degree of arrangement of the cottage primarily depends on how much time you spend on it. If you come to the country house only for the weekend, it's unlikely you will need a dishwasher or oven with an oven. But absolutely it is possible to say that every person in the country needs a refrigerator. Firstly, without it, it is simply impossible to keep food in the heat, and, secondly, if the crop is many, it will need to be frozen.

For the first case, almost any model of a compact size refrigerator is suitable. In addition, it is better to choose units of weaker power, becausecases of a sharp drop in electricity are not rare outside the city, which can lead to a breakdown in household appliances.

If you need a refrigerator for a dacha primarily for freezing the crop, then you can not do without a freezer chest or cabinet. The freezing volume of these devices, as a rule, ranges from 12 to 24 kilograms of products per day, and the time for maintaining a low temperature can reach from 20 to 30 hours. Depending on the volume of the harvest, you can choose a freezer from two to four cells. Some specially equipped units have the function of automatic freezing.

Small refrigerator for cottages

Small refrigerator for cottages

Freezer for food products at the cottage

Freezer for food on the cottage

Refrigerator for a summer residence photo

Refrigerator for cottages photo

Also in the cottage can be useful portable refrigerator, especially if there are no good stores near your site, and you have to carry products from home. Portable refrigerator is a container with built-in thermocouples, which contribute to the cooling of products. The simplest version is a refrigerator bag. However, there are especially capacious portable refrigerators with a volume of 20 to 60 liters, which after transport can be connected to the power supply.

Portable refrigerator photo

Portable refrigerator photo

Portable cooler bag

Portable cooler bag

As the summer residence successfully combines work and rest, you can not do without it and without a stove. The simplest option is a standard gas cooker for dachas for two or four burners. In addition to its simplicity, this option is also convenient and the presence of an oven, as well as the ability to connect a gas cylinder to some models of plates.

Kitchen appliances for a photo

Kitchen appliances for villa photo

gas cooker for summer residence

Gas stove for dachas

But, as a rule, there is not always enough space in the suburban area to equip all necessary equipment. A very compact and convenient option can be a desktop electric cooker for a dacha with or without an oven. Depending on your needs, you can choose models with additional functions - grill, barbecue, defrost, etc. In addition, such slabs are also convenient because, as a rule, they can work from both electricity and gas.

Plate for cottages with an oven

Cooker for a cottage with an oven

gas stoves for cottages

Gas-stove for a dacha

Another mandatory attribute of the arrangement of the cottage is a washing machine, without which neither rest nor work is possible. If there is running water in your area, then the choice is extremely simple - you can use any washing machine to give the necessary dimensions and technical characteristics. For example, you can select a narrow machine with a vertical load. If there is no plumbing at the dacha, then you should take a closer look at the washing machines with a water tank. On the functionality of this machine is no different from the usual models: it also has several washing and spinning modes.

Washing machine for cottages

Washing machine for cottages semi-automatic

Washing machine for caravan with a tank

Washing machine for giving a machine with a tank

Many run to the country house, escaping from debilitating city heat, however, on especially hot days even outside the city one can hardly feel comfortable. A great solution for cooling the house will be installing a mobile air conditioner. The mobile air-conditioning for a dacha is ideal, first of all, due to its mobility, compactness, ease of installation, as well as the ability to transfer it to different rooms.

air conditioners for cottages

Air-conditioners for cottages

air conditioners for cottages

Air-conditioning for cottages Photo

If in the area where your site is located, there are not rare interruptions with hot water supply, then you will probably need a water heater for a summer residence. When choosing this device, the most important thing is to calculate the amount of necessary water, and also take into account the permissible power of the power grid. If your dacha is gasified, then it is optimal to choose a gas heater of compact size. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the pressure of water. If the head is weak, it is better to choose the storage heater.

water heater for summer residence

Water heater for dachas

Small appliances for dachas

As most people at the dacha not only have a rest, but also grow crops, and also prepare homemade preparations, the various kitchen appliances that facilitate the work of housewives will be irreplaceable here. However, it is only in a well-equipped apartment that you can afford to have different mixers, blenders, yogurt mugs, steamers, etc. At the dacha, it is better to give preference to minimalism, that is, multifunctionality. For example, a multifunctional food processor with functions of various shredding, slicing, whipping, kneading dough, meat cuts, etc., will become an excellent assistant in country affairs.

Household appliances for cottages

Household appliances for cottages food processor

Household appliances for cottages

Household appliances for cottages food processor

If the food processor is not equipped with a juicer, it's worth to buy this device. Especially practical are those models that, in addition to their basic function, are also equipped with functions for making smoothies, mashed potatoes, soups and various sauces.

Household appliances for cottages

Household appliances for giving a juicer

Household appliances for cottages

Household appliances for giving a juicer

A multi-car for a dacha will certainly come in handy to those housewives who are going to cook jam for the winter. And in general, when there is a multivarka in the dacha, while food is being cooked in it, you can safely deal with your affairs - take care of beds, flower gardens, paint a fence or just rest in a hammock. In addition, with this multi-saucepan you may not need something like a stove, oven and microwave, but also bulky kitchen utensils - pans, pans, stewing-pans and stuff. This option is ideal if you do not live in the country permanently, but only come for a while.

Multivark-pressure cooker PHILIPS HD2178 / 03

Multivark pressure cooker PHILIPS HD2178 / 03

Household appliances for the dacha will be your indispensable assistant in work and leisure. Of course, in addition to household appliances, you will probably also need garden accessories, so whenever possible, always try to choose compact, multifunctional and energy-saving units in terms of energy consumption.

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