
Bikroelast refers to the bitumen roofing materials of the latest generation, oriented to long-term operation( more than 10 years).It is used on roofs with a slight bias or for waterproofing the foundation. The lack of application on roofs with a large slope is a disadvantage of this material.

Contents of

  1. Properties of
  2. Specifications of bicroelast
  3. Species of bikroelast
  4. Features of use
  5. Video

Properties of

Technical characteristics of bicorelast are based on the features of its base and protective layers. The basis is usually taken fiberglass, polyester or fiberglass. The basis is applied high-grade modified bituminous composition, endowed with astringent properties. This astringent component is enriched with technological additives, which significantly improve the characteristics of the material. Properties of bicroelast allow it to bend well at temperatures up to -10 ° and withstand heating to + 85 °.This undoubted advantage makes it possible to use a bicosteal in all climatic zones. On top of the base is applied a polymer film and a protective coating, it can be coarse( slate or asbagal) and fine-grained( sand).

Technical characteristics of bikroelast

Varieties of bikroelast

As both the base and the protective layer can contain various components, separate types of bicroelast are distinguished. They are labeled using abbreviations. The first letter indicates the base from which the material is made. T - fiberglass cloth, E - polyester, X - fiberglass. The second letter is the designation of the upper protective layer of vapor barrier bikroelast. K - coarse-grained powder. The third letter denotes the lower protective layer.П - polyethylene film. Numerical designations indicate the weight of 1 sq. M of material. Accordingly, large figures indicate a large thickness.

Bikroelast CCI is made of fiberglass, which is covered from 2 sides with a polymer film. This is a very strong material, which found application as a lining base. They use it even when it is necessary to make waterproofing of foundations, pools, bridges.

Bikroelast EKP is made on the basis of polyester, which is protected in the form of coarse-grained powder, as well as polymer film. Used to arrange the top layer of the roof. It allows you to get high quality coating at a very reasonable price.

Bikroelast HKP is made of fiberglass covered with coarse-grained dust and polymer film. This is a material of economy class, it is used to equip the top layer of the roof, which has a small ramp( up to 10 °).Despite the small price, it is distinguished by its durability.

Bikroelast EPD is a kind of polyester backing material with protection from polymer film. It has elasticity and good waterproofing properties. It can be welded under any bias, so this type of bicroelast is used to create a vertical waterproofing.

Bikroelast TKP is based on fiberglass, which allows the material to be applied to roofs subjected to loads. Especially good will be the result, if we make a substrate of bicroelast TPP.A large coating gives an attractive appearance to the roof. In the photo you can see how this roof looks.

Features of using

With the help of this material, the roofs are made, waterproofing of ground and underground structures is carried out. The durability of the operation of bicroelast is associated with the exact observance of all recommendations for its installation. First, special attention is required by the basis on which this roll material is planned to be applied. It must be thoroughly degreased, completely remove dust, usually for this take the bitumen primer. Secondly, do not forget about the overlap, when using the burner is the fusion coating.

On the video you can see the technology of these works. According to reviews, the size of the lapping should not be less than 10 cm. The dignity of the bicroelast during installation is manifested in the fact that it is easier to heat up with a burner than Technoelast, Rubitex, Glasselast, Phylysol, Uniflex, which are characterized by refractoriness.


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