Laying linoleum on a concrete floor - how to get the desired result without errors and losses?

Laying linoleum on concrete floor - preparing the "soil"

Undoubtedly, in an effort to get a quality coating, it is necessary to ensure that the laying of linoleum on the concrete floor is carried out in strict accordance with the technology and taking into account some of the nuances about which a little later. So, the quality basis of the floor is the guarantee of the durability of the linoleum and its aesthetic appearance. The presence of any defects on the surface of the substrate can lead to deformation and rupture of the coating. For this, the concrete screed is carefully leveled, eliminating depressions, chipped, and tubercles. If the screed is old, special leveling solutions can be used to level it.

In this case, the floor repair and alignment procedure can be successfully combined. Firstly, it does not take long, and secondly, such work can be carried out without the availability of professional skills and special knowledge. For this, it is necessary to stock up the following tools:

  • with a trowel;
  • trowel;
  • construction level.

Advice from the experts: the cement-sand mixture for the screed device must first be checked for strength and resistance to cracking.

Before applying the mortar, make a marking and remove the floor level. However, at this stage, many are faced with problems, since it is difficult to determine the starting point on a horizontal surface. To do this, you can focus on the two walls opposite each other. So, along a single wall, at a distance of 1 cm from the floor, a straight line is drawn using the building level. On the second wall, the same line is drawn and at the same distance. Between them is a flat plane.

For maximum matching of the screed on this plane, it is necessary to divide the floor area into sectors. Usually the width of each sector does not exceed 50 cm. However, it does not depend on the area of ​​the room or the chosen length, it can vary. For the convenience of the concrete screed device, regular smoothly-laid rails are perfectly suitable. They not only connect the lines on opposite walls, but also delineate the floor area, which creates certain comfort when working with it.

When preparing mortar for concrete screeds, care must be taken to ensure that it is thick enough. When applying it to the floor surface, refer to the signs on the walls and laid wooden slats. The floor is flooded with sectors. After the installation of the first section, it is recommended to wait about 30 minutes, after which the grouting of the dried solution is carried out. For these purposes use a spatula and clean dry cement. Then you can continue to work.

The finished screed has a high degree of strength and "loses" only to reinforced concrete structures.

After drying the concrete screed, it is mandatory to check for a level of horizontality with the help of the building level. In addition, the surface is cleaned: concrete dust and other debris are eliminated. Elimination of cracks and voids.

How correctly to lay linoleum on concrete?

After preparing a strong and even base, you can proceed directly to laying linoleum. However, even here there are several nuances that play an important role. First of all, you need to determine the type of linoleum to be laid. The most common coating was single-layer, having a fabric or felt base.

The selected coating is fixed to the surface of the screed with rubber bituminous mastic. For this type of work will have to stock up a special soft spatula with prongs, which is perfectly suited for applying adhesive composition, a cutter for docking the seams of linoleum. You will also need scissors with different blades, a rough and heavy roller for smoothing the stacked material.

Usually glue linoleum, rolled up in rolls face-in. The laying process starts from the wall by rolling the roll ahead of you. In this case, do not forget about applying mastic, both on the surface of the floor, and on the coating itself. After laying each sheet of linoleum it is necessary to smooth it with a roller to eliminate air bubbles. Otherwise, after a while your sex will simply "swell" and lose all its attractiveness.

Do not forget! A piece of cloth, laid near the wall, is left uncovered.

Linoleum laying on concrete screed - practical advice

It would seem that laying linoleum on concrete is a fairly easy and not too time consuming process, but without taking into account some important nuances, you can get at all the wrong result that was originally calculated. So, when laying a floor covering on a pre-arranged and leveled concrete screed, it is necessary to remember the following:

  1. It is important to calculate the amount of mortar for the screed device as accurately as possible, since it is prepared in one step, and adding the necessary amount to the already diluted composition is not correct.
  2. All precautions should be taken when working with mortar and construction tools. Protect your lungs with a respirator against concrete dust( when leveling the floor surface).
  3. To avoid deformation of the concrete screed before it dries completely, breaks and other defects appear on the linoleum surface, it is recommended to use soft shoes with a flat sole.
  4. If the adhesive composition hits the surface of the floor covering, it must be removed with gasoline or turpentine. To do this, you can make a small swab of bandage and cotton wool or use a normal clean cloth. Everything depends on the scale of the contamination of the material.
  5. Additionally, after smoothing the laid coating with a heavy roller, it is possible to press linoleum sheets with any weight, which also eliminates the appearance of subsequently unattractive air bubbles.

Thus, it is necessary to exert a little effort, patience, time, and the result of your work will be a perfectly smooth, beautiful and durable floor of linoleum on a concrete screed.

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