Glass fusing in the interior

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Glass fusing is one of the popular and original stained glass creation techniques. This method is based on glass sintering at high temperatures in special furnaces. The use of this technology avoids the presence of metal compounds in stained glass products, which directly improves the appearance of the decorative article. At the heart of fusing is one of the oldest glass processing techniques - the technique of hot enamel.

In recent years, the use of fusing in the manufacture of stained glass has become widespread. This is because this method of working with glass opens up new, previously inaccessible possibilities. Its main advantage is the ability to create complex multi-layer products. In this case, all the properties of glass and color are preserved.

Thanks to the chemical properties of glass, the fusing technique is the best suited for the manufacture of stained glass and decorative items. Solid glass at a temperature of 800 degrees turns into a liquid. Then comes the stage of formation, when he is given the necessary form. Despite the apparent simplicity, this method has many nuances and is rather complicated in execution.

The main difference between fusing technology and conventional stained-glass windows is that in this case, metal profiles are not used for a bundle, and this allows the future product to acquire an unusually aesthetic appearance, a holistic mosaic of interwoven multi-colored glasses. With the help of fusing, the glass fuses together and is a bizarre composition.

Glass fusing

Glass Fusing

Glass fusing

Glass Fusing Photo

Glass fusing - decor

Glass Fusing

Glass fusing technology includes five main stages. Each of them is important, as it directly affects the quality and appearance of the future product.

  1. Preparation of material for work - glass heating. The heating temperature can be from 650 ° to 920 °.This difference in temperature is due to the type of procedure performed. Heating from room temperature to melting point, the glass changes not only the shape, but also the color. Reaching the required temperature, it becomes red-yellow and completely ready for the process of dangling. This means that at this stage, the edges of the glass blanks are in contact and their fusion begins. The temperature at which the full fusing takes place is 800 ° C.
  2. Next comes the stage of languor, or, in other words, the exposure. When the glass is heated to the maximum value, the temperature should remain unchanged for some time. On how honest this stage will be conducted, it depends on how flat and smooth the processed fragment will be.
  3. Then the future product is abruptly cooled. At this stage, the product temperature drops to a point slightly higher than the annealing temperature. Sharp cooling is required in order to keep the resulting red color. If this stage is delayed, the glass will again acquire its natural white color, and then it will begin to blacken.
  4. The fourth stage is the annealing stage. This process is necessary to relieve tension - that is, taking the required shape, glass retains its strength.
  5. The final stage is the cooling stage. It usually occurs at room temperature, in a natural way.

Styles, or fusing techniques

Today, there are three main, most common styles of glass fusing. In order to make complex interesting compositions of glass, use the techniques of fusing forming. It is with the help of these techniques that the most qualitative and valuable products are obtained.

"Bending", or forming - an original method, with which it is possible to shape the previously fused glass. To do this, the already fused preform is again subjected to heating, and then is given the necessary shape.

"Polishing with fire".This technique is used in the event that the product needs to be given additional smoothness and shine. To achieve this effect, it is placed in a glass oven.

The technique of "combing combing" is based on the formation of the shape of the product with the help of tools. Pre-heated fused glass preform is processed manually, using professional tools.

Technique of fusing

Fusing technique

Application of fusing in the decor

The list of products for the decoration of which fusing glass is used is quite wide. The first place in popularity is occupied by stained-glass windows made with the help of this technique. But fusing can decorate almost any product - for example, a mirror, a picture or a metal decorative inset. Attractive look and entrance or interior doors with fusing on glass inserts, and wardrobes with doors fusing, windows, showers and so on. The use of fusing in the interior is possible in every possible detail - this technique will decorate the room of any style.

Entrance doors with fusing

Entrance doors with fusing

Interior doors with fusing

Interior doors with fusing

Doors for shower cubicle with fusing

Doors for shower cubicle with fusing

Doors for shower cubicle with fusing

Doors for shower cubicle with fusing

Also this technology allows creating unique multi-layered stained-glass windows and products with complex relief structure - details of interior and decoration, decorations, dishes. So, decorative plates with elements of fusing, vases, panels on the wall, framing of table lamps and other objects of decor turn out to be quite original.

Panel on the wall in the technique of fusing

Wall panel in fusing technique

Lamp with fusing elements

Lamp with fusing elements

Glass fusing on a decorative plate

Glass fusing on decorative plate

Glass fusing on a decorative plate

Glass fusing on decorative plate

Glass fusing on a decorative plate

Glass fusing on decorative plate

Using fusing on glass significantly extends the possibilities of working with color - fusing individual parts of different colors allows achieving a uniquehue.

I would like to note that the wide application and popularity of glass fusing technology has won not only due to its aesthetic properties. In addition to the noble appearance, such products are also practical. Stained-glass windows made with this method are not afraid of moisture, temperature differences and extremely easy to care for. These qualities have made a relatively new technique popular. Products made with it, in a short period of time have become fashionable and in demand.

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