Water unit of gas column - water block, water reducer or frog, device, repair

The water unit of the gas column
  • Types
  • Principle of operation
  • Construction
  • Typical faults
  • Repair and maintenance

The internal structure of the gas column is quite complex and is represented by many details. One of them is a water block, also called a water reducer, water junction, water regulator or "frog".It is located inside the column in front of the heat exchanger and is responsible for regulating the operation of the column, depending on the water flow into the apparatus.

The water unit( frog) of the gas column


Depending on the material, the water block is:

  • Brass, that is made of a copper alloy with zinc. Brass is often used in the creation of plumbing fixtures.
  • Plastic. Such a node is very practical and is characterized by a lengthy service.
  • Polyamide. Additional durability to such a block is provided by the glass fiber present in its composition.
Brass Water Assembly Gas Column Brass Water Assembly
Plastic water hose of gas column Plastic Water Assembly
Polyamide water knot of gas column Polyamide Water Assembly

Principle of operation

The main task of the water assembly in a gas heater is to start the column after opening the crane and also to ensure its normal operation while the tap is open. Also, this node is important for regulating the flow of incoming water. If the water pressure is not sufficient, the reducer will also perform a protective function, preventing the column from overheating.

The operation of the water assembly is based on the effect of the water flow on the gear unit parts. The water entering the column affects the diaphragm, as well as the disk( it is also called a fungus).Changing their location affects the rod, which activates the valve of the gas unit, so that the gas starts to flow to the burner.

As soon as the hot water valve closes, the pressure on the diaphragm and fungus decreases. This reduces the effect on the gas valve, which results in shutting off the gas access and shutting down the device. When the gas column is not turned on, the water node does not function.

Principle of operation of the water assembly of the gas column


The water reducer consists of:

  • Bases and covers with screws.
  • Diaphragms( diaphragms) with a disk attached to the rod( plate).
  • Flow controller.
  • Venturi nozzles.
  • Flow controller.
  • Temperature selector.
  • Filters for hot water.

The following short video shows the device of a small and large water node.

Typical faults

A water block failure is considered to be one of the most common faults in gas water heaters. The most common reason for the failure of the unit is deformation or contamination of the membrane. Salt may be deposited on it, and cracks may also form. With such damages, the node ceases to function, which hinders the access of gas to the column.

It is also a common problem to clog the filters of the water reducer, and due to the frequent switching on and off of the device the unit wears out, which leads to leakage at the locations of the seals.

Worn membrane of the water unit of the gas column
The filter of a water reducer of a gas column

You need to check the water assembly if:

  • The water pressure is normal and the column does not turn on( the membrane is damaged or the stem is contaminated).
  • The cold water pressure is normal, and the hot water flows with a very weak head( a blockage is formed).
  • The hot water tap is open, and the column starts to work only after a while( problem with the flow regulator).
  • The hot water tap is closed, but the column still works for a while( problem with the flow regulator).
  • The column switches off during operation or does not gain the required power( the membrane is damaged).
Malfunctions of the gas column associated with the water junction

Repair and maintenance of

In order for the gas column to function properly, the water unit should be periodically disassembled and cleaned, and inspected for timely detection of deformation areas and small cracks. Replacement of the membrane in the water reducer is recommended even with the slightest deformation of this part.

After disconnecting the column from water and gas supply, it is necessary to open the hot water tap to relieve the pressure. After this, it is necessary to remove the housing cover and find a water reducer on the cold water pipe. Having unscrewed the fixing parts to the pipes of the nut and the fastening reducer to the gas assembly, the regulator can be removed.

To open it, loosen the circle around the bolts, which hold it two parts( usually eight).After inspecting the membrane and the body, perform the required manipulations( cleaning, replacement), after which the assembly is assembled and mounted to its place inside the column. In this case, it is important not to confuse the connection of the nozzles( the diameter of the inlet should be greater).Also ensure that all connections are adequately sealed.

Repair of the water assembly of the gas column

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