How to prepare a ceiling for painting: instructions, photos, videos

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Prepare a room for painting the

ceiling Even the thickest and most elastic modern paint can cause splashes and drops, not to mention the preparatory work. Therefore, you need to start with the adaptation of the room to repair:

  • carpets roll up and take out;
  • small furniture, textiles and decor take out of the room;
  • , if possible, remove or at least cover large furniture with polyethylene;
  • to hang up the window and door with foil, to lay the newspapers on the floor;
  • to turn off the electricity in the room;
  • remove chandelier and other lighting fixtures.

Please note! If the repair is supposed in the whole room, then the ceiling finish is what you need to start with. In this case, you do not have to take care not to stain the wall and floor coverings.

Preparing tools and personal protective equipment for the preparation of the ceiling for finishing

Polotsk is the most inconvenient place to work. You have to stay on the forests, goats or chairs and tables all the time, while the head is constantly thrown back, the eyes and the respiratory tract are defenseless. That is why the preparation of personal protective equipment is simply necessary. You will need:

  • construction glasses( at worst, even ordinary or slightly darkened sunscreens,
  • scarf, cap or any other headdress made of thin tightly woven fabric,
  • respirator or gauze bandage,
  • rubber or construction cloth gloves if desired.of how all the protective equipment is prepared, assemble all the tools so that they are at hand:
    • basin or bucket with warm water;
    • large sponge;
    • brush with thick soft pile and a similar roller;
    • pulverusizator;
    • spatula;
    • ladder

    Ceiling preparation tools


Remove the old

ceiling finish. If there is an old finish on the ceiling before starting work, it must be removed.

Well, if it's wallpaper, pendant tiles or a small layer of paint, but if you got a densely whitened surface - you'll have to work hard. There are several ways to remove whitewash from the ceiling, more about which you can read in the article "Remove whitewash from the ceiling quickly and without excess dirt."

The cleanest and most effective way is to clean the ceiling with a paste.

  1. For this, the glue composition is cooked according to a traditional recipe, it is densely applied to the ceiling and allowed to soak.
  2. The procedure is repeated after a while.
  3. After the paste has grasped, but still does not cease to be elastic, it is pierced with a spatula and removed with entire glued layers together with whitewashing.

Suspended tiles can be removed at all. They almost with 100% probability will break at attempt of dismantle, and the rests are easily removed by a spatula.

You will need patience to delete the wallpaper. Worst of all, if they are glued in several layers, then the removal time can be greatly stretched.

  1. Using an air spray, sponge or brush( or all three in turn) moisten the ceiling with water, leave for 15 minutes. Repeat this action until the entire layer of old wallpaper is impregnated completely.

Please note! Warm water soaks the paper much faster than cold water.

  1. Tap the sheet with a spatula from the edge and try to detach from the ceiling. If the wallpaper is removed in large pieces, continue. If they are stratified, the first action must be repeated.
  2. The remaining wallpaper is wetted again with water and removed from the surface. Spools and small pieces of paper can be removed with a damp sponge.

Please note! Modern vinyl and other wallpaper from the category of "superwash" water are not afraid, but they should be removed with a spatula and without impregnation. If, when trying to remove them by a dry method, the sheet is clearly delaminated into two layers, and one of them, paper, remains permanently glued, so you got wallpaper with a substrate. Such models are designed for the fact that their lower layer will serve as a substrate for new wallpaper during repair. For painting, it is not needed, so remove it, as usual paper wallpaper.

Evaluation of the

ceiling state After the old coating has been removed, you will be able to assess the condition of the surface. Do this not only by eye, but also by tapping dubious places.

It is worth noting that the water-emulsion, and any other paint - a capricious material, all the defects and irregularities, he stresses immediately. Therefore, it is very critical to inspect the ceiling and, if necessary, restore it.

If you have a ceiling with a joint of slabs, estimate its seam. It is not necessary "podmazyvat" falling out plaster. It is better to beat it to the end and repair the line again.

Restoration of the ceiling. Plaster and primer

Previously, large holes and cracks in the ceiling were always sealed with rags. Rags soaked in liquid cement and densely stuffed into holes, and, waiting for the drying of rags, it was possible to plaster the surface in the usual way.

Ceiling plaster with reinforcing mesh

Today, there is a solution to the problem much easier - mounting foam. Holes and cracks should be carefully cleaned of loose elements, dust and sorines, you can even slightly moisten. After the defects are frosted.

Please note! It is better to buy a professional foam. It is somewhat more expensive, but its quality is at a much higher level. Professional mounting foam is more dense in structure, better adheres with any surfaces and does not get out so much from the cracks.

After drying the foam, the excess is cut off, and the smooth parts are slightly sanded before the plaster and the surface is leveled with cement mortar.

Plastering the ceiling can be fully or partially, depending on the needs of a particular room. However, in any case, it is desirable after drying to cover the whole surface with a primer for better adhesion to the finishing putty.

Finishing the ceiling before painting:

putty Even if after all of the above actions, the flatness of the ceiling leaves much to be desired, first use the usual starting filler. It should even out the basic irregularities, pits, scratches. Joint plate, the angles between the ceiling and walls and large cracks in this case is recommended to glue reinforcing tape.

Ceiling putty

More information on the ceiling putty can be found on the video.

After drying, the starting putty is smeared with sandpaper in circular motions. Dust from the surface must be removed, and the ceiling itself covered with elastic acrylic finishing putty. It, as a rule, has a bright white color and can serve as an excellent basis for painting.

Note! If you have a portable light source during puttying, then it will be much easier to see all the flaws in time.

If desired, another primer can be used before applying the paint.

In brief, the whole process of preparing the ceiling for painting is described in the video.

At this stage, the preparation of the ceiling before painting with water-based, acrylic or any other paint is completed. It remains only to paint the ceiling evenly, and the beautiful view of the room is guaranteed.

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