In connection with the growing popularity of country houses and cottages, the demand for various heating equipment has sharply increased.
Among all the others, the most popular single-circuit gas boilers, which are the most purchased heating equipment.
Their popularity is primarily due to the fact that they are the most cost-effective option for organizing a heating system for housing.
The equipment itself is not the cheapest, however, the work on its installation is simple, and the raw materials on which they operate are practically worthless.
However, single-circuit heating gas boilers have one drawback, which many will find significant.
The fact is that, unlike other heating equipment, they do not organize the hot water supply system. Of course, this minus is easily leveled by their high efficiency as the central node of the heating system, however in a private house - hot water supply is of no small importance and not all have the possibility of installing separate water heating systems.
There is a minus, but it is one and far from the most critical, especially against the backdrop of the pluses, which clearly favor the choice of single-circuit gas boilers.
There are a lot of companies on the market that are engaged in their development and manufacture, and it's quite easy to get lost among all this variety.
- Choose the manufacturer
- Wall-mounted boilers
- Floor-standing boilers
- What are the prices and where to buy?
We choose the manufacturer
It can get lost easily, but if there are landmarks - the choice will be much easier.
All manufacturers can be divided into two groups that are quite clear and understandable to the common man in the street - import and domestic.
The practice of using shows that single-circuit gas heating boilers of Russian production may not have the best characteristics, but they are very reliable and capable of serving more than a dozen years.
Also in favor of Russian manufacturers is the simplicity of repair and maintenance, as any necessary spare parts are easily ordered from the manufacturer or by contacting a service center.
Imported boilers usually have high characteristics, but their use can be complicated by the fact that not all single-circuit gas heating boilers are adapted for use in Russian conditions.
Also, some models have a rather complicated connection scheme, which only experienced specialists can cope with.
About the difficulties associated with repair and maintenance, even to say it is not necessary, and it is better to forget about warranty service.
Everyone who thought about the organization of the heating system, the question arose - single-circuit or dual-circuit gas boiler? Here is an unequivocal answer, alas - no.
Each of the classes has certain features, but if you want to organize an exclusively heating system, then the best option for this would be one-circuit boilers.
Due to their narrow focus, they are focused on the implementation of a specific action and perform it with the greatest possible efficiency.
With the help of a double-circuit boiler it is also possible to organize a hot water supply system, which, of course, can not be compared in quality with water heating systems, but in small houses - its capacity can be sufficient.
However, most experts agree that it is better to organize the heating and water supply system separately from each other.
Wall-mounted boilers
Among the single-circuit gas boilers there are two classes of equipment that differ in the method of attachment and location - wall and floor.
They differ and their characteristics and as a consequence - the specific use.
First, let's look at wall-hung gas single-circuit boilers, because they dominate the market.
They are usually distinguished by the type of combustion chamber - open or closed.
Boilers with an open chamber type draw air in a natural way, directly from the room in which they are installed.
The exhaust gases are discharged outside the houses of the house by means of a chimney.
If its availability is not provided in the house, or the installation takes place in an apartment where it can not be in principle, then it is necessary to choose the boilers with a closed combustion chamber.
They are usually equipped with a special smoke removal system that forcibly removes all combustion products from the chamber, so that the chimney is not needed for boilers with a closed chamber.
However, non-volatile single-walled wall gas boilers are, just the same, boilers with a closed chamber.
The fact is that in the presence of a natural chimney, the process of supply and removal of air takes place without the participation of external forces, while for the functioning of the air injection system and the removal of combustion products, additional energy is needed.
The additional advantages that a wall-mounted single-circuit gas heating boiler possesses include its compactness.
It is quite logical that the equipment that should be placed on the wall of the building - has a small weight and dimensions, but gas boilers are much more compact than other heating systems and quite ergonomically can fit into the interior of the house.
Among the wall boilers there is a small subspecies - hinged single-circuit gas boilers.
They differ only in the mounting and fixing system, in the rest - all characteristics are similar to conventional wall-mounted boilers.
Floor standing boilers
If you want to organize a heating system in a large room, then the wall boiler will not be enough.
The first thing to note is that gas floored single-circuit boilers have significantly more power than their wall-mounted counterparts.
It is due to the fact that the equipment placed on the floor of the room no longer has such significant restrictions in weight and dimensions as the wall, which means that it can have a larger combustion chamber and, as a result, significantly increase the pressure in the system.
Typically, a floor-mounted single-circuit gas heating boiler is used in two or more storey houses, because they have a complex heat distribution system that requires a lot of pressure in the system( heating the upper floors).
The use of boilers of this type in apartments or single-story houses can be caused by a stable low temperature outside the room, but it is best to solve this problem by improving the insulation of the walls.
As in the case of wall-mounted boilers, non-volatile outdoor one-circuit gas boilers are boilers with a closed combustion chamber.
In this case, do not forget that a large power leads to a large expenditure of electricity and requires reliable wiring.
What are the prices and where to buy?
As already mentioned at the very beginning, the demand for heating systems is high, therefore, gas boilers are very popular.
The consequence of this is that the prices for single-circuit gas heating boilers vary within fairly wide limits.
Each manufacturer tries to attract buyers to its side, using a variety of methods, including artificially understating or overstating the price.
In such a small market chaos, to buy a single-wall wall gas boiler, whose quality will be comparable to its price - is quite difficult.
First of all, we should rely on the recommendations given at the beginning of the article and choose Russian-made boilers.
This will save you from unnecessary waste, which involves the purchase of imported boilers( who do not want to pay the cost of their transportation from their pockets).
In the case of domestic manufacturers, the price of a single-circuit gas boiler is very often "from the manufacturer" and this can not but please your wallet.
The place of purchase of a gas boiler can be either a regular building supermarket or an online store.
However, this equipment is quite complicated and the slightest malfunction can lead to a serious breakdown.
That's why it's best to buy a single-circuit gas boiler in an online store, because they are exposed in the trading floor - they are exposed to a lot of external influences, many of which affect their performance properties.