7 Tips for Choosing a Quality Screwdriver

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Most electrical and construction work can not be imagined without a screwdriver. With the help of this modern power tool, you can drill holes in the walls, unscrew tightly tightened screws or vice versa, attach them to the wall( for example, when laying a cable duct).Next, we will tell you how to choose a screwdriver for your home, work and dacha in 2016, so as not to overpay extra money and long time to use the purchase.
  • Summary of the
  • tool variants Selection recommendations
  • Rating of the best models

Briefly about the

tool variants To date, there are several basic types of screwdrivers, so the choice of the appropriate price and quality should be done after you are acquainted with the merits andshortcomings of each option. So, manufacturers of power tools produce the following models of screwdrivers, which you can choose not only for home and cottages, but also for work:

  • Network( electrical) or rechargeable. The first operate from the 220V network, which is convenient if you need to work in one place next to the outlet( for example, when assembling furniture).Screwdrivers operating from the power grid are not discharged, but as a drawback - attachment to the outlet, which is not very convenient if you need to work in a place where there is no electricity. In addition, the cord for wiring / installation works will be constantly confused under your feet, which can also be attributed to the disadvantages of choosing a network screwdriver. Rechargeable models are more popular and can also hold a charge for more than an hour with active use. They are often used, both professionals and amateur masters.
    Network tool Wireless drilling
  • The nutrient element is represented by a lithium-ion battery( Li-lon), nickel-metal hydride( Ni-MH) or nickel-cadmium( Ni-Cd).The lithium-ion battery holds the charge for a long time, quickly charges and also has no memory effect( we'll talk about it below).If you need to choose a quality screwdriver for construction and electrical work, give preference to the battery model with a lithium-ion battery. The only but significant drawback is the biggest cost of such power tools, so it is better not to choose this option for giving and rare repair work in the house. Nickel-metal hydride version of the battery is no less common. Because of its environmental friendliness, all modern screwdriver manufacturers are gradually moving to this version. Of the advantages it is necessary to allocate small dimensions of the battery( and hence a smaller weight of the instrument), and from the minuses - a high cost. Well, the last option that you can choose for home and cottages is a nickel cadmium battery. Its undoubted advantage - it is inexpensive, so this option is most often found in budget screwdrivers. In addition, a 5-year shelf life can be considered a positive moment( for other variants no more than 3 years).Profi do not give priority to screwdrivers with such a battery, becausethe charging time in this case is an order of magnitude longer than in the other variants, and besides, in the nickel cadmium batteries there is memory to the charge. Battery types
  • Hexagon or three-jaw chuck. The first type of cartridge is suitable for home and cottages, if repairs are carried out extremely rarely and with the need for frequent replacement of equipment. If you want to choose a professional screwdriver, it is better to give preference to a universal three-jaw chuck, which is also called a quick-clamping chuck. Its dignity - you can fix any bit or drill, the main thing is that the diameter is appropriate. Varieties of cartridges
  • Voltage 12;14.4 or 18 volts. The higher the voltage, the greater the power of the electric tool for the electrician. If you need to choose a powerful screwdriver for screwing long metal screws, and a large diameter( for example, for roofing work on the roof of corrugated board), choose the 18-volt model. For assembly of furniture, household work or giving, a 12V screwdriver will suffice.
  • The number of modes is 1, 2 or 3. The simplest budget models are single-speed - they can have a speed of 0 to 800 rpm. More reliable and popular - cordless screwdrivers at 2 speeds - from 0 to 400 rpm( for twisting) and from 0 to 1300 rpm( for drilling).The third speed can occur in professional versions. The number of revolutions per minute can reach as much as 3000.

With the basic variants of the execution, we have figured out, now we will provide some useful tips to help you choose the right screwdriver for your home, work and dacha. Be sure to watch the video below, which clearly illustrates all the basic parameters of this power tool.

Step-by-step review of the
YouTube Trailer

tool options Recommendations for choosing

So that you know what to look for when choosing the right model for your application conditions, we bring to your attention some important tips from experienced craftsmen:

  1. Take into account the torque of the tool( measured in Newton meters,[Nm]).If you need to twist / unscrew small screws in plasterboard and boards, it is enough to choose a model with a torque of not more than 30 Nm. For professional construction and roofing works it is better to choose a model with a torque of over 40 Nm.
  2. When drilling holes in concrete and brick, it is best to choose a percussion screwdriver. Most modern models include this function, but in some, it may not be available, so it's better to make sure it is available once again.
  3. Illumination above the start button does not interfere. Of course, some experts argue that the location of the flashlight over the battery is more efficient, but in any case when choosing a screwdriver, pay attention to the fact that the backlight in any case was.
  4. Bypass the model with the memory effect. This function requires a complete discharge of the battery before you put it back in the charger. If you accidentally put on charge a battery that does not completely sink, it will reduce its resource to an uncharged volume. Sometimes due to carelessness, the memory effect can become a whole problem.
  5. If you need a professional screwdriver for work, we recommend choosing a more durable model with metal gears. In the amateur and budget models are plastic gears.
  6. Pay attention to a parameter such as ampere-hours, which display the capacity of the battery. For the house it is quite reasonable to choose a screwdriver for 1.5-2 Ah. If you want to choose a power tool for construction, try to find a larger battery, but keep in mind - it will cost more.
  7. Also you need to know which firm the screwdriver is better. Among the leading manufacturers are Bosch, Makita, Hitachi, Metabo. It is better to overpay some money and choose a quality tool. Russian production is of good quality from ZUBR and Interskol.

Rating of the best models

Well, the last thing I would like to present is the own rating of 2016 of the best screwdrivers for home and professional work. So, in the category of "price quality" for the set of positive customer feedback can be identified the following models:

Makita 8281DWPE .This 14.4-volt device with a nickel-cadmium battery and 2 speeds can be used for both construction and home use. The price is justified by the quality and availability of all necessary functions - shock mode, fast charging, light weight, convenient handle.
Makita 8281DWPE

Bosch PSB 10.8 LI-2 0 .No less suitable option for home use and construction. The quality of Bosch's products has been tested over time, and the model itself has enough advantages: a good battery, the presence of a flashlight, and the locking of the power button. In general, this model justifies its price and we recommend choosing it for home and work.

Bosch PSB 10.8 LI-2 0

Metabo PowerMaxx BS Quick Basic 2.0Ah x2 Case .The advantage of the Metabo product is the high torque, so if you need to choose a powerful drilling tool - there will not be so many at the price and quality of the alternatives. By torque, Metabo is superior to many competitors. Many good reviews about this screwdriver. At this power it is quite light.
Metabo PowerMaxx BS Quick Basic 2.0Ah

Hitachi DS12DVF3 .Personally, we use this screwdriver for electrical and construction works. Despite the fact that the model is already outdated and has some drawbacks( an inconvenient place for fixing the bits, a small battery capacity, a small reverse button), its reliability covers all the minuses. Particular attention should be paid to the rubberized hull( in the photo it is clearly visible) - how many times our Hitachi fell from the ladders, still alive and working well.
Hitachi DS12DVF3

Interskol DA-10 / 14,4M2. The undoubted advantage of the domestic manufacturer is the low cost of this model, but at the same time worthy of quality. In this screwdriver there are all the necessary functions, 2 nickel-cadmium batteries and case. Because of its low price, the tool does not give much criticism, so it's the best option for a home.
Interkol DA-10 / 14,4M2

We also recommend that you view the test drive of the most popular "Shurik".In the video, you can clearly see the difference in the 12 and 18 volts:

Overview of the leading devices
YouTube Trailer

If you decide to choose a screwdriver for a house or dacha, but do not know which firm or model to stop - give preference to one of the 5 listed. These devices are time-tested and have a lot of positive feedback on the forums on the Internet, as you can see for yourself. We hope that now you know how to choose a screwdriver in 2016 for the main technical characteristics: voltage, power, firm!

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