Bath of foam blocks with their own hands. Step-by-step instruction with photo

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  • 1 Step-by-step instruction for the construction of a bath of foam blocks with their own hands
  • 2 Step-by-step construction of the basic structural elements of a bath of foam blocks with their own hands
  • 3 Bath of gas silicate blocks with their own hands
    • 3.1 Advantages of a gas silicate
    • 3.2 Step-by-step instruction for the construction of a bath of gas silicate blocks
    • 3.3 Orderlaying insulation
  • 4 Design baths of foam blocks


Step-by-step instruction for the construction of a bath of foam blocks with their own hands


base Before the construction of a bath of foam blocks is recommended that a project future construction. For this, based on the features of the site, all necessary calculations and drawings are made. Weight of the finished structure, regardless of its size, will be small. That is why for such a structure it will be enough to have a small thickness of the basement. To build a bath of foam blocks, the usual

strip foundation is suitable, for the device it will be necessary to perform the following:

  • perform marking on the ground with pegs, roulette, building yarns and geodesic instruments;
  • dig foundation pit .In our case, in the form of a trench;
  • install formwork ;
  • lay reinforcement or reinforcement mesh;
  • prepare the concrete mix and fill it in the early installed formwork;
  • after hardening of concrete, the formwork is removed.


After the ribbon foundation has gained strength, it will be possible to start pouring the concrete under the furnace. At this stage, it will also be necessary to conduct engineering networks. They will be needed to organize the discharge of water.


The concrete base for the furnace must exceed the dimensions of the lower part of the furnace. For this, it is necessary to make appropriate measurements, then install the formwork and pour concrete. Also at this stage, the cushion is installed over the entire floor area. For these purposes, a small fraction is suitable.


At the final stage of the construction of a foam bath, a horizontal waterproofing device is made. For these purposes, you can use roofing material. A layer of waterproofing is laid between the plinth and the first row of masonry from the foam blocks.

Step-by-step erection of the main structural elements of the bath from foam blocks with their own hands

Masonry of external and internal walls of from foam blocks.

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bath of foam blocks with their own hands. Step-by-step photos of

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construction of baths from foam blocks. Photo report

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Laying floor from foam blocks.

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Manufacture of wooden overlapping .For this purpose, a bar will work.


Sheathing device and rafters .

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Cover device roof. In our case, a color profiled sheet will be used. Also at this stage of construction it is necessary not to forget about the installation of the ridge.


After covering the roof, you can proceed with the visor. Any roofing material can be used to cover it. In order for the structure to be stable, it will be necessary to install two metal pipes. The visor on one side is fixed to the outer wall of the bath, and on the other - to the metal pillars.


how to make a bath of foam blocks with your own hands. Photo


Next, you can proceed to plating the gables .For these purposes, you can use the lining. On one side of the pediment, we provided an additional door, and on the other - made two ventilation holes and installed on them ventral grids.

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Device of external lighting .

Installation of input and, if provided by the project, of windows.

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The device porch. For this, it is necessary to install the formwork and pour the resulting space with concrete. After the concrete has gained strength, the formwork can be removed. After that, to give the porch a complete view it will be necessary to tile it with a tile for outdoor work.

Interior finishing work

At this stage of construction of baths from foam blocks, it is necessary to provide vapor barrier construction. After this, you can proceed to install the lining.

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bath of foam blocks with their own hands. Step-by-step photos of


In order to avoid heat loss, it is necessary to make insulation of the attic with mineral wool. It must be laid between floors.

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We prepare the installation of the heater for the prefabricated place, to which it is necessary to connect the chimney.

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The chimney must be moved out of the roof for a certain distance. To avoid falling garbage and atmospheric precipitation, it must be topped off with a hood.

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Installation of door frames.


Laying tiles on the floor.

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From the side of the steam room around the design of the furnace, it is necessary to install grills made of metal. They will then be laid stones. In the lower part of the wall, you need to make two ventilation holes with a diameter of about ten centimeters.


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construction of baths from foam blocks. Photo report

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We used natural wood for facing the room of the steam room. Also at this stage were made wooden sun beds and headrests.

In a washing room a tank with water is installed.

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Bath of foam blocks with your own hands. Video instruction

Bath of gas silicate blocks with their own hands

On its plot you can build a bath of gas silicate blocks .Next, the construction of a 5x5.3 m building will be considered. The ceiling height in this project is 2.25 m. Gas silicate was used for masonry walls and fence fronts. For interior decoration of the rest room and the attic, lining was used, for the washing room - tiles.

bath-from-gas-silicate blocks-gables

Advantages of

gas silicate Gas silicate has the following advantages:

  • erection speed. This is due to the large size of this building material;
  • high thermal insulation properties;
  • high level of fire safety, since gas silicate is a non-combustible material;
  • this material is not susceptible to rotting;
  • is a relatively low cost of this building material.

Step-by-step instruction for erecting a bath from gas-silicate blocks

Device tape foundation with two layers of waterproofing from roofing material.


bath of gas silicate blocks with their own hands. Photo report

For the laying of walls the blocks of size 20x30x60 cm are suitable. They must be laid on the edge. The thickness of the walls in the end should be 20 cm. For laying blocks, a cement-sand mortar in the proportion of one to three is used. The process of laying the walls is as follows: you have to start the first blocks from the corners. On the layer of ruberoid, which was used as a waterproofing foundation, it is necessary to apply a layer of a solution with a thickness of five millimeters. Do this with a construction trowel.

The following rows must be laid with a shear of 15 cm. This way, the joints will be tied. In the process of erection it is also necessary to determine the location of window and door openings. Thus, the wall masonry is carried out until the height of the building reaches 2.25 m.

The first-series-gas silicate-walls

After that you can proceed to the device of the pedestrian mansard premise. Height to the roof ridge should be 1.9 m.

Stacking of insulation in the therma of thermal insulation material, vapor barrier and finishing materials.

Interior decoration of the room. For this purpose, an edging board with a thickness of 20 mm and 125 mm in width was used.

finished walls

The procedure for laying the insulation

At the first stage it is necessary to fill the walls with rails. In our case, for these purposes, we chose rails with a section of 5x5 cm. Vertically, the slats are fixed with screws.

Further it is necessary to lay thermal insulation material .For these purposes, mineral wool "Paroc" with a thickness of 50 mm can be used.

warming-walls-steam rooms

On top of the thermal insulation, it is necessary to lay the layer of vapor barrier material. In this project there are two types of building materials: foil and film "Metaspan".Before laying the material, it is necessary to nail the film onto the slats. Each piece must be stacked on the other in an "overlap".It will be enough 15-20 cm. On top of the film you need to lay the foil. It is also stacked with an overlap. Place joints of materials must be glued with foil tape.


Further it is necessary to build crate on which the lining will be made.

lath-for-lining bar-between-vapor-insulation-and-crate

Arrangement of veneer lining made of wood. Nails can be used as fixing material.

The lining-of-aspen-for-finish-steam room-inside

To protect the surface from decay, you can cover the lining with special oil, which will give the wood a matt effect.

The tile can be used in the wash room for wall finishing. To implement this project, a strong tile 8 mm thick was used. Laying was performed on frost and moisture resistant tile adhesive. The thickness of the adhesive layer was about 10 mm.


For decorative finishing of other rooms, a lining made of aspen was used. The board was attached to an installed early wooden frame.


bath of gas silicate blocks with their own hands. Photo report


Project baths from foam blocks

We bring to your attention the project "Construction of a bath of foam blocks with an area of ​​34.6 m2".On this square there is: a covered terrace with barbecue, a room for rest, a washing room, a bathroom, a steam room and a corridor. The total area inside the bath is 22.6 sq.m., the total area of ​​the bath with a terrace is 34.6 sq.m. The size of the building is 10.8 x 4.0 m. Such a building will be a wonderful multifunctional adornment of the entire local area. Bath of foam blocks with their own hands built for this project will become a favorite place for the whole family

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