How to get rid of the plaque in the bathroom on the tile, in the tub. Cleaning means

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Clean the plaque in the bathroom
  • Causes
  • Removal of plaque
  • Application of agents depending on the surface
  • How not to spoil the surface
  • Preventative methods
  • Yellow plaque on the bath

The sparkling bath is not only a clean floor, but also a shiny plumbing and tiles on the walls. If you do not regularly clean and clean this room, then soon enough, even the most qualitatively renovated and modern bathroom will look neglected and untidy. All the blame for the plaque, which eventually appears on the walls and plumbing. In this article we will tell you how to deal with different types of raid, which is why it appears, and what preventive measures will help you less often to face this problem.

After cleaning

Reasons for

Let us consider in more detail the types of raid and the causes of their occurrence.

Plaque on plumbing

As plumbing products actively interact with water, they quickly form a calcareous plaque. In the water flowing through our sewer pipes, full of various minerals and lime.

After water enters any surface and evaporates, lime particles remain in its place. At first they are hardly noticeable to the eye, but as the particle becomes larger, the thickness of the plaque increases.

Plaque on the plumbing

Limescale or, as it is also called, calcareous stone, can appear as on the toilet, in which the drain tank flows, and on cranes, on the bathroom, on pipes, etc. In addition to spoiling the appearance of the product, it also hampers its operation.

Plaque on the toilet

Touch on the walls

When we talk about a raid on the walls of the bathroom, we mean a soapy coating, which can be formed not only on the tile, but also on PVC panels, lining and other surfaces. Hot water mixed with detergents, in the form of water vapor settles on the walls and leaves a thin soap layer on them. Over time, this layer turns into a soapy coating, which is easy enough to remove at first, but over time it becomes increasingly difficult to clean.

Scurf on the walls

Fungal attack

High humidity in the room provokes the active development of various fungi, which can often be found in the seams between the tile, at the joint of the bathroom and the wall and in difficult to access places for cleaning.

Fungic attack not only spoils the appearance of the room, but it is also harmful to health, so it must be actively combated with antibacterial agents.

Fungus on the tile

Tap on the cranes

Since most homes now use nickel-plated faucets and taps, any divorces on them immediately become noticeable. If they are not cleaned regularly, they can form both soap and limescale.

Raid on cranes

If the crane is leaking somewhere, then you may also encounter a problem of rust plaque. Its most difficult to clean. In addition, rust from the tap can also color other non-metallic surfaces, such as the bottom of the sink or the tub. Therefore, to deal with rust is necessary in a timely manner.

Rust on mixer and bathtub

Removal of plaque

Each mistress has her own ways and methods of combating plaque in the bathroom. Someone prefers to use time-tested folk remedies. They do not contain hazardous chemicals and less aggressive impact on the surface being treated.

Bathroom cleaners

Someone prefers the purchase of a cleaning agent. At the moment, in the market there is quite a serious competition between the manufacturers of various detergents for cleaning the bathroom and toilet. However, the principle of action of all these means is similar. Let's take a closer look at them.

Regardless of which cleaning agent you use, you will need to stock up with rags, brushes, sponges and other tools. In order to clean the plaque hard to reach places and seams between the tiles, you will need an old toothbrush. Also you will need rubber gloves to protect your hands.

Folk remedies

The first most popular method of removing plaque is the use of various acids that are found in almost every home.

  • Acetic acid should have a concentration of at least 25%. It is necessary to prepare a solution by mixing it with water in a ratio of 1:20.It is best to dilute acetic acid with steep boiling water and then let the solution cool down a little. Such a solution can be cleaned off the plaque with faience, nickel, enameled, glass and metallized surfaces. However, it is not suitable for use on acrylic bathtubs and on plastics.
  • Citric acid acts on the surface more delicately, so it can be used on any material. In order for the acid to act, it must be applied with a sponge to all surfaces covered with plaque for up to 3 hours. Then it is washed off with plain water. Citric acid is diluted in warm water until its crystals completely dissolve. On average, one packet of citric acid leaves the glass of water, sold at any grocery store in the department with spices or baking products.
  • Oxalic acid is used in many commercially available cleaning products, where its concentration is very high. If you are looking for a softer version of the cleanser, then you can independently prepare the solution from water mixed with oxalic acid in the desired ratio( usually using a 5% solution) and apply it to a surface coated with a coating for a couple of hours. The acid will dissolve the entire plaque and you will only need to wash it off with a stream of water.
  • Some use also hydrochloric acid , for rust cleaning, however, care must be taken here. Do not allow hydrochloric acid to enter the skin, nor on metal surfaces. But it is ideal for removing rust from enameled surfaces. After using hydrochloric acid, the surface must be thoroughly rinsed with running water and washed with an ordinary detergent.
  • A less dangerous way to remove rust is to use a mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Mix the ammonia with peroxide in a 2: 1 ratio in a separate jar, apply the mixture on a rag and wipe the dirt with it. After 10-15 minutes, the mixture can be washed off.
  • Some mistresses are used to remove soda. However, with such a tool you need to be careful, since abrasive particles in it are able to scratch the surface. About how to not damage the surfaces during harvesting, we'll talk just below.
Acetic acid
Lemon acid
Oxalic acid
Hydrochloric acid


It is much easier to clean up chemicals and, as a rule, faster. You will not need to measure the right proportions and mix the solution yourself. All the necessary components in the cleaner are already used. You will only have to apply the product to the sponge, if necessary pre-moistened in water, wipe the surface, and then rinse the remnants of the plaque and funds with ordinary water.

Chemical detergents are sold as a gel, powder and spray. Before buying, carefully read the information on the label. It should indicate not only the way of using the cleaning agent, but also for cleaning which surfaces this product is intended for. So, for example, abrasive powders and cleaning agents containing acids are not suitable for acrylic bathtubs.

Detergents for the bathroom

The more concentrated the cleaning agent, the less time it takes to keep it on the surface to be treated. This time interval can range from a few minutes to several hours. If you are dealing with an old bloom, then no means will help you to cope with it once, no matter how much you hold it. The cleaning procedure will have to be repeated several times before you can completely get rid of annoying dirt.

Cleaning the tub

Application of the products depending on the surface of the

The type and material of the surface on which the plaque has formed has a significant effect on how it should be cleaned:

  • The cast iron products are the least whimsical. They can be cleaned with almost any means except strong acids, such as hydrochloric acid.
  • Enamelled and chrome-plated surfaces can not be cleaned with powders and other abrasives that can break the integrity of the coating. They are cleaned with various aqueous solutions, gels and other liquid detergents. This also applies to glassware and porcelain. To get rid of the plaque on the enamel and return it to the original whiteness will also help bleach.
  • The most careful treatment requires acrylic bathroom .It can be cleaned of plaque only with the help of natural, natural acids or specialized means for washing acrylic surfaces. After surface treatment with acid solution, experts advise to neutralize its effect with any alkaline detergent.
Clean the mirror
Clean the cranes
We clean the toilet bowl
Care of an acrylic bathroom

How not to spoil the surface of the

To not work out as in that proverb "We wanted better, but it turned out as always", before you start cleaning the bathroom, carefully read the instructions on the detergent package. If you use it for the first time, we advise you to first try it on a small, subtle area, rather than apply immediately to the entire bath.

We do not advise you to use hard and metal brushes that scratch the surface. Use porous sponges and soft rags. In extreme cases - brushes with soft bristles.

Use soft brushes

Preventative methods

In the fight against plaque, the main thing is prevention. The more often you will wash the bathroom properly - the less likely it is that you will ever face the problem of a stale plaque. As a preventative measure to combat plaque, it is not necessary to resort to strong remedies. The usual dishwashing liquid, powder, liquid soap - in a word everything that will be in your house, will do. If you are too lazy to wash off the detergent after application, use a liquid for washing glasses. Since most of them are made on the basis of alcohol, it instantly evaporates from the surface, and all the dirt remains on the rag.

Care tile in the bathroom

To fight fungus and mold at least once a week, use in the bath chlorine-containing detergents or just a weak solution of bleach or whiteness. Remember, however, that it is impossible to mix chlorine with various acids at the same time, because in this case the chlorine vapor will become poisonous.

Washing floors in the bathroom

Yellow coating on the bath

The water that flows from our faucet often contains iron. After it dries in the sink and in the bathroom, yellow rust stains can remain. To prevent the appearance of such stains, regular use of bleach helps. If the rusty stains are already too noticeable and the usual bleach does not cope with them, the following tool will help you:

  1. Prepare 2 tbsp and soda ash, 50 g of bleach and 50 g of vinegar.
  2. First, a mixture of calcined and baking soda is applied to the wet surface, which is rubbed in smooth circular motions for 10 minutes.
  3. Then the mixture of bleach and vinegar is applied from above and left for another 30 minutes.
  4. The surface is washed with running water.
Removal of plaque before and after

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