Decorative fence at the dacha: 9 best materials

Decorative fences: variants

You can buy stamped products, you can order work from the master, or you can do all the work yourself. Which options allow which approach?

Plastic fence

The easiest to implement is a plastic fence. It can be high or low, simple or intricate, performed in different colors. All you need is to purchase entire spans in the garden or building store and install them according to the instructions. Such a fence is easy to clean, does not burn out, does not require special care. Its only drawback is fragility.

Plastic fence

Plastic fence

Wooden fence

The tree has been, for many decades and even centuries, the main material for creating fences. Often in carpentry workshops, you can also order ready-made spans of the selected fence model, and then the installation will take a minimum of time and effort. It is noteworthy that wooden decorative fences can be made from whole logs, and from planks and even thin slats. It all depends on the chosen design and fencing features.

Different colors( and sometimes even on one fence) and various decorative techniques will help to make even an ordinary classic fence a work of art. For example, if you drill holes in the boards and insert colored glass in them.

Wooden fence
Wooden fence
Wooden fence
Wooden fence


This fence, in principle, is also wooden, but it is not made of sawn timber, but of thin long rods. It will not require you to invest absolutely, but a lot of time and effort. The process of creating a fence is best shown on the video in the next tab.
http: // watch? V = ZWBT4Z0Yo14
It should be understood that the wattle fence is a rather expressive looking fence. It does not fit the classic style of decorating the yard, any palace or, conversely, cutting-edge design solutions. But it's great to complement the country style, country, romantic flower beds and stuff.
The wattle can be either very low or a full-fledged fence if, enclosing the site, it is built sufficiently high.




Decorative brick fence

As a rule, in this case, use decorative types of bricks and the original ways of laying. Often, brick fences are low, unless they carry a direct fence function.

Brick decorative fence

Decorative stone fence

The stone is used exactly the same way as a brick, with the only difference being that there are much more varieties of stone.

Stone fence

Stone fence

Stone fence

Stone fence

Hedge Fence

Plants are another way to protect a site or part of it, resulting in not only protecting the territory, but also an eye-pleasing picture. The choice of shrubs and trees for hedges is huge. There are stunted, medium-sized and tall plants that can create a stunning view of the site;become both its complement and the main decoration.




Metal decorative fence

The decorative fence made of forged metal bars differs with special beauty and grace. The work of a good master will certainly cost a very large sum, but the result is worth it: a durable, almost maintenance-free and inimitable appearance.

Metal fence

Metal fence

Metal fence

Metal fence

Decorative concrete fence

Only it seems that concrete is a rough and heavy material that is not suitable for decorative tasks. In practice, for a long time there are ready decorative fences and forms for the self-made blocks for the fence. Concrete can also be made in any color.

Concrete decorative fence

Concrete decorative fence

Decorative fence from "eco" materials

Skeptics often call this solution a "garbage design", but with a good imagination, even the most unsightly waste like bottles can be an excellent decorative material. Often, such fences have a height of the curb and serve as a simple separation of flower beds and paths, but there are also higher variants.

Fence from unnecessary things( plastic bottles)

Fence from unnecessary things( plastic bottles)

Fence from unnecessary things( plastic bottles)

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