The protection of the premises and property from thieves is one of the most acute problems in modern society and the problems that exist at all times. Fans of easy profit and craftsmen in breaking into rooms and cars bring great moral and financial damage. Every year in the world there are thousands of large and small robberies. But it is necessary to defend ourselves not only from thieves, another misfortune that brings troubles to ordinary people - fires. There are many ways to protect the dwelling from these misfortunes.
Contents of
- Why do thefts occur in the suburban areas of the
- Engineering ways to protect the suburban area
- Protection of suburban areas by specialized services and watchmen
- Protection of suburban areas by technical means
- Combined way to protect the suburban area
- Protection of the suburban area with their own hands
- Fire safety systems
Why are thefts occurring oncountry sites
The main cause of theft in the suburban areas - the lack of any security system. Careless owners of some houses do not pay due attention to the structure itself. Protection of the perimeter of the site is carried out primarily with the help of a strong and high fence, and the room itself is equipped with shutters and strong doors through which it is difficult for thieves to enter the house. That is, the main cause of thefts in suburban areas is the lack of a security system.
Another factor that makes holiday homes available to thieves is the inability to keep an ordinary dog in the yard. This animal for many years helped the person in the protection of property. A well-trained dog will scare off a thief and bark it in the yard if it does penetrate. But in dachas to keep a dog for many people is not possible. Since the animal requires constant care and, at a minimum, feeding. If there are people in the neighborhood who do not leave the holiday village at any time of the year and will not refuse to feed the animal, then there is no problem to have a dog at the dacha. If, for winter, the holiday village is empty, the dog will simply die.
Holiday cottage is a place for seasonal living. Some people are at the dacha throughout the summer period, while others come there only for the weekend. In the winter, the summer cottages are unattended. And given the fact that most of the residents leave them, there are practically no barriers to thieves. In cottages, there is almost never anything of value stored, it is most often taken away by the owners for the winter period. However, thieves will always find what to profit. Therefore protection for a summer residence is a pledge of calmness and safety of all things.
Engineering ways to protect the suburban area
The engineering method of securing the suburban area is the simplest and most common method of protection. It includes such measures as the installation of metal grilles and doors, rolling shutters and impact resistant film. The metal gratings are ideally suited for protecting windows in basements and in the attic. On the windows, the grilles do not look very aesthetically pleasing, and it is better to use a shockproof film to protect them, which will not only protect the glass, but will not let ultraviolet rays into the room. Minus the film - it does not protect the frames and glass mountings, only the glass itself.
Another way to protect windows - rolls, modern modification of shutters. These are dense curtains that descend and rise, covering the openings. Also, the rolls are used for additional protection of doors. The design of the roller blind looks very aesthetic, besides, they have a low price, which makes them very popular.
Engineering protection systems are profitable financially, since doors, grills, shutters and fences are a one-time investment of money. Among the shortcomings are not very beautiful appearance, no matter how beautiful the grilles, they do not add to the windows of beauty. In addition, in case of emergency evacuation in a fire, additional measures of engineering protection will become an obstacle on the way to salvation.
Protection of suburban areas by specialized services and watchmen
This method of protection is called physical, it means hiring a watchman or using the services of security organizations, which are now a great many. Employees of security companies have special training and uniforms, the services they provide are of high quality and professional. Organize this type of protection on your site is simple enough, you only need to choose a company and conclude a contract. There are many such services, and for security guards, a special room will be needed in which they will carry out their service.
Much cheaper financially will cost hiring a watchman. This employee is a person hired through a cooperative, an acquaintance or just a neighbor who, for a fee, will look after the site. The reliability of this method is not high, because unlike professional security agencies, the guard is not legally liable for the protected territory.
Protection of suburban areas by technical means
Protection of the suburban area is also carried out with the help of the latest technical developments. The main element of such a system is security alarm sensors, which are installed along the circumference of the protected area. The sensors function in two different ways. The first - the information they transmit is displayed on the console, where it is monitored by a security guard. If there is an intrusion into the territory, the sensor transmits an alarm signal and the security company employee notifies the response team about the incident. The guards go to the address where the alarm went off.
The second way of functioning is to connect the sensor directly to the owner of the real estate. In this case, the alarm sounds on a mobile or landline phone. Often the notification is programmed not one by one, but by several phone numbers. The advantage of this method is that you do not need to pay for the services of a security company and conclude a contract on tracking a cottage on the control panel. All costs are reduced to the purchase, installation and configuration of equipment. The downside of this method is the need to personally take action when an alarm is received from the system.
Sensors and the service system are also often equipped with a signal siren that can scare off people who have illegally entered the territory. In addition, the howler will attract the attention of neighbors who will already take action by contacting the relevant authorities.
Combined protection method of the country plot
Of the above methods, choose one particular type of protection or combine several types, which is the most optimal and effective solution. For example, the option of combining the availability of strong engineering structures protecting the house from intrusion and established technical methods of surveillance over the territory is more reliable than using only one of these methods.
In this case, it is necessary to focus not on the quantity, but on the quality difference of security systems. Instead of putting security sensors through every 20 m of floor space, it is better to spend these funds to strengthen doors and locks, and place sensors only along the perimeter of the site.
Protection of a summer cottage with their own hands
Installation of a security system is a very costly process, but if you perform the installation yourself, the alarm will be much cheaper. The first option is installation of a ready-made security system for a private home.
- For the installation of the system, it is necessary to purchase a security control and fire alarm device, door open sensors, hoods and wires. If desired, a motion sensor is also purchased.
- The signal beacon is first set up, its location is selected on the street so that it can be clearly seen. Direct assignment of a beacon is to warn of intrusion, but in a conspicuous place it also carries a warning function. The appearance of a flashing red lamp in most cases causes thieves to change their mind about invading this territory.
- The control part of the system is then mounted. These devices operate in a wide temperature range, so they are installed both indoors and outdoors.
- Sensors are mounted on each door. This part consists of two parts, one of which has wires, and the second one does not. Directly on the door is mounted a half without wires, the part with wires is installed on the jamb.
- From each sensor, pull the wires and connect with each other with a pair of deco boxes. At the end, all the wires are connected to the control device. For sensors it is enough to take two-wire wires.
- From the monitoring device the wire is connected to the beacon, four-wire wiring is already needed here, since two cores are needed for light and two for sound.
- An external switch for signaling is installed. With a controller, it is connected with a special two-wire cable.
- Electricity is connected to the control device and all wires from sensors to the IC are connected. Here they act according to the instructions to the device, it necessarily contains the scheme of connection of all components.
- The instrument is then programmed. The program determines the location of the special jumper. Programming instructions are also available in the enclosure to the instrument.
The installation of the alarm system is complete. There is one more small nuance that should be taken into account by the owners, who are protecting their houses independently. The beacon is located on the street, because any technically educated thief knows that to disable it, you just have to cut the wires and the alarm will be silenced. If the house is under the protection of special services, then during a detour they will necessarily pay attention to the absence of a red beacon signal. If such a service does not follow the house, then the thief will quietly enter the room and do its job, despite the security system.
The way out of this situation is simple - install an additional beacon-howler inside the room. Even after putting out of action a street lighthouse and entering the room, the thief will hear another signal that works in the back of the house.
The second way to set up an alert system is even more budgetary, but it requires a little skill and ingenuity. To implement this idea, you will only need an old and simple mobile phone. The essence of the alarm is that a sensor is installed on the door, which is connected to the shortcut button on the phone. When the door is opened, the contact closes and the phone makes a call to the specified number. Convenience of this method is that by accepting a call from the signal phone, the owner of the real estate not only learns about the intrusion into its territory, but also hears everything that happens there.
- To attach a mobile phone to the sensor, you must remove its top panel and access the button contacts.
- On the button that is intended for quick dialing, gently lift the protective film.
- A three-layer construction - conductor-insulator-conductor - is placed in the formed contact gap.
- Next on the door is sealed contact, which will react to its opening.
- The sensor is connected to the telephone using a wire.
The design of this sensor is such that when the two halves are connected, the magnet in one of them prevents the current from passing. When the halves are opened, the magnet moves away from the sensor, the current starts to flow along the wire to the phone and dialing is performed. Such a self-made alarm system will not cost much, but it will be effective.
Fire safety systems
To ensure fire safety, you need not only the protection of gardens and areas, but also a system of special tracking sensors. The principle of the fire protection system is the same as in the above construction. Only the type of sensors that can be installed is different. Their main varieties are the determinant of the level of heat and smoke. Further, the instruments are subdivided into species according to the method for detecting a feature. Thermal sensors are differential and maximum. The maximum sensors operate in absolute temperature, differential over temperature differences.
Combined sensors detect both smoke and temperature conditions. The next variety is the determinants of an open flame and gas. Summer homes, as a rule, have a small area, so the fire protection of the site and the house should be very effective. It is necessary to select a sensor that will work in the early stage of a fire. Because conventional thermal sensors for country houses are not the best option.
In addition to fire alarm it is necessary to have in the summer house all the necessary means for extinguishing the fire. Since from only one warning about the trouble the fire will not go out. The house must have at least one fire extinguisher, and ideally it is supplemented by a box with sand, shovel and other attributes of a standard fire shield.