Chess, or, as it is also called, a chess fence, in fact, is a kind of fence, but unlike a blind fence, it has a more attractive and friendly appearance. What are the advantages of such a fence and how to make it yourself? We will be more detailed on these issues today at the "Dream House" website.
What are the differences between the fence and the chessboard
The fence is a fence, tested by time and even whole epochs. Agree, each of us has a relative of old age in the village. And what kind of fence does his site have? That's right, the fence! This modern owners of cottages are blocked by impregnable three-meter fences, and ordinary people live openly and the wooden view fence will not change for anything.
Advantages of such a fence are obvious - with due care it stably keeps the inaccessibility of the site for many years and decades, unlike metal fences, for example, from corrugated board.
Observing the neighboring areas, I can say for sure that there are no anti-vandal properties near the fences from the corrugated board: one neighbor after a five-year term began painting his fence from the corrugated board, and the appearance of this, you guessed, was greatly impaired;the second neighbor, having a plot on the corner of the street, already twice changed the individual sections of his fence because of the appearance on them of dents from other people's cars and the scratches left by the strolling youngsters.
But back to the fence, with all due respect to him, this fence has one significant disadvantage - it is one-sided. If you see beautiful vertical columns from the street, then on the inside this fence is adorned with cross bars that spoil its aesthetics. Especially this state of affairs does not suit the neighbors on the border - while one owner will get beautiful wooden slats, the second is forced to contemplate the wrong side of the fence. That's when you take into account the option of chess. Unlike the fence, the chess fence is two-sided and can be either viewed or completely deaf.
What is a fence chessboard
This is a vertical board, fixed on the crossbeams on both sides( if we talk about the vertical chess).
However, recently a horizontal fence is gaining popularity, it is also called "tyn" due to its similarity to a woven fence - in it the lamellas are arranged horizontally and, as it were, intertwined between vertical bars.
Advantages of the chess fence
Like all wooden fences, the chessboard has certain advantages. Among them we note the following:
- the fence is two-sided, i.e.there is no unsightly wrong side;
- is a chessboard made of wooden boards, and the tree itself has excellent decorative properties;
- a chess fence or tyn can be made with lumens between lamellas, then scattered sun rays will penetrate the site, allowing plants to develop normally;
- excellent appearance allows the fence to harmoniously fit into the landscape of the site, executed in almost any style;
- ease of maintenance - if a tree is treated with special protective equipment, then all you need is periodically paint the fence;
- easy recovery - if some board fails, you do not need to break the whole fence or demolish the whole section, it's enough to replace only one lamella;
- universality - this fence can be used not only for the external fencing of the site, but also for delineating it into certain zones, and to install on the border of two sites the best option is not found.
Now that we have decided on the main advantages of the chess fence, let's move on to the main issue that worries many site owners - is it difficult to make such fencing on their own?
How to make a fence with your own hands
For example, take a horizontal chess. But keep in mind that, as an external fence, the horizontal variant is not very suitable, so it is easy to overcome it, i.e.climb the "ladder", created by horizontally placed boards. But for zoning the territory or the border of two sites, it will fit perfectly. So, let's get started.
You need to start with the layout of the territory, leveling the ground under the future fence and outlining the placement of vertical bars. As columns it is possible to use both a metal or profile pipe, and a wooden bar. On the marked places we excavate pits with a depth of about 0.5 m, we set the pipes clearly in level and concreting. Here it should be noted that the standard section( span) has a length of 2 m, but for the stability of the fence in the middle we set one more column around which we will "weave" the boards.
Then each board is fastened to the post with nails or screws. Keep in mind that the boards should be placed in a staggered manner: if the first board is fixed on the inside of the fence, then the second one should be attached from the outside, etc.
That's all, our chess fence is ready, it remains to process it with special impregnation and paint.
Author Vladimir Belov