Search for water in the well site

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Search for water in the well site

How to find water on the sites for a well is a very important issue for many people. To imagine a private plot without water is simply impossible.

It is needed for household purposes, for irrigation, for technical needs. Even if there is only construction planned on the territory of the yard, it is impossible without a lot of water.

Therefore, it is often necessary to excavate the well as quickly as possible, but not everyone knows how to do it correctly.

The main task is to find a place that is ideal for a well.

But on the site, using improvised means, it is not so easy to determine where the ground with water for the well is located.

However, we live at a time when there are a lot of ways to determine the water on the ground.

These include technological, with the use of technology and special methods, and grandfathers, based on handy tools and observations.

For the sake of truth, you can use not just one, but several methods. Then you can immediately get the necessary resources without any problems.


  • Determination of Soils and Depth
  • Searches with Test Drilling
  • Alternative Search Techniques
  • Popular Methods for Finding Water

Determining Soils and Depth

All the earth can be imagined as alternating between different soil layers. Some of them easily pass water and contain moisture, others - practically impenetrable.

Water retains waterproof layers, which often consist of clay or stone. Between them there is a layer of sand, which keeps a clean liquid.

Water occurrence

When searching for a place for a well, you can find a vein already at a depth of several meters. Such water is called perch, and it is not used in everyday life, because it contains a large number of impurities, melted snow and precipitation.

In addition, such a liquid in the upper layer will quickly deplete. In a drought, such a well on the site will dry for a few days, for the summer the water from it can disappear altogether.

To find the right core, you need to choose a depth of about fifteen meters. It is there that there is a layer of continental sand, which contains pure moisture in large quantities.

Also sand is an excellent natural filter, which cleans the liquid of dirt, sediments and debris.

Searches using test drilling

Asking yourself how to find water for a well, you should always evaluate the possibility of drilling.

For dacha or private house - this is the best option, which allows you to take into account such parameters as soil thickness, water quality, depth of occurrence, rocky places, costs for building a well on the site.

Conduct it with a manual or automatic drill.

First, a so-called pit is drilled out of which the soil is removed. Further on the degree of humidity of the rocks, you can determine at what level is the most water.

In addition, drilling rigs can even draw water from various layers in order to assess its quality and purity.

Drilling a well

However, this method suits far from all people living on the site.

The dug up earth spoils the landscape design. In addition, the deposits do not choose a place for deposition, and it is quite possible to dig a whole foundation pit on the access road to the house.

Therefore, other methods of locating a well are often chosen.

Alternative search techniques

Often, to find water and a place on the site under the well, use various non-contact search methods that do not allow to spoil the terrain.

For example, you can use balls made from silica gel. They absorb moisture, so they are ideal for searches.

Beads of silica gel

You can correctly implement the technology as follows:

  • First fry the balls in the oven;
  • After this, they are divided into equal portions and placed in tissue nodules;
  • Further such nodules need to be buried on a site in those places where the erection of a well is supposed;
  • When the day passes, the bags can be dug and weighed( for simplicity, you can weigh them up to clearly see the difference).

It is clear that the heaviest portion will indicate where the most water is. This method is good for giving, where the accuracy of measurements is not so important and you need to dig a small well.

To more accurately determine the location under the tank, there are other ways. For example, you can use the barometer.

In order to use the device, it is necessary to make a control measurement - always on the shore of the nearest water body.

After this, you can make measurements directly on the site, measuring the pressure level.

Thus, the water level is determined by the difference in pressure in the terrain.

It's also realistic to find a place for a well on the site, using the framework method.

Framework method

It is enough to find two aluminum sticks about 30 centimeters long. They are bent at a right angle of about ninety degrees.

Correct insertion of metal ends into wooden cavities, for example using sticks or a vine without a core.

This is necessary in order to be able to comfortably hold the structure without affecting it, because it is extremely important to do as few unnecessary movements as possible.

In order not to move the sticks by themselves, the elbows are pressed tightly to the body, and hands are held at right angles. Both sticks are held in hands and slowly walk along the site, trying not to make sudden movements.

So, if you lived under the ground to the left of you, then the wire will turn in that direction. If to the right - that in the right. If you stand directly above the dwelling, the ends of the wires must be connected.


Popular methods of searching for water

Do not neglect and banal observation, which can tell where to equip the well on the site. It's enough just to examine the relief in order to draw conclusions.

So, if there are trenches and ravines on the site, this is a good sign, which speaks about various layers of soil and the possibility of water in them.

Also common plants will help to correctly locate the underground core.

For example, trees and bushes that love moisture will not grow where there is no water, because their roots are corny from nowhere to take liquid.

For example, say about the hidden water can a significant thicket of beech, acacia. If the site has reeds or willows - this is a wonderful sign, because such plants can grow only with high soil moisture.

But apple trees and cherries do not like excessive moisture, so if you notice their decay - this is a sign of the presence of veins. A good signal is thickets of nettle, alder, wormwood.

Water search by plants

In addition, if near the site there is an industrial water intake or a river - there is practically a 100% guarantee that there will be a good source of water on the site.

If in the country house or in the courtyard of a private house in a particular area a fog is constantly formed, this is also a sign. In addition, animals also feel the underground temperature from the vein.

For example, dogs can often lie down on the ground where it is necessary to arrange a well.

Constantly curving pillars of midges and mosquitoes are a good signal.

If you observe the nature on your own site, you can notice a lot of indirect signs, but this does not mean that you need to immediately begin the costly procedure of digging a well.

It may well be that there will not be water on the spot.

Fog on the site

All folk remedies should be perceived, rather, as a signal to be checked. For example, using conventional cans.

To do this, it is necessary at dawn, during the formation of dew, to place glass bottles in the intended places, so that their necks are pressed to the ground.

The next morning it's enough to see which bank has accumulated more liquid in order to understand where to dig a well.

If you do not have silica gel at hand, you can use brick and salt.

Only it is important to guess the moment when dry weather will stand.

We break the brick into a crumb and mix it with salt. Then the mixture is wrapped in fabric, tied up and buried in the ground where there could theoretically be water.

In a day we dig out the bags and weigh them. The biggest difference in weight indicates the proposed location of the water column.

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