How to organize the heating of a particular building, the owner decides for himself. If it is a private house, the most common heating option is a closed system with forced circulation. Compared with open, it has a number of significant advantages, and therefore has a wider distribution regardless of the size of the structure, its purpose, the complexity of the configuration of the circuit and the parameters of the components.
What is a closed heating system with forced circulation, which has advantages, what are the features of such a scheme? All of these questions can be found in the answers in this article.
But before considering its specifics, it is necessary to understand the terminology. It is because of ignorance of certain nuances that people who do not have professional training are often confused in definitions. The fact is that not everyone understands the fundamental difference between a closed system( HS) and an open( OS) system.
Forced movement of the coolant( its circulation) can be organized in one and the other. In order to avoid the substitution of concepts, one should immediately answer a number of questions.
What is the difference between AP and OS? Any liquid when heated expands. Since the coolant is water( less often - antifreeze or its analogs), it is necessary somehow to compensate for the increase in pressure in the pipes, otherwise the decompression of the system can not be avoided. To do this, the expansion tank is switched on in the circuit. In the OS it is open type, and pressure is regulated by the atmosphere.
In the closed circuit it is completely sealed, and its internal diaphragm( membrane) is responsible for expansion compensation.
What is the meaning of forced circulation? The liquid does not move due to the difference in pressure at the outlet and the input of the heat generator( as they say, by a streamer), but by a pump, which is one of the constituent parts of the circuit.
Comparing different systems, one can see that each has both pluses and minuses, although the AP with forced circulation of merits is much larger. Its significant drawback is in only one - "binding" to the industry / voltage. When it is turned off, the pump and the boiler will "stand up".
Schematic diagram of
As can be seen from the figure, its main parts are:
- 1 - heat generator( boiler of any type);
- 6 - membrane tank;
- radiators and pipe system;
- 9 - water pump.
Additional elements - valves, valves, sensors( pressure, temperature) and a number of others. The need for their installation is determined by the design features of the boiler and the specificity of the mounted circuit( its circuit).
How it works
It's easy to understand by drawing. The direction of movement of the coolant is indicated by arrows.
From the boiler outlet, the water heated to the required temperature through the pipe system passes through all the batteries installed in the circuit, giving them heat energy. Since the system is closed, the liquid returns back. This circulation is provided by the pump. In the heat exchanger, the cooled coolant is heated, and it again goes into the circuit. This process is continuous, and all parameters of the system are controlled by the automation of the boiler. In principle, nothing complicated.
Types of closed system
As consideration of the features of various schemes does not directly relate to the subject of the article, we note only some of their main differences.
As can be seen from the figure, all the radiators are included in the circuit in series( the so-called "Leningrad").The disadvantage is that the last battery in the chain will be much colder than the first ones. Therefore, such contours are installed in relatively small buildings. The obvious plus is a lower consumption of materials( first of all, pipes).
This scheme allows more uniform heating of all rooms without exception. But the cost of its installation is slightly higher. However, it is such a device of the heating circuit that is considered the most acceptable for a private house, especially if there are quite a lot of rooms and 2 - 3 floors.
There are a number of other features of closed systems - for pipe routing( vertical, horizontal), installing a diaphragm tank( read more about the accumulator), and so on. But these are separate topics, and who is interested in a particular option, will be able to read independently on our website. We sum up all that has been said.
What possibilities does the AS with forced circulation of
use as a coolant not only water, but also low-freezing liquids. This is important in cases where, for example, a boiler is used to heat not only a residential building, but also another( subsidiary) building located on a private plot. Or for suburban buildings, if the owners are away, and the supply line is de-energized. The use of the same antifreeze as a coolant significantly reduces the risk of defrosting the system.
Connecting several additional circuits.
Large length of pipes. The main thing is to correctly choose the boiler and pump capacities. But the use of systems with natural circulation in homes with several rooms( floors) is less effective.
High speed of heating the circuit. In this regard, the analog with the flow is more inert.
The tightness of the membrane tank dramatically reduces the likelihood of "zavozdushnivaniya" system.
Maximum heat dissipation due to fluid movement speed. During the time it is in the pipes, it does not cool down to the same extent as in the EC system. As a consequence, less energy is spent on its secondary heating.
Here, perhaps, and all that you need to know in general terms about a closed-type heating system with forced coolant circulation.