The correct
system For a Russian sauna, brick furnaces are the most suitable. Due to the fact that they are slowly and evenly warmed up, they provide the optimum temperature in the room and do not overheat it. However, the furnaces for the Russian bath differ from those used for heating other rooms. For qualitative heating of the steam room, the furnaces must be built in accordance with certain requirements. Also, their dimensions should be chosen based on the area of the steam room.
At any outdoor temperature, -20 to +20 degrees Celsius, the oven should be heated equally. To do this, homemade stoves for the bath are used, which have a prefabricated structure. Such a heating device has a significantly higher level of heat transfer than traditional furnaces. This device is batch-action, bricks are heated by burning firewood. At the same time, the temperature can reach 600 degrees, but the steam room still does not overheat. This design is quite simple and can be done independently.
Important! It should be taken into account that the bricks for the stove must be fireproof.
Which oven is the best for a Russian bath?
Another option is to use a metal oven for a sauna in the country or its own area. It has the following advantages: it does not give cracks and heat-resistant, it is easy to transport and install, economical, protected by special pads that protect against burns. However, despite all the advantages, a metal heating device is not the best option for a steam room.
He heats up very quickly, and the stones do not have time to heat up during the same time, and as a result, the steam becomes moist. All the known ways to deal with this do not have major successes. In order to select self-made stoves for a bath, it is necessary to take into account their disadvantages and advantages. On the metal stove, we have already talked, now consider the pros and cons of a brick appliance. Advantages:
- Long maintains heat( 6-9 hours after the furnace is stopped);
- Has great fire safety, in comparison with metal;
- Can heat large areas;
- The next day after the furnace, the temperature in the room is kept within +20, which allows us to use the useful area for other purposes, for example, for washing.
- Long heating time, from 3 to 5 hours;
- Takes a lot of space;
- Homemade oven in the bath is quite difficult to manufacture;
- Need to do a deep foundation.
Important! You can only steam up after all the fuel has burned out to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. Taking into account all these factors, you must independently determine which type of stove for you will be more acceptable, and what kind of heater you can build yourself, based on the capabilities and skills.
From metal to stone
You can make a furnace with your own hands in several ways. The first way is to build it "from scratch."In this case, you will have to study the construction technology, consult with specialists, and the costs of forces, time and finances will be considerable. But this option is considered the best quality and the right one for couples.
The second option is to modify the existing metal furnace. In order for it to warm up evenly, it must be bricked. Masonry is made in half a brick, and it should not touch the heater, but be at a distance of 15 centimeters. In the masonry, an opening is made to pour water onto the stones and regulate the warming up. There are two such holes, as air will enter the lower one, and steam will flow through the upper opening.
Note! Such a system can not be compared with a full-fledged brick stove, but it is better than a simple metal appliance.