How to choose a Finnish peat toilet for a summer residence - features of operation and the best models

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Peat-composting-toilet-Kekkila-Duomatic_04 Each owner of a suburban area decides how to equip it with the maximum possible amenities. And if problems with electricity and water even outside settlements are no longer insoluble, then the issue of organizing a "latrine" is relevant for all summer residents.

There are several reasons for this:

  • firstly, for a small country house, especially if there is no one permanently there, it makes no sense to mount a whole sewerage system: septic tanks, a highway, aeration field. This is quite costly, while this communication will only be operated from time to time;
  • secondly, having a site of only a few hundred, it is irrational to allocate space for it under the same drive;
  • third, to arrange a modest size house a separate toilet room also fails;
  • Fourth, how to clean a cesspool or a septic tank? Manually - it is possible, but where then to put "all that. ..".To drive the same on a site the special machine will turn out only in a cold season, otherwise it will simply damage all plantations. And if you need now? And if it does not pass at all( bushes, an indiscriminate fence and the like)?

 To get out of the situation will help the bio-toilet. One of his options is Finnish peat. The principle of its functioning consists in processing waste( faeces) by oxidizing them into a mass that can be used on the same site already as an organic fertilizer.

It looks like a familiar toilet bowl. It can be put in the same "starling house", which is traditionally present in almost all our country estates. By the way, Manufacturers also offer wooden houses specially for this plumbing fixture.


Design features

ekodom22 The peat toilet consists of a toilet bowl and a container in which compost is accumulated. It is easily removed, and "fertilizer" is stored for further "ripening".In principle, as a uselessness it is not difficult, almost dry, to take out from the site and scatter around the neighborhood. Ecologists are not to blame for this.

The liquid is drained by a special hose. Where to send it, into the store, into the drainage pit, the owner decides for himself how convenient. The set includes a ventrobe, which not only removes smells and ventilates the room, but also accelerates the drying of the compost mass.

 Manufacturers offer and bundle with various "services".For example, thermoset( cover included) - from 1 650 rubles. Packaging of the mixture for compost costs about 550 - 600 rubles( 65 liters).

Let's take as an example several models of Finnish peat toilets suitable for a summer residence.


Its "strangeness" is that plastic is used for manufacturing. In the set of 2 tanks of 80 liters( interchangeable), which after filling one of them change places. For a small family of 3 to 4 people, subject to daily operation of the device, one tank is enough for 5 months.

Seat - made of polypropylene foam. All metal parts( lattices in tanks) are made of "stainless steel".

It remains to add that the manufacturer guarantees complete absence of odors. Hence, in the area of ​​the toilet there will be no annoying flies either.

But for all the amenities you need to pay. The price of this model is about 32,500 rubles.


Reservoir - 110 hp. The production uses the same materials. The height of the seat( from the floor) is 0.5 m.

The cost is from 16 800 rubles.


Capacities for 110 l, a thermo-lid. The device weighs 15 kg. The difference is that such models are produced in Russia by Finnish technology and from Finnish materials.

The price is from 15 750 rubles.

It's fair to say that Russian devices are not inferior to imported products in terms of their characteristics. But their cost is several thousand less( starts from 11 500 rubles).

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