How to hold the indicator screwdriver correctly?

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The question is answered: Alexander Myasoedov
Hello! The question is not stupid, your health and life may depend on the correct use of the indicator.

To begin with, a screwdriver works on the principle of current flow through a phase, a large resistance, an indicator (LED or neon light) to ground through your body. Therefore, yes - you need to touch the "ass"!
Further, we note that there are two types of indicator screwdrivers:
1. Good and reliable - with a neon lamp and without batteries - they light up only when the phase and back part are touched, they do not light up at zero.
2. Bad and dubious - with LED and batteries. They light up with varying degrees of brightness at phase and zero, so it is not always possible to understand which is which. Burn with and without touching the back. They burn even when a piece of wire is touched on the table. But you can ring the chain with them, if you take hold of the sting, and touch the ringed chain with the butt, or drive over a cable under voltage - where it has stopped burning - there is no voltage, in theory.

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