Calculation of the power consumed by the machine

Zaur asks:

Good time. Please tell me: the machine's tag indicates a current of 312A. How to calculate how many kilowatts it consumes per hour. If you can order the formula. Thanks in advance.

The question is answered: Alexey BartoshAlexey Bartosh
Hello! To begin with, let's clarify what the machine is powered by? From a three-phase 380V network? Further, a current of 312A is a very large current, did you accidentally make a mistake when you wrote down the numbers from the tag? Maybe 31.2A?
In any case, the total power of the three-phase circuit is calculated by the formula:
S = UlinearI * 1.73
S = UphaseI * 3
According to the first formula:
S = 380 * 312 * 1.73 = 205 108 W or 205.1 kW
According to the second formula, approximately the same comes out:
S = 220 * 312 * 3 = 205,920 W or 205.9 kW
Multiply by the number of hours, and you will find out how many kW / h it will wind. But this is a very high power, what is interesting about this machine you have?
We considered the issue of calculating power in detail in the article, I am attaching it, as you asked.
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