The opening in the bearing wall - how to avoid mistakes when cutting?
If your plans include an opening in the bearing wall, you must take care in advance that all work is done by professionals who have a rich experience and a proper "arsenal" of tools. This condition is important for the reason that the load-bearing wall is one of the main elements of the building's skeleton.
Not very skilled workers and the use of inadmissible tools - all this can significantly worsen the durability of the building. Rough errors, for example, non-compliance with the technology of work, can even lead to its collapse. Cutting the opening in the bearing wall must be carried out on the basis and in accordance with the pre-prepared project of replanning the living quarters! Today you can make an opening in the wall using the following tools:
- Hand-made diamond carver. It is a professional tool for cutting walls, the thickness of which does not exceed 30 cm. The work on the opening is made from two sides of the wall.
- A wall sawing machine is a technical installation allowing cutting depths up to 70 cm. The work can be carried out even if the wall thickness exceeds 1 meter. However, this machine is rarely used in residential areas due to operational difficulties.
Practice has shown that it is the special machinery and diamond tools that make it possible to do all the work as quickly and safely as possible. Immediately before the start of work, it is necessary to install rack-jacks, the main purpose of which is to transfer the load of the bearing wall.
Depending on the thickness of the supporting wall, cutting can be carried out in whole or in parts. The first option is quite suitable for the walls of panel houses, as their thickness is small - about 15-18 cm. The second option is most common in monolithic houses, where the walls are somewhat thicker - 20-22 cm. If necessary,.
Strengthening the opening in the supporting wall with the help of the channel
It is difficult to cut the doorway in the bearing wall, but it is possible, however, this is only the first stage of the work. After cutting, it is necessary to strengthen the structural element of the building, since after removing part of the wall, the load on it increases several times. In this case, do not forget about the pre-planned redevelopment project. It is in it should be the calculation of the change in load on the bearing element of a residential building, taking into account the number of storeys, the work performed and the materials of the structure. To make the reinforcement of the aperture help a special jumper in its upper part - the channel.
Obviously, this jumper must be strong enough to withstand the load not only from the remaining part of the bearing wall, but also the overlapping on it. That's why experts recommend to stop their choice on steel products. The steel bridge, used to strengthen the cutout, consists of two channels, connected by bolts. For their installation above the opening on both sides of the wall, a groove is made to a depth of half the brick. In each straw, the steel channel is "drowned" in a pre-prepared mortar. Then both channels are bolted.
The metal plates welded to the jumper strengthen this construction.
When installing the bridge over the doorway, the distance between the connecting elements must be observed - it should not exceed 50 cm. Otherwise, the structural strength will suffer and the load-bearing wall may collapse. Channel bars on both sides should go to the supporting walls by about 15-30 cm, and the bolts used for their connection can not have a diameter less than 20 mm. All specified values should also be reflected in the redevelopment project!
A door or an arch in a bearing wall - to be or not to be?
Of course, the process of doing all the work to cut and strengthen the opening - this is important, but all this may not be. How so? Very simple! Do not let the "law", more precisely, do not approve your project redevelopment in the relevant state and municipal authorities officials. In addition to the project itself, in which everything should be clearly and clearly stated, you will have to collect a lot of documents and run with them on housing inspections and the all-powerful BTI.
These documents include a contract with professional builders who will perform this type of work. Builders, in turn, must be members of a self-regulatory organization( innovation legislation), which should also be documented. In addition, you will have to get hold of the floor plan of the building and prepare title documents for living quarters. Solid, is not it?
Another surprise is the need to find the "author" of the project of the house in which the device or expansion of the opening in the bearing wall will be carried out. As a rule, this moment is ignored if the changes are insignificant. However, if we are talking about load-bearing structures, then we can not do without a designer at home.
Of course, you can perform an unauthorized redevelopment, which can show up at any time and bring you to court, fine and duty to restore the original form of housing. In rare cases, re-planning, affecting the bearing structures, can be legalized after implementation. Experts do not recommend to hope for the traditional "maybe", it is better to agree on all the desired changes in advance.