Don't do that! 5 most common mistakes in the interiors of Russian houses

Often the interiors of Russian dwellings are very similar to each other. Is it because the same mistakes are repeated there? How to recognize them and what to do next - read on.

5 common mistakes in the interiors of Russian houses

5 common mistakes in the interiors of Russian houses. Photo:

As in the catalog

Who hasn’t tried to copy a picture from the catalog of a popular furniture store or bought furniture with one-piece headsets? Yes, it's convenient, you don't have to bother with the selection, but the feeling is as if you are at an exhibition. Try to avoid such decisions, because the home interior should become a unique space that conveys your character.

Furniture of the same type makes the interior boring

Furniture of the same type makes the interior boring. Photo:

Textile, decorative sets

They "finish off" the individuality of the interior, creating the atmosphere of a hotel room. Choose textiles that match in texture, color, and pattern. Avoid sets of candlesticks, vases and other decor made in the same style.

Sharp contrast

Some people want to make the design more expressive. But not always suitable tools are selected for these purposes. As a result, too catchy shades hit the eyes. If you have never come across a color palette, then use the advice of professionals or Itten's color wheel.

Excessive fadedness

There are times when, on the contrary, homeowners are afraid to violate the boundaries of what is permissible and decorate the interior with too neutral shades. The result is an absolutely expressionless picture that does not arouse interest. If you find yourself in a similar situation, then the placement of bright accents with the help of a correctly selected decor, several tones lighter or darker than those that have already been used, will help out. Metal, wood, wicker details and live plants will brighten up the environment perfectly.

Lack of attention to detail

Sockets, switches, window sills and similar little things cannot be ignored. When decorating a room in a certain style, pick up small things as well. They may seem small, imperceptible, but it is these mistakes that catch the eye and spoil the overall impression.

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