Advertising on

click fraud protection is a large community and portal in Russia dedicated to all the intricacies of DIY repair in apartments and houses.

People in age
from 24 to 44 years old.
Interested in renovating their apartment or house, related services.

Monthly - 300,000 people,
Weekly - 45,000 people browsing
more than 460,000 pages monthly.

Interior design projects,

Decoration of apartments and houses,

Repair of offices, apartments, kitchens.

The minimum amount of banner ad buyback is 100,000 impressions.

Seasonal odds:
January - February - 1.4
March - April - 1.3
May - September - 1
October - November - 1.2
December - 0.8

50,000 impressions per week. The first screen of the page is branded.
Placement is possible on the main and / or internal pages of the site.

Limitation: frequency of no more than 3 impressions / day per user for internal pages
and no more than 1 impression / day for the main page.

Attendance -
230,000 people per month

Advertising in 1 week -
50,000 impressions.

Age of target audience -
from 25 to 44 years old.

Subscribers in the group -
216,000 people

instagram viewer