Doors - Do-it-yourself apartment renovation: a repair school for beginners and not only

How to adjust the door and what to do if the lock sticks

It is always unpleasant if the lock sticks. It so happens that he gets stuck at the most inopportune moment, and then there are two options: try to solve the problem yourself; contact a specialized company for emergency door opening. ...

May 21, 2019

How to choose the right interior door - step by step instructions

Overhaul of the dwelling provides for cardinal changes in everything, including redevelopment with a complete replacement of all finishes and filling of technical openings. Wall decoration, floor and ceiling covering, interior, window ...

07 April 2019

Sliding doors for the dressing room: how to save space?

To close a wide opening and save free space, you can use the sliding system Sliding doors for dressing room (yes, in fact, for any other room) - these are designs that not only make it possible optimize ...

11 april 2017

Door peephole - types of structures and installation technology

By installing a peephole on the door, you will be able to control the situation near the entrance to a house or apartment. Think that it is difficult to install a peephole? The accumulated experience allows me to assert that this work is within the power of even an inexperienced master. I will tell, ...

10 april 2017

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