- 1 Where to start gluing?
- 2 Applied tools for gluing wallpapers
- 3 Decorating interior corners
- 4 Wallpaper gluing on external corners
- 5 Finishing the corners
Wallpapers are one of the most accessible materials for finishing even not quite high-quality and smooth walls. They can ideally hide spots of irregularities and even distortions. But gluing them on a completely curved surface is not easy, sometimes even impossible. Therefore, the first thing is to maximize alignment of all sections of the wall, and the corners should be given the most attention. If in other parts of the wall the wallpaper from the impregnation with glue acquired elasticity and could be stretched, then at the corners of the corners, both internal and external, surprises can not be excluded in the form of distortions and large folds.
Even at perfectly flat corners, difficulties sometimes arise. Therefore, before starting work should be well prepared on the question "How to paste wallpaper in the corners?".
Where to start gluing?
Many recommend from the window, and someone from the door. In reality, there is no difference, if you do not take into account past trends, when the wallpaper had a special edge for the overlap. Because of what it was necessary to glue them with an opening of not less than 1 cm. In this case, the best option was sticking it from the far wall with a window. So it was not visible seams at the entrance to the room. Today, the wallpaper is produced without this edge, and glued them is recommended by butt. The gluing of wallpaper in the corners is no different from flat spaces.
The first step is to decide what kind of wallpaper there is and how much glue is required to impregnate them:
- Paper requires moderate impregnation and preliminary wall smearing.
- Vinyls require good impregnation, especially when gluing them in the corners, as they are thick and thick enough.
- Wallpaper on non-woven basis requires impregnation only the walls.
Applied tools for gluing wallpaper
Often the wallpaper is patterned, which is unstable to mechanical damage. Therefore, for their smoothing, a special rubber roller or brush is required.
Finishing internal corners
Having dealt with the types of cloths and the amount of glue you can start working. If the wallpaper began to stick from the corner, then without fail, using a long level and a metal ruler, it is necessary to mark out a vertical line. It should be so that when the leaf is stuck the leaf fell with a twist at an angle of 2-3 cm. The inner corner is the least noticeable, so if there is a small overlap, it will not be very noticeable.
If the leaf edge is not straight, then it can be cut using a wallpaper or a knife. In this case, after each incision it is recommended to break off the blade. Otherwise, if you later use it, there will be scuffing and tearing.
The angle is the place where the wallpaper is most prone to peeling off the wall. Therefore, it is not worth it to regret glue, the best option is to pre-impregnate the surface in several layers.
Use special glue for reliable corner sizing. Excellent fit glue PVA.
Wallpaper gluing on the outer corners
The rules of gluing the wallpaper on the outer corners are the perfect fit of the fabric. There will not be a variant with an overlap, because it will be clearly visible. The best option is "Cutting".But in order to beautifully decorate the outer corner, its surface must be maximally leveled with putty.
Next, it is recommended to pre-coat the surface of the wall with glue in several layers. If necessary, use a brush, because it is often impossible to penetrate the small cracks with a roller. Pre-impregnated canvas is glued to the corner with a bend on the second wall of 2-3 cm. Almost always, the edge of the sheet is almost always formed. This is due to the geometry of the walls and their not ideal. The second sheet of wallpaper is pasted with an overlap to the previous 5-8 cm. It is necessary that it can be conveniently taken for removal.
Then, using a plumb bob, and it is better to use a long level, an incision of both canvases is made with a new blade of the mounting knife.
Here it is not necessary to save, because as blunt blades on the surface can be formed scuffing, which will become very unattractive.
After cutting, the excess piece is removed and the edges of the joined sheets are gently peeled off. From under it, the cut off residue is removed, and the wallpaper is stuck in place. If necessary, you can add glue.
Finishing of corners
Finishing of corners after gluing of wallpaper consists in rolling up of joints by means of a rubber roller and leveling with a special spatula. He can also gently press down the wallpaper on the outer and inner corners. Here, the main thing is not to overdo it, because you can easily damage the wallpaper when pressing the tool.
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This video will help you understand all the nuances in the implementation of wallpapering in the corners.