Wallpaper - DIY apartment renovation: renovation school for beginners and not only

How to glue liquid wallpaper - a description of the workflow from start to finish

Most developers do not know how to glue liquid wallpaper and find the process very difficult. In fact, the process is quite simple, and with knowledge of the technology, anyone can handle the job. In this article we will figure out how to do it right ...

23 december 2016

How to remove wallpaper from drywall for wall putty

To understand how to remove wallpaper from drywall, you need to understand the structure of the gypsum board, because you, in fact, have to separate the glued paper. Experts advise to resort to such a procedure only in case of emergency, for example, when on the wall ...

01 July 2015

What wallpaper to glue the hallway (39 photos): main types

What wallpaper to glue the hallway, how to transform the look of the room and visually increase the space? Let's talk about this. The hallway is usually considered a secondary room. In most cases, it is narrow, long, cramped and has no windows. Even ...

May 29, 2013

How to glue paper wallpaper (36 photos): features of DIY gluing

Paper wallpaper was still the most popular finishing material, but today the market has expanded significantly. offers us vinyl, natural and non-woven canvases, but the question of how to glue paper wallpaper is still relevant. So our ...

April 30, 2013

Can wallpaper be pasted on wallpaper (54 photos): how to prepare various surfaces for wallpapering?

Wallpapering is one of the most common wall decoration options. Most home craftsmen prefer to do this work themselves, but beginners often have questions, for example, can the wallpaper be pasted on the wallpaper, how to prepare ...

02 April 2013

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