Artyom Ivanov, author at Remoo. RU

Where a living room combined with a kitchen is appropriate: photos of the best ideas. Advantages and disadvantages. Types of planning, methods of functional zoning of space. Choice of style.

Do-it-yourself garage ventilation. Scheme, calculation and ventilation methods for the garage. Ventilation device in the cellar and basement of the garage. Metal garage ventilation.

Glass fiber for painting. Photo in the interior, main technical characteristics, their advantages and disadvantages. Methods for gluing and painting fiberglass wallpaper.

Why do you need a grid for plastering the walls of the facade, its main types, principles of choice, areas of application, methods of plastering, application options, advice.

Two-room country cabins with toilet and shower. Materials for country cabins. Differences in the layout of typical summer cottages. Factors affecting the price of summer cottages.

The optimal insulation for the walls of the house outside - insulation options, the choice of material, installation methods, technology features, tips, interesting facts, photos and videos.

Gas wall-mounted double-circuit boiler with a closed combustion chamber: device, types and features of devices. Choosing an acceptable model. Installation of equipment.

These are daily articles about construction and renovation, arrangement of an apartment and a country house. Helpful information with fun ideas and step-by-step instructions.

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