Oleg Dobronravov, author at Remoo. RU

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Children's room for a boy and a girl: interesting colors, correct zoning and practical furniture. Competent selection of decor and accessories for each child.

Heat baseboard: what it is, and what types of devices are there. Design and functional features of this heating system. How to carry out the installation yourself.

Chipboard: dimensions and thickness of the sheet, the price of the board, depending on the grade and grade of the material. The main criteria for choosing a finished product. Comparison of prices from well-known manufacturers.

Bathroom skirting board: which one to choose for the floor, ceiling and bath bowl. Features of the installation of various materials. The cost of the most popular options for fillets for a bathroom.

Two-tariff electricity meter: the choice of the device, its installation, design features and principle of operation, prices. Rules for taking readings from an accounting device.

These are daily articles about construction and renovation, arrangement of an apartment and a country house. Helpful information with fun ideas and step-by-step instructions.

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