Barn at the dacha with their own hands
Choose a place( dry, not podaplivaemoe spring and during rains) and begin the construction of the foundation. On the perimeter of the future summer cottage, a trench 0.5 m wide and 0.7-0.8 m deep should be dug. Cover the bottom of the trench with a sandy-gravel mixture, about a third of the depth, tamped, periodically spilling with water. Then we lay the reinforcing mesh, install the board formwork and pour all the concrete( M250) at a time( stratified pouring is not recommended).Check the level level and wait until the concrete will gain the necessary strength( day).
Shed of foam blocks with their own hands
The foundation is ready, but before making walls, we perform waterproofing of the foundation. Ruberoid is suitable as a waterproofing material. We weld the tar and glue the roofing material on the foundation in two layers, at the same time we smear the remaining tar from the side of the foundation that projects above the ground.
Construction of a shed with your own hands is a simple matter, and if instead of a cinder block and brick, you have a foam block, it's generally wonderful. We start with the angles. Penobloc is large, but light, the walls rise right before our eyes. Laying is done on a solution of sand and cement, one part of the cement on four pieces of sand.
You can add slaked lime to the plasticity of the solution, but this is not necessary. The thickness of the seam is 5-7 mm. We control the verticality level and plumb line, the plane - a large rule or a long flat board. As jumper for the window aperture and doors we use a metal corner. Flooring is spread over the logs in two layers of boards with a cross overlap.
The roof is made of one-sided, the height difference in one row of the foam block, quite, enough, rafters from the timber, crate from the board. If you make a gable roof, then the attic space is perfect for storing hay. We cover the roof with wave slate, and. .. The shed is ready with our own hands!
Shed for animals
To insulate or not? If our barn is intended solely for storing the instrument, then it is possible to leave it as it is. But if we plan to have animals or store food and food there, then, of course, it is necessary to insulate.
In order to get a warm shed for animals, we use a planed edged board and a roll insulation. First, horizontally on the walls, every 0.5m.we fix by means of stoppers a bar to the foam block, and then we put a heat-insulated heater between the bars and nail the boards to the bar with nails, everything is simple. It is desirable to coat the boards with paint or varnish, but it can be done differently, smeared with used engine oil, which also protects wood from insects and mold. We put the wiring on the top, but in the cable-channel. We install a switch and a socket, we insert a window and doors.
For the entire construction of a warm summer cottage "turnkey" we took about 3.5 weeks.
By the way, the shed does not have to be stone, it is possible to build with your own hands a wooden structure made of lumber, frame-panel made of a lantern, from logs, boards or sleepers. Successful construction!