Ekaterina Popkova, author at Remoo. RU

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Chests of drawers: photos of modern models. Standard sizes, materials of manufacture. Chests of drawers are angular, multifunctional, for nursery, kitchen. Correct placement of structures.

Cordless vacuum cleaner: device features. Types of freestanding clinker appliances. Review of the best vertical, hybrid, hand-held and washing models of the world manufacturers.

Guides for the wardrobe: their purpose, types and technical characteristics. Classification of components by type of material. Recommendations for the selection and installation of guides.

Upright vacuum cleaners: rating of the best models of different designs and functionality. Criterias of choice. Which one to choose: wired, cordless, hybrid or washing vacuum cleaner.

Sliding door mechanism. Composite elements. Mechanism types according to the sliding method, the number of guides, the type of doors and the option of their sliding. Installation of the structure.

Reinforced concrete blocks: distinctive features of products. Scope of use. Varieties of blocks by type, size and area of ​​application. The procedure for installing reinforced concrete blocks.

These are daily articles about construction and renovation, arrangement of an apartment and a country house. Helpful information with fun ideas and step-by-step instructions.

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