Premises. Entrance hall, living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, toilet, interior

Two-level plasterboard ceilings, photos of various styles. Design options for two-level plasterboard ceilings for different rooms in the apartment.

High-quality finishing of a wooden house inside. Photo of finishing options in the interior of the rooms. Subtleties, nuances and basic rules for decorating walls, ceilings, floors.

Interior decoration with imitation of a bar. Photos of interiors and stages of work. Pros and cons of the material, its calculation. Installation of imitation timber, correct wall and ceiling cladding.

Laminate on the wall in the interior: photos and installation features. The nuances of wall decoration with laminate, photo using various types of laminate panels in the interior.

Small bathroom renovation photo. We plan the space: choice of tiles, lighting, plumbing, furniture, washing machine. Pipes and waterproofing.

These are daily articles about construction and renovation, arrangement of an apartment and a country house. Helpful information with interesting ideas and step-by-step instructions.

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