REMOO, author at Remoo. RU

Do-it-yourself decorative fireplace. Do-it-yourself fireplace imitation options. Making a false fireplace with your own hands from cardboard boxes, brick, plaster, drywall.

Kitchen design in Khrushchev: layout features. Floor, wall and ceiling design rules. What colors are best used in the interior. How to find the right furniture.

Fireplace in the living room interior: photos of interesting solutions using designs of different types, examples of various finishes. Tips for creating a beautiful design.

Socket with a switch in one case, features and varieties of products. Schemes and common connection methods. Design selection and overview of popular brands.

An entrance door with a thermal break: the main types of structures, their features and parameters. Brief overview and comparative characteristics of manufacturers, average prices for products.

These are daily articles about the construction and repair, arrangement of an apartment and a country house. Helpful information with interesting ideas and step-by-step instructions.

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