Windows and Doors. Installation, assembly, dismantling. Sliding, folding

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Wooden interior door: main characteristics, classification, structural features. The choice of wood, installation rules. The subtleties of the repair and the tricks of the restoration.

Entrance wooden door. The difference in designs and modes of operation. Self-made and installation tips. Repair, restoration and design processing.

An entrance door with glass and its features: the structure of the structure and the materials used for its manufacture. Classification and review of the most popular types of products.

Sliding glass doors: device of structures, their advantages. Classification of existing types of products by material of manufacture, shape, size, etc.

Bath door. Modern models, types of materials used. Features of the installation process of various designs. Tips for making doors with your own hands.

These are daily articles about construction and renovation, arrangement of an apartment and a country house. Helpful information with fun ideas and step-by-step instructions.

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