Premises. Entrance hall, living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, toilet, interior

Safe for an apartment: classification by type of protection, purpose and method of installation. Characteristics of individual models, an overview of manufacturers. Conditions for the correct choice of equipment.

Wall-mounted clothes dryers: design features, classification, advantages and disadvantages of the model, installation of products and the creation of similar devices with your own hands.

Ceiling clothes dryer on the balcony: advantages and disadvantages. Types of structures, recommendations for selection. DIY installation of products, homemade dryers. User reviews.

Art Nouveau style in the interior: characteristic design features. Decoration of the living room, kitchen, bedroom and other rooms. Which furniture to choose and which accessories to choose?

Basement waterproofing from the inside from groundwater and the feasibility of its use. Types of waterproofing and materials used to protect the cellar from moisture penetration.

Design of a one-room apartment. Tips for expanding space. How to choose the right colors, furniture and lighting. Kitchen and bathroom design. Studio apartment design. Choice of style.

Attic floor design: choice of interior style, selection of furniture for bedrooms and lounges. Attic design rules, photos of options for arranging a room under the roof.

Wallpaper for a child's room for a boy: varieties and criteria for choosing a finishing material for walls in terms of quality, color and design, popular design ideas.

Winter garden in a private house and apartment: types, types of construction. Ideas, projects, principles of construction. Care tips: heating, ventilation, lighting, watering, protection.

These are daily articles about construction and renovation, arrangement of an apartment and a country house. Helpful information with fun ideas and step-by-step instructions.

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