Shower toptun: application, pluses and making by own hands a foot shower

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  • Scope
  • How it works
  • Advantages of
  • What determines the water pressure
  • Do it yourself

Very often in the country or in a hike, the question of the daily shower becomes very relevant. To take water procedures, you should take a basin and heat the water, and then manually drain the water. This option is inconvenient and problematic. The perfect solution for taking a shower in nature will be the use of soul-tattoo.

Its main features are the mobility and regulation of water supply with the help of the feet. The reliability of the system is indicated by the fact that there are no mechanical parts in the shower. Even children without supervision of elders can use this device, because it is completely safe.

Outdoor shower

Scope of application

Shower-treadmill( foot shower) can be used anywhere, because it is easy to carry. It is compactly placed in a small bag, and the corrugated hoses are twisted, while they do not lose their original shape and do not bend. In a hike, at a dacha or in nature, this shower will be a convenient means for taking water procedures.

Shower-tiptoe can be placed in a usual country house, in a shower-tent, in a stationary booth or simply in an open area. The scope of the shower-treadmill is quite extensive, because it allows you to take not only water procedures, but also gives you the opportunity to water the beds in the suburban area. The peculiarity is that the length of the hose allows you to take water directly from the well, if it is in the cottage.

Shower topood scopes

Also shower-treadmill is perfect for washing the car, windows of the cottage, paths and sidewalks of the countryside, because the process itself is quick and convenient. It can be used even in the apartment when hot water is turned off. This plumbing product will never lie without use, because it can be useful in many situations.

Principle of operation of

In order to understand the principle of the work of soul-treadmill, you first need to understand the structure of the device. The mechanism of this product consists of the following parts:

  • rubber mat or rubber pedals;
  • valves;
  • water intake corrugated hose;
  • water-absorbing corrugated hose;
  • shower head nozzle.
Душ-топтун "Степ"
Душ-топтун "Дождик"
Душ "Топтун" и душевая кабинка

Corrugated hoses can be replaced with conventional tubes, but should be ready, that in the near future it will be necessary to replace them. They are characterized by a tendency to break in the bending points of the hose during transport or use.

On the next video you will see the process of assembling a buying soul of a treadmill( a foot shower).

Preparation for the adoption of an aqueous procedure with the help of a shower-tipton:

  • First you need to hang the hose with the nozzle at a suitable height, so that the nozzle is above you.
  • Place the rubber mat under your feet.
  • One end of the hose should be immersed in a container with warm water, which must first be heated. For a container, you can use a jar, a tank, a canister, an inflatable pool or a bucket to accommodate a large volume of water.
Stationary watering can

Now you can get on the mat and stomp your feet to start the mechanism of water supply from the tank through the hose with the nozzle. Shower-treadmill works on the same principle as the foot pump, so it is also called pneumatic.

The peculiarity of using this device is that hands remain free for washing, and at any time you can cut off the water supply. This product perfectly imitates a full-fledged shower.

Advantages of

  • Easy use of the shower mechanism. You just need to dip the hose in a container with water and with a few steps on the rubber mat will start the shower system - the water will drain from the watering can.
  • Saving money. The cost of shower-toplun in the market of sanitary equipment is 1500 rubles on average, but construction of a stationary shower at the dacha requires much more time and expenses.
  • The versatility of the , in addition to the direct purpose of showering, it is possible to water the beds, wash the car or replace the full shower during the hot water shutdown period.
  • The compact dimensions of the shower-treadmill consist in its design, which consists of two hoses and a rubber mat.
  • Mobility .The shower is easily assembled and disassembled, which allows it to be transported without any trouble to any place.
Functions of the soul-tattoo

What determines the water pressure

The water pressure in the shower is completely dependent on the human factor. Rhythmic steps affect the creation of uniform water pressure. If a person stops, the water supply also stops completely.

At first glance, this is not very convenient, but it helps to save water consumption. With such a device, only 10 liters of water will be enough to thoroughly wash the entire body. Especially this mechanism is like women, because simple aerobics during the reception of the shower helps to keep yourself in good physical shape, and also raises the mood.

Shower tent with showers
Душ "Степ" на даче

We do it ourselves

The mechanism of the shower-to-tune operation is so simple that it can be made by hand.

For this you need to purchase several items:

  • foot pump for cars;
  • rubber hose;
  • cork made of rubber or wood;
  • plastic container with lid;
  • shower attachment;
  • tube made of plastic or metal.

The process of manufacturing a homemade pushchart pump:

  • Fill the container with water and put in the sun for heating.
  • In the plug you need to make two holes with different sizes( one hole diameter - 1 cm, the second one - 2 cm).
  • Insert the tubes into the holes. Through a larger diameter hole, the tube should reach the bottom of the tank.
  • Rubber hoses are put on tubes.
  • Attach the foot pump to the tube smaller than the diameter that will supply air to the tank.
  • The shower head is attached to the larger diameter hose.
  • In addition, you can make a holder for a shower head or use improvised items: a fence, a wall or a tree.
Factory showers-dash for giving

The shower head design is ready for use. But you can try to improve it, because human fantasy has no boundaries. For example, a cock with a watering can make it possible to create such a pressure in the tank that even without working the pump, water will flow for a while with a strong stream from the shower head.

Shower-tread in a stationary shower

To make the shower more comfortable, you can draw another person who will pump air into the system using an automobile pump, and then swap places.

Also read our article about showers for heated villas.

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