Facade. Facing, finishing. Brick, panels, fiber cement, siding

Facade planken: what is it, what materials it is made of. Profile types, installation methods. Prices and manufacturers. Advantages and disadvantages of planken facades.

Brick siding for outdoor decoration. Modern types of cladding. Material for production, panel sizes. Popular siding manufacturers. Quality testing.

Ventilated facade system: device, purpose and features of cladding. Varieties of ventilation facades by type of frame and type of finishing material. System installation.

Insulation of the facade of the house from the outside: the main advantages. The main types of materials used, their brief characteristics, pros and cons. Styling technologies.

Facades of houses: the main types of materials used for cladding, their brief characteristics, pros and cons. How to choose a style direction when decorating the facade of a building.

Finishing the outside of the house: how to carry it out and prepare the base. The main types of materials are plaster, natural and artificial stone. What to choose: plastic, metal or wood?

Wet facade: production process technology; Advantages and disadvantages. Selection of materials, stages and cost of work. Features of wet insulation of different buildings.

These are daily articles about the construction and repair, arrangement of an apartment and a country house. Helpful information with interesting ideas and step-by-step instructions.

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