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Apples are one of the favorite and, perhaps, the most common fruit in Russia. Apple trees are planted throughout our large country. In the northern regions, not too suitable for gardening, in particular in the Leningrad region, also learned grow apple trees, albeit not with such large and sweet fruits as in the south, but still with tasty and fragrant. The best varieties of apple trees for the Leningrad region are presented in the article.

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Having given a large amount of energy for fruiting, the cherry needs careful care after picking berries. The plant needs to be given the opportunity not only to fully recover and prepare for wintering, but also to lay a quality foundation for shaping the future harvest of the next season.

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Long-term storage of potatoes involves both the proper preparation of tubers and the creation of the necessary conditions: temperature, humidity, lighting. Ideal preservation is possible only in a special storage; potatoes are not bad stored in a good cellar; it is difficult to keep them on the balcony, and even more so in the apartment. However, our man is capable of various tricks, allowing to extend the shelf life of the "second bread" for the whole winter.

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Favorable greenhouse conditions contribute to the rapid growth and development of not only cultivated plants. Many insect pests and strive to encroach on the result of human labor. The spider mite, despite its microscopic dimensions, is capable of causing significant damage, or even completely depriving the crop.

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For many fruits and vegetables, the preservation problem is the main one; they are easier to grow than provide the possibility of long-term use. Potatoes are not one of them: if you have a good cellar, it is easily stored until the new crop. But for this, too, one must try: to properly prepare the tubers and create the necessary conditions for them.

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Pruning raspberries is one of the important moments of care, on which depends how large the crop will be in this and next year. Without this simple event, the berries can become small, as if in wild forest raspberries, and unsweetened. And the raspberry tree itself from a well-groomed site will turn into impassable thorny thickets, where if some kind of crop grows, it will not be easy to collect it. Raspberry bushes are cut in the spring, and in the summer, and in the fall. For each season, different tasks are set.

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Any plant goes through a full cycle of vegetation, and raspberries are no exception. Growing and covered with green leaves in early spring, in the summer it blooms and bears fruit, delighting gardeners with juicy fragrant berries, and in autumn it needs to rest. In order for all stages of plant life to pass without problems, it is necessary to care for raspberries. And if in the spring the owners of the plots water, weed, feed and mulch perennial bushes, then after harvesting, many do not get their hands to care for them. However, for regular successful fruiting, raspberry needs care after harvesting, and it consists in standard events (top dressing, watering, and others) and in special events that provide raspberries with good vegetation for the next year.

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Dwarf apple trees are stunted trees with a spreading crown. This is not one variety, but a number of varieties on certain stocks. They are popular among gardeners and the Middle Strip, and regions of risky farming, because they are unpretentious and at the same time have a fairly high yield.

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Zoned apple varieties in the suburbs better take root, weather weather disasters are easier, and, most importantly, bear fruit well. After all, the yield and quality of the fruits largely depend on compliance with agricultural technology, soil composition and the suitability of the selected cultivar for the climatic zone. For owners of large estates there are tall, harvesting apple trees with a powerful crown, and on 6 acres in the Moscow region it’s convenient to place a pair of undersized varieties and several columnar varieties - good, there are dozens of such cultivars varieties. In the Moscow Region, experts recommend growing frost-resistant apple trees with good immunity to fungal diseases - these are mainly apple trees intended for cultivation in the Central region of Russia.

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Plums are often attacked by pests and fungal infections. It is difficult to grow a decent crop of these popular fruits without the use of plant protection products. We will help a novice gardener to understand the abundance of drugs, teach them the correct application.

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