What is the best insulation for roofs of different designs

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it is recommended to use protective equipment for laying insulation: respirator and gloves

it is recommended to use protective equipment for laying insulation: respirator and gloves

To understand what is best for roof insulation of the above, it is necessary to know their characteristics.

Mineral wool

This insulation is basalt and glass. In the first case, the composition has a crumb of rocks that involves adjustment of the acidity of the material. This parameter greatly affects the moisture in direct proportion. Glass wool is made from cullet, which makes it strong and very elastic. It is fire resistant material withstanding 400 - gradusnuju temperature.

Mineral wool - easy and inexpensive insulation for roofs

Mineral wool - easy and inexpensive insulation for roofs

Advantages of mineral wool: excellent thermal insulation quality of a low weight, environmental friendliness and low cost. Disadvantages of this material also has: the need for the construction of a thick layer up to 25 cm, which reduces the useful. the volume of the attic, the unpleasant effects of dust on the glass skin and respiratory system at installation. This material is produced plates, rolls and mats.

Useful advice! for high-quality insulation of floors or mineral wool roof truss system, you need to wrap it all rafters and put the material in between. On top of mineral wool make film vapor barrier.

Thermal insulation of a roof outside using spraying polystyrene

Thermal insulation of a roof outside using spraying polystyrene

Foam and expanded polystyrene

This material is a plate of foamed synthetic material - polystyrene. Since this in itself is enough fuel substance, during manufacture of the heater to add special additives which stop burning. Of the advantages include: resistance to decay, poor thermal conductivity, very low weight. From minuses specialists identify only poor sound insulation and a small strength that the insulation is not critical if a roof.

Foam - excellent material for thermal insulation of roofs

Foam - excellent material for thermal insulation of roofs

If in deciding what is best for roof insulation, the choice is stopped on the foam, then you need to know some of the features of its installation. When warming it is necessary to put heat reflecting surface to the rafters. Sheets shall be secured by anchors, as loose foam capable of issuing from wind noises. The foam layer is desirable to stack the double stitches overlapped and closed top plasterboard.

Expanded polystyrene foam is characterized by higher strength

Expanded polystyrene foam is characterized by higher strength

Separately, it should be noted a material such as polystyrene sprayed. The technology of its styling is completely different. Using a special device polystyrene weight is sprayed on the surface. With its fluidity, it penetrates into all the cracks and irregularities, filling them. Under the action of the air mass is foamed and solidified. Such an embodiment of a heater is the most convenient to install and has all the advantages of the foam. Of the minuses there is a high cost and the need for special installation.

For spraying polystyrene liquid use special features

For spraying polystyrene liquid use special equipment


This material was prepared by heating a silicate glass above 1000 degrees. This temperature causes therein a blowing effect. Plates, blocks and pellets of foam glass is used as an effective insulation. It can withstand a temperature ranging from -260 to 500 degrees. It is completely safe in terms of environmental and hygienic material.

Foam glass - excellent insulation and is completely harmless

Foam glass - excellent insulation and is completely harmless

The positive qualities of the foam glass: high strength, no tendency to shrink. It does not burn and does not freeze, does not give acids and alkalis. Fungi and bacteria in this material does not settle. Thus the number of useful properties not possessed by any material for insulation. foamed glass stacking technology is very simple and not any more difficult than that of the foam.

foam concrete

The material from which the prepared foam blocks - light enough to be sustained overlapping, strong and durable, has recently become widely used in the construction industry. He was particularly in demand in the construction industry. It has good insulating properties and excellent sound insulation.

Roof insulation foam concrete self-leveling

Roof insulation foam concrete self-leveling

Loose insulation

These include expanded clay, sawdust, shavings, and other similar materials. Today, few who use them in the construction, since they are in addition to the positive qualities have negative mass: shavings sawdust generate dampness and fungus, expanded clay is too heavy for light ceilings, it can not be used in attic roof. The main advantage of such heaters is their low price, allowing them to insulate the roof of some farm buildings, especially in the rural outback.

Useful advice!When using the heaters on the ceiling is necessary to lay a vapor barrier film. This prevents leakage spring ceilings during melting condensation under the roof.

Granulated polystyrene is used as bulk insulation

Granulated polystyrene is used as bulk insulation

What better insulation for the roof: the selection criteria

Most of the insulation is designed for all types of surfaces. they all cope with the task of warming well if properly routed. What better insulation for the roof, a question of taste rather than the technical features. Therefore, most consumers choose the one that they can afford. In addition, it is necessary to consider also the convenience of a single installation of insulation on the concrete form of the roof. For light foam slabs fit best, polystyrene and mineral wool. These materials have a very low weight that allows you to do multi-layer coating.

Expanded clay - an affordable and eco-friendly loose seal

Expanded clay - an affordable and eco-friendly loose seal

Thermal insulation of ceilings begins with laying isolating film. Already it is necessary to lay several layers of insulation, depending on the climatic conditions in a particular area. All joints need to fill with foam.

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In order to insulate the roof from the rafters, it is necessary that the roofing material was placed on top of the vapor barrier. If the insulation is in the process of change or the roof of a new building, it is more convenient to produce it before the installation batten. To do this, do double crate. The first layer of plywood boards or on the bottom surface stuffed trusses. Already they fit insulation and vapor barrier. Then do the basic crate and put roofing material.

Apparatus roof with insulation

Apparatus roof with insulation

If the insulation is done with the finished roof, all of the work produced by the attic, which is less convenient, but also effective. Slabs or mats are fastened to the sheathing and rafters, and then closed vapor barrier and drywall or plywood.

Especially need to say about the insulation for the mansard roof. What is the best insulation in this case, it depends on several factors.

Installation for spraying liquid polystyrene

Installation for spraying liquid polystyrene

Types of heaters for the mansard roof: a heater is best to choose

Often in homes and cottages attic floors make living that implies full insulation. If the bulk of the house to protect the thick walls, the attic insulated from the outside world is only a thin layer of crates and roofing. To do in the attic floor is fully functional, it is necessary to carry out serious work on the insulation. Under the sloping walls of the attic rooms should be a sufficient amount of insulation, so they do not freeze in winter. The same applies to the ceiling.

Thermal insulation of attic roof allows you to create additional living space in the house

Thermal insulation of attic roof allows you to create additional living space in the house

By and large, the roof slope of the attic is no different from the conventional roof, but require more serious thermal protection. Therefore, the choice of insulation should be approached thoroughly. There is perfect foam or mineral wool. Both of these materials have no greater value and very easy to install. You can take other types of insulation for a mansard roof. What insulation better deal to consumers.

Totally natural insulation of flax fiber

Totally natural insulation of flax fiber

Useful advice! Mansard roof with insulation greatest attention should be paid to the corners. They need to be well zapenit, because it is in them, frost may occur in the winter.

Whatever material is chosen, the main thing it put all the rules laid down by manufacturers. Otherwise the effect can not see

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