Natural ventilation - the principle of operation, types, benefits

The natural ventilation is better than artificial?

Proper arrangement of natural ventilation - an easy way to ensure a healthy microclimate in the house


  • 1 Advantages and disadvantages of natural ventilation
  • 2 Types of natural ventilation
  • 3 Natural ventilation: the principles of calculation
    • 3.1 "Dirty" premises
    • 3.2 "Pure" room
    • 3.3 Garage, basement and spetspomescheniya

Advantages and disadvantages of natural ventilation

Both natural and artificial ventilation have both advantages and disadvantages. To understand why the installation with their hands should be preferred natural ventilation mechanical, it is necessary to consider the principle of the first device in detail.

Up until the 90s ventilation device in homes was a natural, but most do not really caught: fashion for plastic windows, all kinds of insulation materials and elements of the "smart home" natural ventilation scheme was driven out to the periphery, where, and so on for decades built old-fashioned way.

The principle of natural ventilation of private homes

The principle of natural ventilation of private homes

Interesting!Natural ventilation - a ventilation system, which does not have forced the driving force of a fan or other mechanical device. Rod brakes at this scheme arises due to the pressure differential, and the working principle of natural ventilation based on the difference in temperature characteristics in a building and outdoors. The greater the difference - the better the air circulation is ensured on the premises.

Wooden windows slightly betrayed a note, polusantimetrovaya crack under the door provides a natural craving. Necessary 30m3/ Hour per day were provided by themselves, so soon to find ways to reduce the inevitably arising from natural ventilation drafts.

For natural circulation of air sealed window frames should be equipped with a vent

For natural circulation of air sealed window frames should be equipped with a vent

Pros properly organized natural ventilation are obvious: it does not require any cost, it runs by itself and softens the temperature in the room. Disadvantages are also missing: the old ventilation was provided by older technologies. Now, especially in the effort to do everything with your hands, you need to accurately calculate the air flow, otherwise you can fall into the extreme value: drafts or lack of oxygen will be provided.

It is believed that such work should do the master. But the cheapness of natural ventilation compared to artificial allows you to adjust it yourself. In the event of an error to fix it will be much easier and cheaper.

Properly organized natural ventilation does not require any cost, it runs by itself and softens the temperature in the room

Properly organized natural ventilation does not require any cost, it runs by itself and softens the temperature in the room

Types of natural ventilation

On the principle of natural ventilation device is divided into two main types:

  1. Underground natural ventilation.
  2. Natural ventilation channel.

For channel-free ventilation include ventilation premises carried out by hand: the fresh air intake is through open windows or windows in the room and the kitchen, and the removal of exhaust air mass - through the exhaust grille in the kitchen and bathrooms.

Airing through the open windows - the easiest way to ensure natural ventilation of premises

Airing through the open windows - the easiest way to ensure natural ventilation of premises

Important!Make a calculation of natural ventilation is only possible with the implementation of its system channel means.

For devices of natural ventilation channel type needs to be done in the walls and ceilings of the duct system. Calculation scheme and its installation is quite feasible with their hands.

Vent valve built into the outer wall, just enough to install yourself

Vent valve built into the outer wall, just enough to install yourself

Natural ventilation: the principles of calculation

If desired, make the ventilation system in the house with their hands need to do a simple calculation of natural ventilation. Knowledge of building codes is not required - just the basics of arithmetic and a few basic constants.

Useful advice!The intensity of the air govern the five building codes that are common to the entire Russian territory, and yet sufficient number of regional standards. But for the calculation of natural draft ventilation in a private building you can do without them.

Scheme air flow during natural ventilation organized manner Underground

Scheme air flow during natural ventilation organized manner Underground

You should know that the norm is the inflow of 30 m3/ Hour per person, plus 30 more "just" for the kitchen. Therefore, it makes no sense to think about the size and layout of the building, if it is a private house. Depending on the latitude regulatory thrust can be taken equal to 20 m3/ Hour to 40 m to the north3/ Hour to the south. On the air north of significantly denser and colder, so too intensive air exchange heating load is undesirable. In the south, the air density is lower, and the person's metabolism faster. All doors must be at the bottom of the gap between 1 and 2 cm, respectively.

Conventionally, all the rooms are divided into "dirty" - a kitchen and a bathroom in the first place, then the utility room, pantry, insulated basements and attics capital. "Clean" - is all residential.

For devices of natural ventilation channel type needs to be done in the walls and ceilings of the duct system

Everything for natural ventilation channel type needs to be done in the walls and ceilings of the duct system

If discuss how to make natural ventilation very briefly, the principles are very simple. Improvement Of the dirty air is removed by means of drawing. The net inflow of well equipped, but in any case, do not set the hood: it is only a draft and will provide greater heat loss during the cold season. The air shall pass in a building the overall flow (or several "parallel") through all rooms.

If the garage is often carried out any work, there needs to be tributaries and hood. And do not forget about the "trunk" of the exhaust pipe with access to the street.

The air coming through the windows and doors, is removed through the exhaust ducts in a natural way

The air coming through the windows and doors, is removed through the exhaust ducts in a natural way

"Dirty" premises

Exhaust natural ventilation in the kitchen and in the bathroom should be more powerful because of the smell, besides these rooms always have as far as possible from residential. That is, in any case, at least should be equipped with vertical channels and a kitchen, and bathrooms, and what they will be higher, the better. 99% of the typical layout of private houses have been worn by the most convenient scheme: all channels of each room are summarized into a single shaft that is located in the middle of the building. This will not only reduce the loss of available space, but mine will be coming out at the highest point of the roof, and the height will ensure the quality of thrust. An additional plus: no need to do too tall chimneys on the roof - it will facilitate their maintenance.

Bathrooms are especially in need of well-organized ventilation

Bathrooms are especially in need of well-organized ventilation

If the house is brick, that is even more logical and cheapest option: the mine itself and a channel / channels. What if house frame, Wood, or simply remodel (ie, a brick building in the midst of mine do not complete "defeat"), that are commonly used plastic PVC pipe or sewer. There is no difference, as the pipe temperature regime will be almost natural.

Derived on the roof of the building mine-pipe necessarily sheathed with heat insulation. This will prevent pipe collapse due to temperature changes - in any case from the kitchen range hood will be significant difference with the outside atmosphere, and it will expand the inner surface mine. At the same time it considerably reduces the amount of condensate. Top of the pipe is necessary to make a cap for protection from snow and rain.

Chimney bring to the roof of the building and covered with a cap to prevent ingress of precipitation

Chimney bring to the roof of the building and covered with a cap to prevent ingress of precipitation

If the house is low or in the southern latitudes, the draft can be insufficient. Under different weather conditions may effect reverse thrust, while the presence of the fire, or even a water heater with its own built-in tap can lead to very unpleasant consequences. In this case, fans are installed at the channel outputs to be included when using the kitchen hoods, heater or a fireplace.

"Pure" room

In a residential area is required to install only the intake valves, and even then not always. The air must come from the inlet valve of natural ventilation to the door, but do not circulate inside the room - you can not put a hood, as it will provide a permanent, but invisible draft.

For the organization of natural ventilation room doors equipped with ventilation grilles

For the organization of natural ventilation room doors equipped with ventilation grilles

First of all, you must pay attention to the windows and vents - this is the main natural air flow. Classic wooden window and closed window leaves is passed from one half to the air volume of each norm. But modern frame structure is impregnated with fire and repeatedly covered or kept in the lacquer. Modern composition of rubber and tin padding under the glass turn these windows almost plastic windows - complete thermal and sound insulation. It remains to use the air vents.

Recuperator embedded in the window frame, winter provide warm air flow naturally

Recuperator embedded in the window frame, winter provide warm air flow naturally

But the vents are too great loss of heat and too discretely regulated latch serif. Therefore, there is a frame in which to insert vents that allow air to pass through the system microchannels, almost like in the regenerator, which enables a constant air flow, an increase in temperature 20 ° C.

However, it would be desirable if a more accurate (10-20 times) regulating the incoming flow of air under the ceiling can be set for the valves of the supply flow in the outer wall. In older models, supplying them with the lid vinerom and new uses familiar curtains, blinds. Their comfort in the fact that, unlike the vents on each of the valves can be set once the required minimum clearance, after which the ventilator is required only in a particularly hot day.

In the ventilation valve can set the desired gap to regulate air flow

In the ventilation valve can set the desired gap to regulate air flow

Garage, basement and spetspomescheniya

Garage is different abundance of very pungent smell, if used regularly. The idea would be good to equip it forced draft, but if the temperature inside is absolutely not important, it is possible to install and natural.

Related article:

Check valve for ventilation: the application devices and the selection criteria.The check valve in the kitchen and in the bathroom. Criteria for selecting devices. Independent installation.

In one of the walls make a few holes at a height of 30-50 cm below the ceiling level for the intake valves with shutters. On the opposite side is set, one or more exhaust valves, of course, also from above.

If the natural draft is insufficient to allow for ventilation, it can be forced to intensify with fans built into the duct

If the natural draft is insufficient to allow for ventilation, it can be forced to intensify with fans built into the duct

Ventilation valves are disposed above, so inside the garage space set thereto channels tube vertically downwards, wherein the interior of the tube would be nice to fill the glass. Of course, this "heat exchanger" time of the dinosaurs, but in winter, autumn and spring a few extra degrees of air temperature can provide fast engine warm nonfreezing and castles.

Check valves for natural ventilation are arranged a little more complicated the classic: to them is also useful to connect the short tube down (20-30 cm is enough) and the bottom of the insert drain cock. In winter, when working in the garage inside will quickly gain condensate.

Damper for natural ventilation is equipped with a check valve to control direction of air flow

Damper for natural ventilation is equipped with a check valve to control direction of air flow

With a fireplace and water heating is simple - cold outdoor air is fed from underneath itself fireplace flame. This will improve the flow of oxygen to the flame, and provide excellent traction. With vonogragrevom too simple: from the supply valve pipe should reach into the far corner of the tank and let the air near the floor - it makes no sense to take away heat from the water heating.

Basement can be both technical (shop) and "food." Logical workshop "formalize" like a garage, a cellar for the products to be cool but dry. To this end inlet valves are inserted into the floor of the first floor of a lattice - warm air dwelling in the cellar temperature provide only 3-5 degrees below.

For a cellar ventilation vents can be installed in the floor of the first floor

For a cellar ventilation vents can be installed in the floor of the first floor

As can be seen from the foregoing, nothing in principle a complex device with your hands natural ventilation is not. Of all active equipment in some cases only require a fan. But there is one little trick, the natural brick for mine, but you have to make a wooden frame building, or if all of the pipes every All rooms make for "exhaust" together, then the total pressure difference between the inside and the outside atmosphere will be more, that will give a little more traction.

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