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This design as a cellar often settling in the country, under the house or outbuildings. The cellar is used for storage of fresh food and conservation, and for its effective work in it the right climate must be created. An important element to ensure it is the extractor fan in the cellar: how to make the correct ventilation - can be found in many manuals and thematic videos. Ventilation can be natural or forced.
Properly done extractor fan in the cellar prevents condensation on the walls of the store and protect harvested crops from rotting
- 1 Drawing apparatus in the cellar
2 natural ventilation
- 2.1 Setting natural ventilation system
3 Installation of forced ventilation of the cellar with two pipes and one
- 3.1 Variants of arrangement forced ventilation system
4 Deflector for ventilation in the cellar: how to make the device with your hands
- 4.1 Making deflector own hands
- 5 How to make the ventilation in the cellar with high humidity, draining cellar
- 6 Climate control in the basement with the help of the ventilation system
- 7 Materials for the manufacture of ventilation systems
- 8 Types of fans for forced ventilation system
- 9 Extractor fan in the cellar: how to make a correct ventilation, the assembly system and checking performance
- 10 Recommendations for the arrangement of the hood
Drawing apparatus in the cellar
There are several options for climate in the store with the help of ventilation. Air circulation may occur naturally, but can - by means of special fans. In addition, the ventilation system can be equipped with additional devices that will improve the effectiveness of its functioning.
cellar ventilation must be as efficient as possible
The main element of any of the ventilation system - a pipe. They tend to be two:
- Chimney - through it the air goes out of the room. It is mounted in the upper corner of the basement, and it must protrude above the ridge of about 0.5 m. In the exhaust pipe condensate can accumulate, so it is necessary to further insulate using mineral wool or other materials.
- Ventilation tube - serves for the inflow of fresh air in the store is mounted in the opposite corner from the exhaust pipe. Inflow hole pipe must be positioned approximately 40-60 cm from the cellar floor, and its outer end to be significantly elevated above ground level.
In addition to the pipe valves are used in the regeneration of the air ventilation system, fans, vents, and special climatic equipment, if necessary.
natural ventilation
The easiest way to ensure an optimum temperature in a basement and a fresh air assembly is natural ventilation.
Cellar recessed by 1.3 m: 1 - hatch in the cellar; 2 - insulated overlapping; 3 - ventilation; 4 - superstructure; 5 - louvre; 6 - blind area; 7 - rubble concrete wall; 8 - a clay castle; 9 - bitumen putty
At arrangement of proper ventilation cellar in a natural way you will get the following benefits:
- The low cost of construction. When installing natural ventilation you spend only for building materials, which need not so much for her.
- Possibility of installation of the system, not only during the construction of the basement, but also after its completion.
- Easy installation. In fact, to create in the underground storage system of natural air circulation, do not need a lot of time and effort.
The disadvantages of such a system of ventilation in the cellar is the fact that with its help will not work precisely regulate temperature. In addition, if the outside temperature is the same as in the basement, the air circulation is just not going to happen.
Useful advice! If storage products require a certain temperature range, it is best to use a forced ventilation system. It allows precise control of the microclimate in the cellar.
Proper ventilation device 1 - the inflow pipe; 2 - exhaust pipe; 3 - Thermal insulation of the exhaust pipe; 4 - psychrometer and thermometer to monitor the temperature and humidity; 5 - adjusting valve
Setting natural ventilation system
In order to circulate the air in the basement naturally need two pipes. pipe material may be different, recently often used PVC pipe - They are inexpensive, light and durable. Also, the ventilation pipe can be made of metal, plastic and even concrete. The cross section tubes is chosen depending on the volume of storage. For example, optimal ventilation pipe section in the basement area of 6-8 m² - 120x120 mm.
If you are going to do the hood in the cellar with a pipe, its cross-section must be more. For example, for the same basement 6-8 m² it starts from 150 mm. Using only one pipe is possible in cases with small stores. With this embodiment, one pipe arranged immediately two channels - input and exhaust. Each of them is equipped with its own shutter by which adjusts the intensity of the inflow and outflow of air.
When installing natural draft in the cellar with their hands should take into account a number of nuances:
- the higher the exhaust pipe is a hole, the greater the efficiency of the air circulation system;
- external outputs pipes must be closed by special peaks, otherwise they will be exposed rainwater or snow;
Visor cellar ventilation pipe
- fewer turns and bends in the pipe, the better it will be carried out ventilation;
- Both tubes must be of the same diameter.
Natural ventilation for small repositories is a simple and effective option extraction in the cellar. How to make the same effective system for large storage? In this case, not forced to do without air injection.
Installation of forced ventilation of the cellar with two pipes and one
Typically, the forced air circulation system is mounted in the two cases. The first of them - is the presence of a large repository of more than 40 m². The second option - the basement, which is not used for food storage, as well as a gym, games room or other similar space.
In both cases, the installation of the forced type of ventilation system will not only provide air flow and temperature with, but will get rid of excess moisture and dampness. This last point is very important, if it is established sports or other expensive equipment in the cellar.
Apparatus ventilation automatic type
In contrast to the natural, forced ventilation system in the cellar is characterized by the following advantages:
- Air circulation is independent of temperature differences in the basement and on the street.
- Perhaps not only cooling but also heating the air in the room, as well as its filtering.
- By means of special devices can easily adjust the intensity of the air circulation.
Among the shortcomings of this embodiment can distinguish a need for regular maintenance, more complex as compared with the natural system installation, and high cost components. In addition, the operation of the forced system is dependent on the availability of power, which means that you will need to lay additional wiring. And at faults with electricity system will cease to function in general.
Variants of arrangement forced ventilation system
There are several types of forced air circulation system in an underground vault. The first of these involves the use of electric fans.
Useful advice!If you decide to use fans, be sure to take care to protect them from moisture and other adverse effects that affect the equipment underground.
Ventilation grille for protection of exhaust fans
Fan arrangement with forced ventilation in the cellar can be two or one. A fan is mounted on the exhaust pipe from the storage, and the air with it must be blown out. Two fans - this is an option for large rooms. In this case, the second is located in the suction pipe and serves to inject air into the storage.
Fans can operate in several modes, so you can control the inflow and outflow of air, and maintain the required temperature in the cellar. Power can be supplied from the main power grid if the basement is located at a residential home or garage, as well as a separate generator.
If you mount the mechanical ventilation in the cellar under the house, then provide the power supply fan will be easier than in a separate underground storage. In the latter case, the wiring and equipment definitely need to further isolate from moisture.
The second embodiment of a forced system involves the use of wind energy instead of electrical. For this purpose, the exhaust pipe is mounted a special unit - a deflector, which catches the air streams and transmits power to the fans. On the deflector is worth looking in more detail.
Cellar ventilation system with vents
Deflector for ventilation in the cellar: how to make the device with your hands
The principle of operation of the deflector lies in the fact that air flows about the diffuser cleaving creates a vent enhanced traction, whereby air circulation is carried out. The use of baffles allows you to save on electricity, as well as increase the efficiency of the forced ventilation system. In addition, such a construction can be used successfully in the wild-type system.
There are several types of deflectors. Consider the most popular ones.
ASTATO - deflector, which can be operated by an electric motor or by wind. The device design implies a special sensor, which automatically disconnects the mechanical thrust at a sufficient wind strength. This advantageous embodiment of the apparatus used in those cases when the wind force is not always enough to ensure good air circulation. The electric motor in such models is quite economical, so you can not worry about the cost overruns of energy.
Deflector weathervane - revolves solely by the force of the wind, is good because it can adjust to any direction of air flow. The disadvantages are that the bearings are part of the design require regular lubrication and periodic replacement. In addition, if you are using a deflector in the circuit cellar ventilation, keep in mind that at low temperatures it could freeze the mechanism.
Deflector weathervane
static deflector - a relatively new model, which is characterized by ejecting a fan. At relatively high cost has such advantages as low noise level during operation, high efficiency, removal of moisture from the system.
rotary turbine - set in an area with a stable strong wind, so this design is not very popular.
In addition, there are ball-shaped and H-shaped baffles, deflectors Grigorovitch and other options. The choice of model depends on the characteristics of the ventilation system and the area in which the basement is located.
Useful advice!The most simple to manufacture is considered deflector Grigorovich, so if you mount a normal supply and exhaust ventilation system, it is best to use it.
Rotating vents
Making deflector own hands
This device is often manufactured from sheets of galvanized or stainless steel and plastic. Plastic models are cheaper than their steel counterparts, and attractive look, but can not boast a long service life. In addition, the plastic deflectors are very sensitive to high temperatures, so it is not necessary to install them in the event that the ventilation system combines the features of the chimney.
Before you proceed directly to the manufacture of the deflector, it is necessary to calculate its parameters. The height of the deflector is calculated as follows: H = 1,7xD, wherein D - is the diameter of the vent pipe. The width of the hood is equal to the diameter multiplied by 1.8, and the diffuser width - diameter multiplied by 1.3.
Drawings vents with their hands perform on cardboard or heavy paper, then cut them out of metal or plastic parts. For work you need the following tools and materials:
- paper or paperboard for drawings;
- tin snips to cut parts;
- metal or plastic sheet;
- marker or pencil building;
- a drill with drill bits of different diameters.
Sketch deflector: d - diameter of the pipe; d1 = d * 1,26; d2 = d * 1,7; h = d; h1 = d * 0,7; h2 = d * 0,25; D = d * 2; H = d * 1,2
It is also recommended when working use personal protective equipment, ie special glasses and gloves. Needless manufacture of the deflector in the following order:
- The contours of the product transferred from the drawing of the metal sheet. This includes scanning the cap, the outer cylinder, rack and diffuser.
- With the help of scissors for metal these parts are cut.
- Connection between parts together by the rivet gun.
- Ready deflector mounted on the center pole of the pipe and secured with clamps.
When the ventilation unit in the cellar, the deflector assembly is very crucial moment. Installation of the device is best done alone, since the work is usually carried out at height. First, at the outlet vent tube fixed lower cylinder structure. This is done using special clamps or screws with dowels. Thereafter, the diffuser is attached to the cylinder, over which the protective cover is installed. The junction portions with bolts recommended further process the special anti-corrosion composition.
On the drawing pattern in the cellar deflector occupies a very important place, so its assembly and installation require special attention.
Construction of various deflectors ventilation pipes
How to make the ventilation in the cellar with high humidity, draining cellar
There are times when the repository is being built in the area, which is characterized by a high water table or climate with high humidity. A large moisture content in the air may adversely affect the condition of the products that are stored in the cellar.
In addition, when the cellar ventilation system with one pipe, moisture often condenses on its walls, and in the cold season - freezes. Thus it can namerznut in several layers and fully occlude the vent. To this did not happen - it is necessary arrangement forced ventilation system with reinforced hood.
With the help of forced exhaust can considerably reduce the humidity in any type of cellars. How to make dry even quite a large room? This requires the use not only the ventilation system, but also pre-dry the cellar. To do this, you need to arrangement of ventilation in the cellar with their hands to make out all the products, and then to carry out works on drying.
Installation diagram candles to dry cellar
Drain the cellar in several ways:
- With the help of an iron stove or fryer - roaster descends to the basement or a bucket of coals, fire is maintained as long as the room is sufficiently dry. Before the start of a drying in the cellar, it is necessary to open the door and other openings. Fire is best to stir up using sawdust or chips, and the operation can be repeated several times if necessary.
- With the help of a candle - the candle is installed under the hood in the cellar. Proper use of this method involves the small size of the cellar, otherwise it will not be effective enough. Drying of the basement with the help of candles is easier than using the broiler, but takes longer. Typically, it takes several days, during which candles have to be changed regularly.
- Using special dehumidifier - a good option for the storage of large size, allows you to quickly get rid of the humidity in the room. Use a dehumidifier can be in addition to the usual system of ventilation if the cellar is often picks up moisture.
Select the appropriate option basement dehumidification is necessary, depending on its size and whether you have the time and opportunity. Mounting an effective ventilation system will do it less often, but completely eliminate the need for drying damp cellars can not even the best quality ventilation, if during the construction of the premises was not performed his waterproofing.
Drying walls of the cellar with the help of a makeshift brazier
Climate control in the basement with the help of the ventilation system
There are several options of how to make different types of cooler cellar. You can initially dig a hole deeper, you can pay more attention to thermal insulation, and it is possible to use a special climate control system. According to the temperature control type two variants of ventilation systems differ:
- Automatic - works offline. In such a system there are special sensors that monitor the temperature in the cellar and off and comprise fans when it is necessary to lower or raise. The main element of such a system are different versions of thermostats for the cellar, which can be bought in specialized shops.
- Mechanical - working with the direct participation of the person who monitors the temperature and humidity levels in the store. In this system, the intensity of the fans, as well as the position of the flaps on the intake and exhaust pipes is adjusted manually.
Useful advice!When choosing the type of ventilation system guided by the extent to which will be absolutely necessary to maintain the temperature. If the tolerance is more than two degrees, the mechanical system will do. Otherwise it is better to give preference to the automatic climate control.
3D-project avtmaticheskoy cellar ventilation system
Materials for the manufacture of ventilation systems
ventilation schemes in the cellar with their hands imply the use of different types of pipes. To date, the most popular of these are asbestos cement and low density polyethylene.
Asbestos-cement ventilation pipe looks like a slate, so they are also called slate. They are characterized by a high level of strength and reliability, as well as durability and resistance to corrosion. They are sold by segments of long length, so the ventilation system can be made from whole pieces of pipes. Polyethylene pipes, will likely have to be welded together, to do this you need special tools and skills.
Less air circulation system used metal pipe. They are quite cheap and easy to install, but the metal is exposed to corrosion and in the ground quickly rots. In order to avoid this, before digging in the ground, metal pipes can be covered by a layer of enamel or corrosion is further protected from moisture using waterproof materials. In addition, the metal surface moisture condenses stronger than plastic, so it is best to use them in combination with a forced ventilation system in a cellar. How to do it right the hood of metal pipes? It is best to do it for storage by the dwelling house or garage.
Intake pipe for ventilation cellar, basement and plinth
When using any material and exhaust openings inflow pipe must be protected from moisture and debris. To do this, they established a special hood and grille, which can be made of any material.
Types of fans for forced ventilation system
In order to properly circulate air in the cellar, it is possible to use several different types of fans. they are divided on the principle of work and the location on ducted and axial.
channel fan It characterized by the average level of performance and can be installed anywhere in the vent pipe. In addition, it consumes little power, so this is a good option to save money. It is considered the most effective type of duct fans amplitude.
axial fans installed near the ventilation or air holes. They are more demanding in terms of power, but also provide a more powerful airflow. Included with the fan on the outlet pipe of the system is set with a valve which does not allow cool air to enter the room.
Axial (axial) fan
Extractor fan in the cellar: how to make a correct ventilation, the assembly system and checking performance
Once you have decided on the type of air circulation system, choose the type of pipes and fans, produced or acquired deflector flaps and other components, you can install hoods. This is done in the following order:
- If you mount a ventilation system already after the repository is built, the ceiling it is drilled a hole for the vent pipe.
- The opening from the ceiling mounted air extraction pipe. At the end of the street it should be raised above the surface of not less than 15 cm.
- In the opposite wall from the exhaust hole is drilled a hole near the floor. It must be located no less than 2 cm but not higher than 5 cm.
- The orifice tube inflow mounted. On the outside of the cellar of its opening should be positioned too high, since between the supply and exhaust openings should be the difference in pressure to create natural draft. This is more true for natural air circulation system, but it makes sense and to force.
- The end of the inflow pipe outside or closed deflector special protective grille.
- Inside the cellar pipe special dampers are installed, the gap regulation which will allow you to adjust the intensity of the air circulation in the system.
Once the system is installed, check the drawing performance in the cellar. How to do it with the help of improvised means? To this end, the inflow orifice of the pipe can bring a sheet of paper. If he will sway, then the system is working properly. Another embodiment checks - by means of burning of paper or other source of smoke. The smoke should dissipate quickly and pull out of the cellar.
Proper device supply and exhaust ventilation cellar
Recommendations for the arrangement of the hood
Regardless of what type of air circulation system for the basement you have chosen, the installation should take into account several factors in common:
- it is best to lay the ventilation system at the stage of construction of the repository. In this case, the walls need to leave the special channels, which will subsequently be installed vent pipes. So you will save not only time and effort, but also financial resources. Ventilation scheme should immediately be included in the draft of the basement;
- how to make a cellar ventilation in a private home uniform? For this purpose we use the supply and exhaust pipe of the same diameter. If a basement characterized by increased humidity, the exhaust pipe diameter may be slightly larger. Remember that the intake pipe in any case should not be more than the exhaust, as this air will start stay within the repository, which can not only lead to spoilage, but also to the increased gas content premises. This last point is dangerous to human health;
- It can not be arranged inflow and exhaust pipe adjacent to each other. This will lead to low efficiency of the whole system. Best of all, if the holes are located on opposite walls of the basement;
- if the cellar is located under the outbuilding, the role of the chimney can play a hatch or door;
Natural ventilation scheme cellar in a private house
- as ventilation ducts can use plastic pipes for sewers. They are characterized by a suitable diameter and relatively inexpensive;
- part of the exhaust pipe, which is located outside the cellar must be properly insulated. Otherwise, on its inner surface in the cold season, condensation may form, which is able to clog during freezing exhaust port.
Useful advice!Insulate pipes in order that they are not formed condensate, not only in the part where they come to the surface, but also along the entire length.
There are many options on how to make their own hands in the cellar ventilation of various types. It can be used for this purpose one or two pipe equip natural air circulation or forced through, mounted fans, baffles, temperature control systems, and sensors Climate.
On the efficiency of the ventilation system directly depends on the shelf life of products, as well as health, if we are talking about the gym or another haunted place. Circuit extraction is best to lay directly in the storage plan, so you spend less time on its installation and be able to use the basement immediately after its construction.