Window air conditioner installed in the apartment
Because of all these shortcomings is recommended to think about whether to save a small amount for such a device.
Floor - the most simple to install, but are not the most efficient systems. The question is, how much it costs to install air conditioning in the apartment of this type, there is seldom enough, as it can be done even on their own without any problems, and it does not require special skills or instruments. Unfortunately, this type has disadvantages:
- drafts, which inevitably occur when incorrectly selected power;
- quite bulky dimensions and the need for more space.
Floor air conditioners It has a fairly large size and weight
Duct - mounted directly in the ventilation ducts. This type of device is not very popular due to the fact that it is difficult to install and maintain, and it is quite expensive. The advantage of channel air-conditioner - it stealth.
Cassette - mounted under the ceiling. The answer to the question, how much is the installation of the air conditioner apartment of this type is largely dependent on the parameters of the ceiling, not the device. It is worth noting that their installation is not much easier than the channel models.
Mobile - in that the air conditioner all the elements are assembled in a single housing that can easily be moved from room to room. In contrast to the window system, this design can not only cool, but also to heat the air, and is controlled by the remote control. Of the minuses - a high level of noise and the need to make holes in the wall to remove the exhaust vent outside.
Portable mobile air conditioning with touch panel
Split systems - construction having inner and outer blocks. Characterized by low noise level, an additional control by means of remote control, the presence of the display, the possibility of fine tuning and temperature programming and other advantages. Split systems - is one of the most convenient options for air conditioning for the apartment.
multisystem - the same as the split-systems, but with several indoor units. If you need to adjust the temperature for each room separately, multisystem is the ideal solution.
Useful advice! Split-system and multi system, with all its advantages, are quite complicated to install, so it is worth pre-acquainted with the materials and manuals on their installation.
Ducted air conditioning is almost invisible in the interior
Advantages and disadvantages of air conditioners
Disputes about portable air conditioners or other types of systems, if necessary in an apartment, or place them adversely affects the health, has been going on for a long time. In fact, any system with air filter - is salvation for allergy sufferers and asthmatics, as the filter absorbs pollen, dust, animal dander, and other allergenic particles. The main requirement is to change the filter on time.
Medical advice on the topic of air conditioners sometimes diverge. Most laments the fact that, in the pursuit of coolness, many people incorrectly adjust the temperature and the intensity of the air flow, which is why often take cold even in the hot summer.
Useful advice! Cleaning air conditioning filters - is also very important. It must be carried out professionally with once every 1-3 months. Otherwise accumulate pathogenic microbes in the filter.
Internal air conditioning device
Not everyone knows, but the late cleaning of the filter there is the risk of not only the common cold, but also pneumonia, and other serious illnesses.
Another shortcoming of the air conditioner - a reduction of air humidity to 30-40% for sanitary norm of 30-60%. Because of this, the people inside can dry out the mucous membrane of the mouth and respiratory tract. This leads to an increased risk of respiratory disease. That is why, together with the air conditioner is recommended humidifier.
In order not to catch a cold because of the air conditioner, it is recommended not to be directly under the stream of cold air. Otherwise, you can get not only an extensive range of cold-related diseases, but also inflammation of the muscles.
To avoid colds is not necessary under a stream of cold air
How to choose the air conditioner for an apartment: a review of the characteristics of
If you are not sure what to choose air conditioning for an apartment, you should pay attention to the power, the possibility of precise temperature settings and other important parameters.
Noise at work
The noise level - one of the most important parameters when selecting devices for use in the apartment. Completely remove the noise is impossible, as the compressor and the fans are constantly working inside the unit, there is an active exchange of air. Number of noise depends on the characteristics of a particular model, its power, installation location and other factors. What is better to choose a conditioner for the apartment, so he rustled as little as possible?
To install in the bedroom is better to choose a device with a "night mode"
Calculation of unit power
In order to determine the air conditioner choice for apartments, first of all, you need to calculate its power. To do this, you need to know the size of the apartment and the room, which will be mounted device, the height of the ceilings, the number of people that will be in the room, and many other parameters. It is also important in working machinery room and warming of the sun.
For example, for effective cooling of 8-10 m² premises requires 1 kW power unit, provided that the ceiling height does not exceed 3 m. If the room has a constantly working appliances, the cooling need 10 m² 1,5 kW power. Many modern sites there are special calculators with which we can calculate the required power, taking into account individual characteristics of the premises.
What can happen if the capacity of the unit is less than required? Most likely, in this case, the air conditioner will work quite effectively, but to work for wear, leading to premature damage it. Therefore, when buying a device known low power you will not save money, but just the opposite.
power conditioner is chosen at the rate of 1 kW to 10 m
Excess power is also not lead to anything good. If you're wondering how to choose the air conditioning in the apartment, you should know that is too powerful equipment - this is a great and unnecessary energy consumption, ie the extra financial costs.
Useful advice! If the calculation of the power you've got a very large value, for example, 2 kW, then do not be afraid. The required cooling capacity and power consumption of the device - a different concept.
As a rule, the cooling capacity is more consumed 2-3 times. This means that if you need a device with a cooling capacity of 2 kW, the energy consumption will be equal to 700 watts, which is less than the average electric iron.
The remote control makes it easy to control air conditioning
What is better to choose a conditioner for the apartment, additional features rating
On the performance can be affected by numerous functions, which are equipped with modern devices:
- space heating during the cold season;
- presence of eliminating odors antiallergic filter;
- Choose the filter from dust;
- inversion, that is, power control of the compressor. This feature not only saves energy by 30%, but also makes the system less busy;
- function air ionization;
- ventilation of rooms, it has an even distribution of air through the rooms.
Additional options split system: 1 - air ionization, 2 - automatic cleaning, 3 - antibacterial filtration, 4 - antiviral filtration, 5 - elimination of odors, 6 - filtering antiallergenic
Remember that the more devices of additional features, the more expensive it is worth it. Therefore, we must understand that enables the presence of a particular regime. For example, the function "comfortable sleep" means noise reduction by reducing work capacity to a minimum, and forced mode - a rapid heating premises by working at maximum power. Also, some models have a "wind" mode, which is an imitation of the natural breeze due to random changes in the air flow direction.
If you are going to use the air conditioner in the "eco" mode, keep in mind that in this case the creation of the desired indoor climate to spend more time. The apparatus in dehumidification will purposefully withdraw moisture from the air, making it more dry. A self-diagnosis mode, air conditioning is able to test himself, to determine the nature of the problems, when they occur, and display information about them in the form of a code on the display.
Modern technologies allow to control the air conditioning from a mobile device
Most of the device influences the cost function is the climate control. If it is, then the device itself determines the optimal mode of operation based on the results of the sensors that constantly scan the temperature, composition and purity of the air in the room.
Another useful feature - it is self-cleaning of the indoor unit. If present, after each tripping unit dries itself inside using antiseptic agents. This prevents condensation and the emergence of fungi in the air conditioner and proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.
Useful advice! Choosing a set of advanced features, do not forget that the most important parameter is the power and the device power consumption.
The "climate control" allows the device to operate in automatic mode
Many outdoor air conditioning for apartments and other types of systems are equipped with special filters that can not only clean the air of dust, but also eliminate odors and perform other useful function. There are the following types of filters:
- carbon - absorb harmful impurities from the air, eliminate odors;
- plasma - are good for people who suffer from allergies, clean the air of dust, smoke particles and allergens and unpleasant odors are removed;
- nanofilters - not only purified air from pollen, foreign odors or animal hair, but also perform the function of ionization;
- Electrostatic - effectively cope with the dust and smoke;
- UV - disinfects the air, but their work can not be in the room;
- Ionic silver - also stop the spread of bacteria and germs.
Types and varieties of filters for air conditioners
What is inverter technology
Recently, more common inverter model. The cost of installing air conditioning in the apartment of this type is higher than usual. So how do they differ, apart from the price?
Each air-conditioned regulates their work, depending on the user settings and environmental conditions. Thus the energy consumption should also be different for different modes. In fact, the conventional unit always operates at maximum output. Various modes of operation are supported only by the fact that by means of the compressor temperature sensor switched on and off at different intervals.
To cool the air in the room until a certain point (e.g., 20 ° C) initial temperature considered in the room, from its duration will depend of the unit operation. Those. to reduce the temperature level of 28 degrees would require more time than with a mark of 24 ° C. But in both cases, the air conditioner will operate at full capacity, consuming large amounts of electricity.
The inverter models, unlike the conventional compressor runs nonstop
The inverter system is good in that it can adjust the compressor speed as a function of the temperature sensor readings. Compressor Inverter air conditioner never stops working, but does it with more or less capacity.
Advantages of inverter system
Inverter air conditioner or split-system boasts the following benefits:
- Maintaining the temperature constant at a stable operation of the system.
- Much lower noise level as compared with the conventional system in the temperature maintenance mode.
- Lower power consumption by 20-30%, as the device operates continuously with different power, and does not consume energy to frequent switching on and off.
- At the start there is no current, so you get rid of the risk of burning the old wiring.
- The desired temperature is achieved much faster than with a conventional machine due to the accelerated cooling regime.
Driving direction of movement of the cooled air inside the room
Useful advice! Answering the question of what is best for air-conditioning the apartment - regular or an inverter, it is necessary to understand that With the high cost of the latter, it allows you to save money due to the economical use of electricity.
Accounting features of the room when choosing a conditioner
Of course, the choice of the model of the unit are important individual features of the room, where it will be installed. So, if you need a mobile air conditioning for apartments, reviews on the Internet say that it is well suited for almost any room. The same applies to the window type, you need to select the power only.
Split systems is more complicated. For example, you need to choose the right seat mounting blocks. The external unit can be mounted on a vertical surface, i.e. the wall or on the horizontal, i.e. to the roof or to the foundation. The indoor unit can be placed on the wall, floor, ceiling, or even inside it, if your apartment has ceilings.
Modern design wall air conditioner will decorate the room
By the way, the presence of a suspended ceiling is one of the decisive factors when choosing a system. If they are, you can use the cassette or channel systems. In this type of equipment the indoor unit is fully integrated in the ceiling, so that you get several benefits:
- The unit is absolutely not visible in the interior, that is, you do not need to puzzle over whether the air conditioner design suitable to your wallpaper.
- The device distributes the air flow through the room.
When installing the unit in the ceiling, the location is best determined with the help of an experienced professional. He will tell you how to install air conditioning in the apartment with a view of the inter-unit path length, characteristics and power level difference between blocks, access to the interior and other factors.
Communications and housing, cassette air conditioners are hidden behind a false ceiling
Rules of operation of the air conditioner
Like any other home appliance, air-conditioner has a number of restrictions and usage. Compliance will allow you to extend the life of the device, and save money on repairs and replacement. Of course, each model needs an individual approach, which is described in the manual, but there are some general points:
- It can not include the unit at a temperature lower than specified in the instructions. Most models are simply not designed for use in the cold season, and in case of violation this rule is the risk of water hammer - serious damage, after which the device is not subject to repair;
- you must prevent the penetration of warm air from the street to the room in which the system operates. The fact that the power of each device is designed for a certain amount of air, and if this volume is constantly added new warm air, the unit will work continuously. This leads not only to extra consumption of Finance, but also to premature wear and increased probability of failure;
Maintenance of a split system the outdoor unit must be performed by a qualified specialist
- despite the fact that the use of the air conditioner reduces the moisture content of the air, its excess can also be harmful to the machine. Due to the elevated humidity and mildew pathogens can be formed within the system enclosure.
Useful advice! The best air conditioning for the apartment is the one that requires little maintenance and is easy to operate.
Features of use in winter
As mentioned above, there are a number of models that can be used even during the cold season. The operating temperature of such models can reach -25 ° C, in addition, they have a heating mode. But do not think that such an air conditioner can replace the heater, it has a number of nuances that should be taken into account.
The circuit of the air conditioner in the heating mode
It should be understood that even "winter" model no heating elements and heating the air is carried out through the use of "heat pump" technology. It allows a device to pick up heat from the external environment, and add it into the room, that is working in reverse mode. If the room is already cold, then this technology will be ineffective.
It is best to use the unit with a heating function when the central heating is already on, but there is a need for an additional heat source. It can not replace even a low power heater, but is effective at ambient temperature from 0 to -5 ° C. If the air conditioner at a lower temperature, you risk quickly it disables it.
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By the way, even the conventional system is not designed to operate at low temperatures, can be modified to "winter". For this purpose, there are so-called winter kits that include the crankcase of the compressor of the outdoor unit fan controller and display drainage. In this case the device does not increase efficiency, but on the contrary, decreases with decreasing temperature.
The circuit of the air conditioner in the cooling mode,
Care Tips
In order to have your air conditioner served as long as possible and without interruption, you should perform a number of simple guidelines:
- Air conditioner filters Cooper Hunter or any need to remove and wash as often as every two weeks.
- Once a year should be professionally cleaned internal device unit. Also using specialist must clean the outdoor unit, as it often falls from street dust, debris, cottonwood fluff or soot from automobile exhausts.
When all of these recommendations the selected device will serve you for many years without the need of repair, and the air in an apartment will always be fresh and clean.