How to choose a metal entrance door to the apartment

The design and the internal structure of the metal door

The design and the internal structure metal door

  • pass by the door, where there is no eye;
  • take an interest in sound-proof qualities of the product. After all, buying a door, you need to be sure that the noise in the entrance will not be heard, and the neighbors can not hear you;
  • door insulation, even if it is installed in a heated porch, one of the main trump cards in its purchase. Indeed, in cold climates, it is not necessary to have an additional portal for leakage from the heat of the apartment.

Useful advice!Check that the complete detail for finishing slopes at the front door are provided. Photo design aprons opening, identical with the very doors, solid frame and doorsteps demonstrate the finished look of the whole structure.

Reinforced metal door with decorative facing cover

Reinforced metal door with decorative facing cover

How to choose a metal entrance door to the apartment

Let us consider in more detail what should be paid attention to when you want to select a metal entrance door to the apartment, they do not spend their money on "dummy".

We assess the quality of the cloth

When the task is to get quality for your money door, first of all, pay attention to her canvas. After all, this is the most important external element of the whole structure. First, we estimate the quality of the material. Clearly, this metal. Even steel is completely different quality. If you take a cheap door, it can be compared with the tin cans - is so soft steel sheets are used in it. premium quality doors are made of high-strength high-alloy steel. Undoubtedly, these products are much better, but their prohibitive cost is often forced to look for a more affordable option.

Input metal door, painted in bright red

Input metal door, painted in bright red

Secondly, reliability of the design depends on the metal thickness. At least the outer sheet steel must be at least 2 mm in thickness. Steel smaller thickness can easily be deformed by kicking or even opened the can opener. According to the accepted norms, the total thickness of all Polona should not be less than 4 cm. This figure depends on what kind of doors in the inner filling. The thicker it is, the quality is better those doors.

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Third, before you choose a metal entrance door to the apartment, always make sure there is her ribs within the web. The more, the better. After these components contribute to the strength of the door leaf, and also prevent the occurrence of dents and filler subsidence within the door.

1 - nonflammable insulation, 2 - red-hot steel square reinforcing box 3 - three solid seal loop, 4 - doorknob, 5 - web thickness 68-80 mm, 6 - stiffeners

1 - nonflammable insulation, 2 - red-hot steel square reinforcing box 3 - three solid seal loop, 4 - doorknob, 5 - web thickness 68-80 mm, 6 - stiffeners

Fourth, pay attention to the presence of stitches on the canvas. They should not be just. Deform the door over the seam, even if it is made of thick metal, can be any heavy object. The sheets should be connected only between a completely seamless manner.

Useful advice!To make their own hands as the door - tap her fingers in different locations. The metal should not vibrate and make a sound of "emptiness." When you press the deflections should not appear and the more dents.

To the front door it fits into the overall style of the apartment - it is possible to make customized

In order to Entrance door It fits into the overall style of the apartment - it is possible to make customized

We check how and what filled the door inside

From the quality of filler used depends on the strength, thermal and acoustic insulation products. It is not necessary to dwell on the models, in which the filler is corrugated cardboard. Chasing after cheap, you get a completely unusable door to his apartment. It can be installed in some back room, but does not really trust her own security.

Internal filling door leaf metal door

Internal filling door leaf metal door

Ideally, you want to choose a door that will initially insulated from the inside. After the metal in the cold winter season comes, if the outer sheet is not isolated from the internal. Typically, hollow structures common to use two types of insulation: leaf and granular. As the last used polystyrene beads, perlite, polystyrene, cork. Sheet heaters represented same soft (glass fiber and mineral wool) and rigid (polyurethane, polystyrene). They are simply placed in a void space within the web. Such a substrate provides high protection against penetration of cold air into the flat and prevents the spread of various noises. The best noise insulation qualities have soft insulation.

Better thermal insulation properties will have a door with a thermal

The best heat-insulating properties will possess door with thermal break


This is also a significant part of the door structure, since it is designed to hold the canvas in the opening. What kind of box is best to choose and what to look for? It is important that it be sufficiently durable metal, which is achieved by increasing the thickness, which must exceed twice the sheet thickness of the web. For this reason, the door with the box should weigh a lot. According to this parameter, you can determine the quality of the product.

Useful advice!Even the most robust model is not able to fulfill its main purpose fully, if during installation mistakes. Therefore it is necessary to pre-verify that the installation will be carried out by qualified masters in compliance with all regulations and standards setting.

Possible options for producing a metallic box door

Possible options for producing a metallic box door

Qualification lock the quality and availability of additional functions

As mentioned earlier, the locks must be some. Also, pay attention to the principle of their action was different. The locking latch must have a large diameter and deep enough to go to school. Well, if they are not visible, as this will complicate the possible cutting of the cutting tool. The door needs to be a mechanism of crossbars that close the door not only to the side, but the top and bottom.

Pay attention to the presence of additional devices in the kit. These may include: trim, sight glass, transoms, gum-sealing, nut, door closers, hinges on the lining.

For the total cost of the door will affect the quality of the set in her castle, but save on this is not necessary

Quality lock set will affect the overall cost of the door, but to save it should not be

We estimate door design

When choosing a door, you need to critically consider the choice of design. After all, he should fully comply with the interior space, up to the style of finishing slopes inside the front door. Photo of different doors suggests that their diversity is huge, and there are plenty to choose.
To the outer cover is its basic requirement of strength and wear resistance, therefore it is sufficient to confine ink. Fine metal structure by the input looks Hammer coarse painting. But inside the door should look presentable premises. Therefore the coating must be of a laminate, MDF, Veneer or even skin. In color and texture are no limits.

Various design solutions input of metal doors

Various design solutions input of metal doors

Finishing slopes front door inside: photo options

Selecting and setting liked the product, you will certainly will wonder what to decorate the slopes at the front door. Photos of different options will help you make the right choice. Today there are many different ways. Among them are: plastering, cover with plastic panels, the device slopes of plasterboard. The most reliable for the front door is the plastering of the surface slope. This is a cheap way, but it requires certain skills. However, the plastered surface can be finished with a variety of finishing materials, fully matching design with acquired door.

Plastered and painted door in the hallway slopes

Plastered and painted door in the hallway slopes

The same is true of the drywall. For its installation will require the construction of crates, but it can be done independently. Drywall finishing process less time-consuming, but the slopes reliability is still lower than that of the plaster.

Finishing panels PVC is permissible, but it looks good only if all hallway It is decorated in the same style.

Slopes doorway formed of plastic panels

Slopes doorway formed of plastic panels

How to choose a metal entrance door to the apartment - a serious issue and requires a holistic approach. We hope that by studying this material, it will be easier to make your choice.

How to choose the metal door to the apartment (video)

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